It's already May and the weather is fine. There is a LOT going on and I will try to at least scratch the surface...
Where to start? The town has been full of tourists, activities have been flowing, and things have been selling. We are already over $1 Million ahead of sales for the entire year of 2012. That's what I call a strong start to 2013! There are still a few good deals but they are going fast. Inventory is shrinking and prices are slowly rising. If you have been thinking about buying a Sonoran Resorts condo, there is no better time than the present. Please read the article below about our upcoming Las Vegas Night but I do have a couple announcements that are not in the article: 1. Tickets are now on sale. You can get them online at, in my office at the Sonoran Sky Resort, or at the door the night of the event. We will only be selling 400 tickets and when they're gone, they're gone. 2. Penasco Tequila will be sponsoring a tequila tasting table where you can sample many varieties and flavors of fine tequilas. There is no charge for this great addition. The bar will also have Tequila Penasco on hand for drinks. 3. International Arts Center AC, Tijuana, will be displaying some paintings by renowned artist Arturo Lopez in an exposition titled Sensitive Abstract at the event. They will be donating 10% of everything purchased towards our collective donation to DIF charity. 4. If you can't be here in person, you can still watch the event LIVE on your computer, notepad, or smart phone. We will have it set up as a pay-per-view event, and for only $5, you can feel as though you're here. We will add a link soon at Of course, all money collected here will also add to our total donation and go directly to DIF charity.
5. We have almost 100 prizes already and the number continues to grow each day. This event would not be possible without the generous support of the business owners and citizens of Rocky Point. Please visit them often and let them know that you appreciate their proactive attitude towards helping this very deserving charity. Here is the current LIST OF SPONSORS. Flights from Las Vegas officially start next month. Here is an article written in the San Francisco Business times complete with departure and arrival times. They have been working every day making 50' sections for the Home Port Pier. Every day on my way home, I see 4 semi trailers loaded up with the sections. Even though there is no visible evidence of construction at the site, I predict that when they start putting the pieces together, you will see some fast progress. Hopefully, they will start putting it together soon. I haven't mentioned the Convention Center in a few months now so I stopped by the other day to check it out. Well, I am very happy to report that they are still making great progress and it is projected to be completed by the end of the year. There is a big billboard right on Benito Juarez as you come into town announcing that Little Caesars Pizza is coming soon. I guess that's another sign of progress but I have mixed feelings about it. There are plenty of local pizza places around town that do a great job. I'll probably end up going there once in awhile out of sheer convenience but, once again, I'll try to stick to my local favorites as much as I can. There is so much more that I'm just not thinking of right now, but it's late and I better put this newsletter (and myself) to bed... As always, let me know if there is anything at all that I can do for you. I promise that I'll try to help.
Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
IMPORTANT: if you have email service through Yahoo or Gmail, please scroll to the bottom of this email and click "View Entire Message" to see the entire newsletter. For some reason, those email providers tend to cut part of it off. Sincerely,
Jim Ringquist
Broker/Director of Sales and Marketing Sonoran Resorts Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky 602-476-7511
Once again, I hope that you enjoy the newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Our audience keeps growing and I really appreciate all your positive comments. Thanks for the help in spreading the word. Also, please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. |
Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for DIF Charities, Saturday May 25th, Will Be THE Big Event in Rocky Point!
