May 2013 Newsletter Important Correction
Dear Reader,
I try to be completely factual and accurate in my newsletters. This time, however, I made a mistake based on false information given to me. I should have verified it through a higher source before sending it out. The LAST thing that I want is to start or spread any false information or rumors in a town already rife with them.
I apologize for the mistake and, next time, I'll check more carefully before I send it. Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing, Sonoran Resorts
The 50' Sections that I mentioned are NOT part of the Home Port Project.
After receiving my newsletter, I was quickly corrected by a few people in town who are much more in the know than myself. I did report the information based on what I thought were good sources but it turns out that it was not correct.
The good news is that by making the mistake, I was given a current up-to-date report about the real status of the Home Port.
The following is the information that I was given from an "official" source:
1. The $181 Million Pesos that the Federal Government approved for this year's budget towards the Home Port has been transferred from the Federal level to the Sonora State level. 2. Next week the Governor of Sonora will be visiting the Federal Government to work on getting the Federal concession and final permit to begin construction. 3. After receiving the concession and final permit from the Federal Government, there will be an official bidding process started which can take around 40 days. 4. When the winning bidder is chosen, actual construction should start very shortly thereafter. 5. Construction WILL start this year. Based on current information, it is estimated that it will begin in late Summer or early Fall. 6. The City of Puerto Penasco is currently running ads in the Sunday issues of the Arizona Republic and the Tucson Daily Star and the ad reads "Future Cruise Ship Port"
Sometimes things move slowly here, but I truly believe that this great project is a reality and we will all see proof of that reality sooner than later.
Well, I guess that my career in journalism is pretty much off the table now :) I guess that I"ll have to just keep selling Sonoran Resorts condos in beautiful Puerto Penasco.