News & Information for Greenwood Elementary

From the Desk of Dr. G
Relate Counseling Services

Therapeutic services are available for students and families at Greenwood every Monday and Wednesday.

Who may benefit?
  • Students who may be experiencing signs of stress, anxiety, depression, impulsivity or other concerns that are impacting them at home or school.
  • Students experiencing a family change (divorce, health issue, loss, etc.)
  • Families seeking support with dynamics of the parent-child relationship.
Is there a cost?
Typically the family's insurance is used and if that is not possible there is a grant which will cover the cost of services.

Is it confidential?
Absolutely. Relate Counseling Services has an office space at Greenwood to make their services more accessible to families. However, their staff/services are completely separate from the school and information is shared only if the family consents to this.

How can I access this service?
Please contact Kristy Maas at 763-745-5507 or Mrs. Maas will gather some initial information and pass the referral on to the Relate Counseling Staff.

Kind regards,
Brad Gustafson, Principal
PTA Update
Book Fair
The Book Fair continues today through 6:30pm and tomorrow, December 4 from 8:00am-7:30pm in the Gym. Online shopping will be available through December 4. Books will be delivered to the school. To access the online Book Fair, click here.

We are still in need of volunteers, especially for the tear down/pack up shift. To volunteer, click here.
Contact Carrie ( or Lori ( with questions.

Paws to Do Good
Greenwood's community service event will take place this Friday, December 4 from 5:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria. There will be many tables and stations set up to provide hands-on opportunities for families to serve others, such as planting flower bulbs for a nursing home, making sandwiches for the homeless, and more!

To donate items for the event, click here.

Volunteers are needed to help facilitate stations, as well as set-up and clean-up. To sign up, click here.

Questions? Contact Ann at (

Food Donations Still Needed for Staff Luncheon
We are still in need of a few remaining appetizers, entrees, sides, beverages and holiday treats for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon Friday, December 11. This is a fun and easy way to show the Greenwood team how much we care about them! Please sign up here, and contact Heidi ( with any questions.

Save the Date for Twins Day
Mark your calendars! Greenwood Twins game is Saturday, May 21 against the Toronto Blue Jays. Time is TBD. Questions? Contact Michelle (
Our second service project of the year will be tomorrow, December 4, helping at the Paws to Do Good Community Service Night. If your KICKS student signed up for a shift, please have them to school 10 minutes prior to their shift. KICKS students should wear their yellow KICKS t-shirts. Families are welcome to stay and participate in the charity stations.

We will not have a December meeting. Our next KICKS meeting will be on Thursday, January 7. KICKS students should wear their KICKS t-shirt and pack a home lunch. If you would like to volunteer at the meeting, please email Andrea ( Thank you!
Employment Opportunity at Greenwood
Greenwood is looking for para substitutes for lunch & recess supervision as well as coverage in the classroom. The hours are mid-day (usually between 10:20am and 2:10pm). It would include outdoor supervision in all types of weather conditions.

Being a substitute is very flexible. Work the days that fit best for you and your family!

Check out the posting here. Here is How to Apply.
Mel & Broc's Adventures
We learn more about our "villain" in this latest edition of "Mel & Broc":

Find out what happens next in two weeks when the next edition is posted in your school's e-folder and in your student's school cafeteria!
Proud to be part of
Excellence. For each and every student.

December 3
Book Fair

December 4
Book Fair

Paws to Do Good

December 11
Staff Appreciation Lunch

December 23-January 3
No School
Winter Break
Quick Links

Greenwood Elementary

Greenwood Elementary
18005 Medina Road, Plymouth, MN 55446-2919
Phone: 763-745-5500 Fax: 763-745-5591  

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