Even though it's only the 2 nd year for this fun event, the overwhelming success last year solidified its place as a highly anticipated annual happening in our little slice of paradise by the sea. In addition to all the friendly fun fostered from this festivity, The Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for Charity, masterminded by Director of Sales and Marketing, Jim Ringquist, raised one of DIF's single largest donations during that first event last July. What was the formula that drew so many hundreds of happy folks so willing to open their hearts and wallets for the DIF charities of Puerto Pe�asco during that inaugural night at the Sonoran Sky Resort? Maybe it was the realistic Las Vegas style atmosphere enhanced by the Black Jack Tables, Roulette Table and the Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament; maybe it was the enthusiastically animated dealers, many of whom were charity-minded agents from the Sonoran Resorts sales team who devoted dozens upon dozens of extra hours volunteering their time and creativity to plan the layout and decorate the "casino", even label and display the literally hundreds of prizes donated by unbelievably generous businesses and individuals, and then tirelessly serve the constant stream of festive "gamblers" throughout the night without a hint of [visible] fatigue or a break in their smile; maybe it was the unparalleled cooperation and involvement by the Municipality of Puerto Pe�asco's staff and officials; and maybe it was because everyone familiar with DIF is aware of its immense intrinsic and physical value to the community at large. As you have guessed already, the formula for success of last year's Las Vegas Night for Charity was a magical mix of all those ingredients. And this year you can count on the enhanced version of that same kind of magic as we blend it with last year's experience to bring "Spectacular" to the evening! While you may have seen the initials DIF associated with many fundraising events over the years, please don't feel alone if you're not aware of what the letters stand for, or even if you're not clear on what DIF does. We'll try to brief you on just some of the most important aspects of this 37 year old family assistance program to help you make the decision to purchase tickets to our 2013 Las Vegas Night for Charity, 100% of which will go to DIF. In 1976 the state of Sonora, Mexico instituted a major social assistance and family development program called Office of Integral Family Development (DIF) designed to effectively address individual requests for support through community services segmented by municipality. This format not only gave the city control but also responsibility for the program yet under an umbrella of support from the state... Read Entire Article:
Reforms to Bank Trust law should have tremendous impact for Puerto Pe�asco!
Opportunity for foreigners to acquire property directly!
By Architect Plinio Rivero Lavin, Rocky Point 360
On April 23, 2013 the Mexican House of Representatives approved reforms that would allow foreigners to own RESIDENTIAL properties within border and coastal zones, thereby modifying Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution. This will impact the present prohibition of foreigners holding direct ownership of properties within an area of 100 KM from the border, and 50 KM from the coast, which up until now was only possible through a bank trust, or
It was reported that the modification will be available provided that foreigners use the property ONLY for residential purposes. Other purposes not included within the reform include that of: commercial, agricultural, industrial, or any other form of direct or indirect economic use. **Important to note: Currently, bank trust law is still in effect as this measure still has to be approved by the Senate and then passed by States in order to change article within Constitution: "The measure, which passed 356-119 in the Chamber of Deputies, still needs approval from the Senate and a majority of the country's 32 state legislatures to become law." (AP Mexico)
While the opportunity for foreigners to acquire property directly will provide judicial certainty for property owners, the reforms now face approval from the Senate of the Republic, and defining of legal steps for application of the law for foreigners who already hold bank trusts to property within these zones, but definitely, these Reforms to Bank Trust law should have a tremendous impact on Rocky Point!
Rotary Clubs Donate Rescue Vehicle and Jaws of Life to Red Cross of Puerto Pe�asco.
April is already a big month of the year for Red Cross of Mexico because it's the month when all the local Red Cross offices across the country send their loyal volunteers to the main thoroughfares with their red and white collection jars and boxes placing a sticker on your windshield in exchange for a donation. This April, thanks to the determined generosity of six Rotary Clubs in Arizona and Tijuana, the Red Cross of Puerto Pe�asco received a much needed Rescue Vehicle equipped with the "Jaws of Life" vehicle extraction tool that has been responsible for saving countless lives since its invention.
The funds for this cherished vehicle and equipment, valued at $23,000 to $25,000 US dollars, were raised through the joint efforts of the Rotary Clubs of Mesa, Tempe, Tempe South, Phoenix East, and Sun Lakes of USA Rotary Clubs District 5510 and Tijuana West Rotary in District 4100, Mexico.
Representatives from all the donor clubs were in Puerto Pe�asco over the weekend of April 13 for an official dedication ceremony to transfer keys to the officials and board of our local Red Cross at their facility on Fremont Street. A crowd of more than thirty listened intently as Manuel Mil�n; President of the Tijuana Rotary Club praised the work and progress achieved by the leadership, staff and board of our Rocky Point Red Cross. Red Cross President, Lic. Jorge Vald�s F�lix, responded with an elegant expression of appreciation for the incredible effort put forth by all the participating Rotary Clubs to make this day a reality for the many citizens who will surely benefit from the addition of this service vehicle, not to mention the lives that can now be saved with the new Jaws of Life capability.
Keys to the rescue vehicle were formally passed to President Lic. F�lix who then called upon the Commander of Volunteer personnel, Pedro Palacio, the individual with ultimate responsibility for assigning usage of all vehicles and equipment for Red Cross. The president invited Commander Palacio to officially start their new rescue vehicle, which he proceeded to carry out to the enthusiastic applause from the audience. After a short photo session the attendees were treated to lunch and the opportunity to inspect the rescue vehicle and Jaws of Life display complete with its own generator power. Four of the active volunteer medical technicians proudly posed for us behind the Jaws of Life display.
