The Arc of Greater Beaumont |
Upcoming Events
Grow & Play Classes
Sunday, May 18th
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Where:S.T.A.R.S. Pediatric
For children ages 3 to 10. Limit 6 children per class.
Register Online Today
Grease Movie Night
Friday, May 30th
Time: 7 pm- 9 pm
Where: St. Giles Workshop
Cost: $3 (includes snack)
For ages 16 and up. This will be a Sing Along so dress in your best 50's attire and sign & dance along with the movie!
View Printable Flyer
Autism Support Group
Sunday, June 1st
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm
Where: Foundation for SETX Auditorium
View Printable Flyer
Self Advocate Meeting
Thursday, June 5th
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Foundation for SETX Building
Photo Album
Photos from Recent Events
To View More Pictures"Like" arcofgreaterbeaumont on Facebook!
Replay the Magic of the 2014 Style Show Order your 2014 Stars of the Arc Style Show & Dinner DVD Today
The 2014 Stars of the Arc Style Show was packed with smiles, styles, some amazing singers and some awesome dancers! Do you want to share the magic of the night with friends, family, or your celebrity model? It's easy just click here to purchase your Style Show DVD online or, fill out the printable order form. DVD's are $40 each and allow you to relive every exciting moment of the 2014 Stars of the Arc Celebrity Style Show and Dinner.
Looking for activities for your child this summer?
Now registering kids ages 5 to 13 for 2014 Arc Summer Day Camp.
 Do you need a place where your child can enjoy socialization, and structured recreation in a safe, supervised, environment? Check out the Arc's Summer Day camp for all this and much more. The Arc's Summer Day Camp will be held July 7th thru July 11th and is a week long camp for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. While individuals of all disabilities are invited to attend the camp's use of sensory stimulating toys, and experienced staff make the Arc's camps the perfect day camp for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For more information on the Arc's Summer Day Camp click here. |
SETX Self Advocates Give Back
In April, SETX Self Advocates joined together to help clean up city streets by participating in the Beaumont Trash Off. This project allowed Self Advocates to serve their community while enjoying the company of their peers. "It felt good to help clean up Beaumont" said Self Advocate Mary MacNiven, "it was a lot of hard work but we made it fun and in the end the street we cleaned up looked awesome!" The SETX Self Advocates goal is to improve the quality of life for people living with disabilities in Southeast Texas through leadership, education, and community service opportunities. For more information on the SETX Self Advocates click here.
Support The Arc Every Time You Shop At Kroger
Donating to the Arc is easy through the Kroger Community Rewards program. Register you Kroger card online and every time you use your card a percentage of your purchase will be given to the Arc! It's easy to register: 1. Visit krogercommunityrewards.com
2. Sign in to your online account, or create an account
3. Find The Arc of Greater Beaumont- non profit organization #90708 and click "Save"
4. Share this information with friends and family & make sure you use your registered Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger.
2014 Overcoming Obstacles Conference
Save the Date -Saturday, September 27th 2nd Annual Arc Conference
 The Arc in coordination with Region 5 Education Service Center's Special Education Department is excited to announce the 2nd annual Overcoming Obstacle conference is scheduled for Saturday, September 27th from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. This year's Key Note speaker will be Texas Parent2Parent transitions specialist, Dr. Rosemary Alexander. Dr. Alexander has worked with families of children with disabilities for nearly 30 years, most recently at Austin Independent School District, here she provided support and information to hundreds of families concerning special education issues, resources, and transition to adulthood. Dr. Alexander's experience with her 32-year old son, who has significant disabilities, taught her about the gifts that people with disabilities have to offer. Based on that experience she works for high quality of life for her son and other families' sons and daughters after graduation. Dr Alexander has an MA and PhD in English. Dr. Alexander's talk will explain why planning for adulthood is key by telling about her family's efforts to create a good life for their son Will as an adult. It will also include ideas, resources and tools for working on the future of your son or daughter. For more information on the 2014 Overcoming Obstacles Conference click here. |
Working to build "A Home of Our Own"
Promotional video explains the need for an Arc Achievement Center.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Event Center Great Lawn
Do you want to help make this year's Buddy Walk the best yet? If so, then we want YOU to serve on a Buddy Walk planning committee. Email caitlin.kruger@arcofbmt.org to learn more!
The Arc of Greater Beaumont is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization affiliated with The Arc of the United States and The Arc of Texas. The Arc of Greater Beaumont is a United Way Agency. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.