As if the vehicle and life saving equipment weren't enough, the Mesa Rotary group arrived a day early and began painting and making improvements to the Red Cross facility which will help reopen a patient bay area that is one of the goals of Administrative Director, C.P. Faustino Reyes...
Have a Hankerin' fer One o' Them Great Big Juicy Hamburgers Bustlin' with All Kinds of Extras and Then Some? That Would Have to
Be an Erick Burger
On the north side of 13th Street between Luis Encinas and Benito Juarez is Erick Burger. You'll recognize it by the creative bar stools that are real western saddles mounted on thick springs so's you can rock back and forth if the mood hits you, but strong enough that you won't rock too far back and forth and get bucked off. About five of those saddles line the small L shaped bar that faces the good sized grill in front and through the chicken wire exterior you can see inside where the clean wooden booths line each wall of two rooms.
On the walls are the menus showing pictures of the 17 different types of burgers and five sides they make for you there, including chicken, fish, shrimp and a variety of toppings like pineapple, jalape�o, cheeses, bacon, and a lot more stuff you probably haven't thought about trying on a burger yet. The owner, Ren� Gonzalez is a cowboy-type of guy born and raised in the little town of Nuevo Casas Grandes, right outside Chihuahua, Chihuahua where he's had his first Hamburguesas Erick Express for 25 years. He opened Erick Burger here in Puerto Pe�asco seven years ago and opened his third location in Caborca two years ago. Ren� is noticeably-and rightfully -proud to tell you the Grade A Prime beef for all his burgers comes from Caborca's range fed finest herds, where he travels way too often to personally grind and press perfectly sized quarter pound patties and escorts them down to Puerto Pe�asco twice a week to insure their freshness and taste.
You may remember that Ren� originally opened up just a couple of blocks up the street (across from "Lucky House") and moved to his present location two years ago because it has room to expand if he decides to. The atmosphere is pure old Mexican western complete with great country music (mostly recorded, and some good American classics when we were there obliged us to dance), the murals, antique photos and old license plates dating back 40 years nailed to the walls, and of course, Ren�'s ranch wear (cowboy shirt, jeans, well-worn boots) and his genuine cowboy hospitality that makes you feel like you're at his ranch instead of his bunkhouse-sized little burger joint.
He feeds you like you've been working cattle all day, too. His burgers all come with at least one round of his pure personally pressed beef patties and by the time you add the fresh trimmings on top of whichever topping you ordered, you've got yourself a burger that will bring back some home town memories for sure. One of the most endearing experiences at Erick Burger is seeing the price for any of these tummy filling burgers ranges from just $35 to no more than $50 pesos.
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"Day of the Holy Cross" Is One of Many Traditional Mexican Celebrations In May
In addition to two major local events taking place in Puerto Pe�asco in May, which include the 2nd Annual Tequila Festival on Saturday May 4th and the Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for the DIF Charity on Saturday May 25th, there are no less than seven other national holidays during the month.
May 1st is D�a del Trabajo, or Labor Day, in modern times celebrated much like our Labor day, as a day of rest and spending time with the family, although it used to be a day of burning effigies of the politicians supporting deplorable working conditions who were defeated on two major dates that changed the welfare and rights of Mexican workers back in 1906 and 1907.
May 5th, Cinco de Mayo or Batalla de Puebla, a date perhaps more vigorously celebrated in the U.S. than in Mexico, with the possible exception of Mexico City. That's mainly because in the U.S. it is erroneously marked as Mexican Independence Day, when, in fact, May 5th was the date in 1862 that Mexican forces defeated the French in the town of Puebla after a two year battle.Other significant dates in May include Father Miguel Hidalgo's birthday on the 8th; Mother's Day on the 10th; Teachers Day on the 15th and Students Day on the 23rd.
However, the headline story of today's blog is about one of the most convivial, quaint and colorful festivals in May. On May 3rd, two days after Labor Day, is "D�a de la Santa Cruz" a special day with a history dating back to colonial times that has evolved over the centuries into a neighborhood celebration of the laborer, in fact, mainly the brick mason (referred to by many as the "Feast of Masons"), but generally all construction laborers are honored on this day in a series of special events that include the builders (owners) of all projects under construction hosting a lunch on site for the workers. On this day, crosses heavily adorned with flowers are hung outside homes throughout the neighborhoods as well as on the highest point of unfinished construction projects...
by Guest Blogger Jack Hecker
Jack lives in Green Valley and visits Rocky Point "as often as I can" and we're always glad to have his smiling face at one of the Sonoran Resorts. Here are his latest words, these directed at the new comers to our little slice of paradise by the sea. Take it away, Jack....
Let's Go To Rocky Point
By Jack Hecker
This is a Primer for those newbies who are driving to Rocky Point from Phoenix or Tucson for the first time. To me, the trip to Rocky Point is a delight. That isn't necessarily because of the scenery, but because of what I am about to encounter. The trip home from Rocky Point, not so much.
What am I about to encounter is, first and foremost, the Sea of Cortez with its beautiful beaches and the sound of the waves kissing the shore, the sunrises on the water with the feathery fishermen zooming low across the surf in search of breakfast and the spectacular sunsets with the sun glistening across the waves to be followed by the moon creating shimmering diamonds on the water's surface.
Add to that the Old Port and Malecon with its bars, restaurants and shops. I love the earl y morning quietness with breakfast by the water and all you can hear is call of the birds for their next dive. It's eating Shrimp Tacos for lunch by the water and the multitude of great dinner choices. Add to that the wonderful people who will give you a smile in return every time and it's easy to see how one can slip into day dream mode as you drive along.
All that aside, it is really important to be careful and awake making this trip. The drive from Tucson, after a quick stop at Todd's at Ryan Field for breakfast is pretty good road-wise for a while, but as you get out of the metro area the road narrows down and requires your utmost attention. The road from Phoenix down is a little better but as you get to Ajo the Pima County Sherriff's boys will be keeping an eye on you. The drivers from Tucson and Phoenix converge at Why. If you don't have your Mexican Insurance and we strongly recommend you do, that's your last chance.
Probably the prettiest part of the drive is from Why to Lukeville. The trip through the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is quite unusual. There are a number of pull offs where you can photograph the scenery, but when you are in motion, please be careful. The road is not very wide, it has numerous curves and there have been some serious wrecks along the way that have taken lives.
Soon you will arrive at Lukeville and that is where the fun starts.
You will first run into the US Border Patrol gate and they will ask you a number of questions about where you are going, how long, are you taking any fire arms (For the love of Pete, don't even think of taking any kind of gun or even ammunition there) and do you have $10,000.00 in cash or checks on you. A smile, an honest answer and no attitude will usually get you through quickly. I try to get there in the morning when there isn't much traffic and usually get through right away.
Next stop, just a few feet ahead, is the Mexican gate. There are a series of lights and if you get the green light proceed out of the area slowly. If you get a red light you need to turn left into an inspection area. Again, a smile, no attitude and following instructions will serve you well. There are certain things they don't want you to take into Mexico. Google this title "guidelines-on-animals-plants-and-products-that-may-enter-mexico" and you will get info on what's allowed and not allowed. They really look for dog food for some reason.
During our last trip down, we got the dreaded red light and made the left turn into the inspection area. A very attractive, but serious looking, young lady greeted us and asked the usual, where are you going, etc questions. She asked me to open the back of the SUV and there was my cooler.
"What's in there?" she asked. "Water, beer and some snacks." I said. She looked in and pulled an item from the cooler. "You're taking Mexican beer into Mexico?" We all laughed and I explained that there were just four Tecate Lights and they were to hold us until we got to the store. More laughs, she wished us a good day and off we went into Sonoyta...
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Outta Town Productions Brings 20 Year Volleyball Tradition Back to Sandy Beach with a Bang!
Outta Town Productions (OTP) opened April on the beach in front of the Sonoran Sky Resort Condominium with typical flair by bringing over 200 traditional beach volleyball players and spectators back to Rocky Point after a one year hiatus from two decades of perennially successful tournaments along Sandy Beach. It all started 20 years ago with just a hand full of loyal v-ballers and grew exponentially under the creative direction of OTP owner Luis Garrido, who finally had to take a year off to marry his wife, Karen, and together build their exciting InSANDity beach obstacle course. But that wasn't all there was to that story. The couple continued to run near weekly volleyball tournaments in the Phoenix valley, plus the seasonal ski, kayak and river rafting tours for which both are well known.
With a couple of InSANDity courses under their belts, Luis and Karen heeded the popular demands of their loyal beach volleyball players and returned to their roots organizing the Retro Beach Volleyball Invitational Tournament that filled quickly and included several new twists including Tri-ball and a most unique "Floating Volleyball Court" (what the...? Oh yeah, see photo!). OTP's sister organization, Volitude Sport and Adventure from Long Beach, joined in with several teams as well and brought their own unique sport, beach tennis, to the edge of the sea for everyone to try.
There were 11 teams of coed 4's and 12 teams of men's and women's 2's who played on eight courts stretching in front of the Sky and spilling into the Playa Bonita RV Resort beach. These players, many of whom were playing for professional points, put on quite an exciting show for the hundreds of spectators who continued to gather throughout both days. Many of the players came down earlier in the week and enjoyed tasting Mexico's finest at the Tequila Factory and other fun Rocky Point activities including a shrimp boil Saturday night sponsored by Sea Side Reservations and a movie on the beach.
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Brothers Pizza in Puerto Pe�asco Equals Handmade Hand-Tossed Dough, Fresh Veggies, Finest Cheeses, Family Owned and Operated
Talking to Penny Rabicoff who, along with her husband Bob and sons Dan and Reid, opened Brothers Pizza four years ago, it takes but a moment to see clearly that service and quality are paramount with this establishment. Brothers Pizza is the super clean place on the corner of Constitucion and No Reelecci�n here in Puerto Pe�asco. If you live or visit anywhere around the Sandy Beach area then you've surely driven by Brothers many times on your way downtown or back. If you've ever stopped in for a pizza or one of their subs, you've probably been back several times and know it well.
The Rabicoff family hails from Colorado where Bob was an attorney, Penny was a bank manager and the kids, Dan and Reid, were gaining valuable experience learning the proprietary recipes of their older brother's successful pizza business in Denver. The family came down to Rocky Point for the first time on business with one of Bob's clients in 2007. During that trip they fell in love (like so many of us) with our little slice of paradise by the sea and even though the deal they originally came down for did not materialize, the four of them made a joint decision to come back and conduct research on the feasibility of opening a full service pizza restaurant utilizing the expertise of brothers Dan and Reid.
Results of their study were, obviously, positive and "the rest of the story is history." It's a story of what can be achieved with product knowledge, business acumen, perseverance, and a passion to create and maintain the highest standards of quality and service in the restaurant industry.
After overcoming several challenges in the beginning, such as duplicating the unique flavor of the exclusive dough recipe that was so successful in Denver using local ingredients and finding suppliers for the highest quality, freshest vegetables, meats and cheeses about which they are adamant, Brothers felt they had reached their objective of raising the bar on pizza flavor and consistency in Rocky Point. To hear Penny describe how they make their own bread and pizza dough fresh everyday and hand-toss each pizza as it is ordered was like listening to an artist as she describes gathering all the paints, colors, brushes and canvas to ensure an original work of art. Only after those pieces are in place can the artist apply her talents toward creating her art.
After all the "tools" are together, according to Penny, and apparently it's the family philosophy, "Service is what it's all about," she says with the conviction of a life improvement guru...
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Rocky Point Home of a New Boxing World Champion!
Por: Miguel Gonz�lez
In a fight held Saturday, April 6th in Macau China, the boxer originally from Rocky Point, Juan Francisco "Gallito" Estrada won the flyweight title of the World Boxing Organization (WBO) and World Boxing Association (WBA) beating Hawaiian boxer Brian Viloria. At the end of the 12 rounds, the judges' cards added the following scores: Levi Martinez 115-113 for Viloria, while Michael Pernick 116-111 and Francisco Martinez ruled 117-111, both in favor of Estrada. In the beginning the fight was an even combat but over a couple of episodes, El "Gallo" caused greater punishment, as a result of the hooks he was landing in his opponent's body. Viloria became an easy opponent for the Mexican. The motivation and hunger for glory led the Mexican to continue his attacks without hesitation. He was going to obtain a victory and force Viloria to retreated more and more who was fighting without a lot of energy and also with a cut above his left eyebrow. In the end, the fighter born in Rocky Point severely punished the Hawaiian in the form of short hooks and uppercuts to his chin. With this victory the "Rocaportense" sums 23 wins and wins this title in his second attempt. Congratulations to this worthy representative of Rocky Point, and continuous success!
I know that I posted this story last month, but I forgot to add the link to read the entire story and I think that it is important enough to run again. So, here it is, complete with the link:
Who is SkyMed? They're a 24 Year Old International Emergency Transportation Company You Need to Know About
 When we were younger, running around Rocky Point (or any other unfamiliar vacation site) we risked our lives on quads and forced our trucks up sandy mountains until they almost rolled over and other crazy, injury-prone antics we performed in the name of adventure. Some of us were lucky enough to make it through those days, others made it with nominal to serious injuries, their friends and relatives wondering if they would make it all the way back to Tucson or Phoenix or their home towns even farther away still alive as we arranged for emergency evacuation by ground or air. And, if we were involved, we also know the huge expense involved to pay for such emergency evacuation, especially if it occurs in another country. Enter SkyMed Emergency Air Evacuation, the travel related membership service founded in 1989 for the specific purpose of providing an affordable way for its members to both physically and financially survive a life threatening injury or illness especially when they are traveling. It doesn't take long to find oneself beyond one's comfort zone when it comes to medical concerns. In case of an emergency we want to be seen by our doctor, in our hometown, in a hospital we know and trust. According to SkyMed, who operate in 32 countries with headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, the cost for such evacuations ranges from $9,500 to $50,000 USD and because emergency evacuations from foreign countries aren't covered by most insurance policies, payment is normally demanded up front. Even as permanent residents here in Rocky Point, and certainly for visitors, in a critical medical emergency, most of us want to be taken to our doctor or specialist with whom we are familiar back in the USA. This is where SkyMed could provide the peace of mind for us to enjoy a stress-free life style here in our little slice of paradise by the sea. When we heard about the services of SkyMed, it seemed like a real solution to fill the affordability void that exists for the situations in which we might find ourselves here in Rocky Point: like needing to get to a hospital in Tucson or Phoenix (or anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for that matter) as soon as possible... Read Entire Article:
June 6-9: Roger Clyne reuniting Refreshments in Mexico
Roger Clyne is reuniting the Refreshments at the beachfront festvial, Circus Mexicus, in June. They'll join the Peacemakers, his current band.
Also fronted by Clyne, the Refreshments, known for the national radio hit "Banditos" as well as the theme song to "King of the Hill," haven't played together since 1998.
It should be noted that Refreshments bassist Arthur "Buddy" Edwards is not taking part in the reunion.
In a message on his blog, the bassist wrote: "I know a lot of people want details about why I'm not going to be in Mexico in June. Suffice it to say my focus is elsewhere these days, with my many projects and my life in Portland. Mostly, I don't want it to take away from the May 2nd premiere of 'Stuck Outside of Phoenix the Movie.' I won't have anything else to say about it other than I hope everyone has a good time."
The festival is scheduled for Thursday, June 6, to Sunday, June 9, in Puerto Pe�asco, also known as Rocky Point. More than 4,000 people are expected to attend. The Pistoleros, Shurman with Jim Dalton, the Toluenes with Brian Blush, Random Karma, Jason Boots and the Jons round out the lineup.
Event Director Greg Ross says, "The four-day getaway allows anybody to enjoy Puerto Pe�asco however they want with rock and roll as the backdrop. Compared to other destination music festivals, it's much more affordable providing those who attend a simpler and more laid back atmosphere that is Mexico."...
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Mexico Tequila Fest: an evening of flavor, music and entertainment
May 4, 2013 - Don't Miss It!
What's better than a day full of sunshine, a picturesque turquoise sea in the back drop and outstanding beach weather? All of the above with some delicious Mexican food, mariachi music and tequila mixed in. Yes, for those looking for a weekend to plan a beach road trip, Pick this one.
May 4, 2013, Puerto Penasco (nicknamed Rocky Point by most) will be hosting the 2nd annual Tequila festival. Their slogan is "come enjoy a festival of flavor, music and entertainment". Of course there will be tequila tasting, featuring some of Mexican's favorite home grown beverage from various parts of Mexico as well as Mexican folk dancing, with tasty local food and music.
It's a great excuse to plan a May road trip, gather a bunch of friends and make some memories. Puerto Penasco has numerous hotels and condominiums at very affordable prices and with only a 3.5 drive from Phoenix airport or Tucson, it's an easy destination to visit.
The event kicks off at 6pm on Saturday with a Margarita contest hosted by
Admission is $10.00 per person, VIP table seating $20.00 per person or a VIP Company Table for $200.00 (seating for 10) featuring complementary bottles of Tequila's and tastefully decorated with Company Name. Tickets are available at the door or PayPal
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Kids' Day at "Hope for New Life" Social Assistance Center Entertains over 700 Children and Parents
April closed out with one of Mexico's more traditional celebrations. D�a de los Ni�os (Kids' Day) is one of many days during the year that is fully or partly dedicated to making kids in Mexico happier, healthier or smarter. On the occasion of Kids' Day, officially April 30th, it's all about fun, gifts of toys, food and entertainment directed specifically to bring smiles to the faces of babies and teenagers alike. Community centers (usually divided up by barrios-or neighborhoods) throughout the country plan and organize a daylong celebration to keep the kids active.
In the case of "Hope for New Life" Social Assistance Center, neighborhood parents also receive bags of donated groceries and participate in the hot dogs and pastries that seemed to be handed out constantly for hours on end.
This center was founded nine years ago by Harold and Kathy Tuttle and Robert and Pamela Martin. It is an all volunteer non-profit organization that has fostered close alliances with several benevolent groups and individuals over the years who devote their time, energy, skills, items and money on a regular basis to insure the success of events-such as D�a de los Ni�os-and the many programs held at the center. They run computer classes, sewing classes, and hair cutting classes, Bible studies and other home study courses for both children and adults. Learn more about the organization at
One of those individuals is Blanca Estela Soto Ayala, an energetic visionary and licensed Physical Therapist in her parallel life, who has served as volunteer Director and President of the organization since its inception. One of the more active organizations involved in the center is the Association of International Ministries (AIM) out of Phoenix, Arizona, founded by Juaro and Rose Silva, and whose benevolent activities reach across the borders of several nations. They have brought supplies by the truck load to Puerto Pe�asco over the years along with fresh vegetables by the thousands of pounds. They have even built homes for families in need...
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Brenda Sabo Joins Sonoran Resorts Sales Team
"Sonoran Resorts are the only properties that could have brought me out of retirement. That's because of their staying power, their reputation and their building standards," says Brenda Sabo, a 13 year resident of Puerto Pe�asco, "and with two major market changers now officially approved and funded for our little paradise [i.e. scheduled air service from Las Vegas and the cruise line home port development] it was just too exciting to pass up."
Even though she has sold real estate in Arizona in the past, Brenda brings with her 13 years of experience managing her and husband Jim's land and property investments around Mexico, plus it doesn't take long to know she's done more than her share of homework and analysis of where the market stands as far as what's happening on the beaches of the Sea of Cortez.
Always positive and informative with a quick wit based on 'good ol' common sense', when asked what she liked most about Rocky Point, Brenda, without missing a beat, replied, "That's like handing me a basket of fresh blueberries and asking me to pick the one I like best!"
"I love each and every 'blueberry' in our little basket of paradise by the sea, and what's so exciting is that it's about to get even better and I get to be involved in it; to watch the home port develop right down the beach," Brenda pointed across the lobby of the Sonoran Spa Resort through the giant floor to ceiling windows to the beach outside, "and I want to bring as many people along with me as possible to be a part of it all!" she continued, her enthusiasm mounting as she recounted what we have been projecting for years that is now a reality and it's all happening right here in our little slice of paradise by the sea.
Brenda recited research statistics supporting her belief that Rocky Point is poised for a booming launch from the devastating world economics which are about to be neutralized by the homeport, scheduled airline flights and completion of the new convention center. As a testament to Brenda's professionalism, her desk was lined with neatly overlapping newspaper headlines of detailed stories verifying every subject she discussed.
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Juan Carlos Rodriguez Joins Sonoran Resorts Sales Team
Born in AguaPrieta, Sonora, a small border town just across from Douglas, Arizona, raised in the even smaller town of Esqueda, Sonora until he was 10, Juan's family moved to Tucson where he finished high school and two years of college. It was early in his high school career that Juan Carlos and a few of his school buddies discovered Puerto Pe�asco and couldn't believe a place this beautiful existed, much less just four hours away from their homes.
During that very first trip Juan promised himself that he would move to this paradise by the sea as soon as he could. After many years in residential construction he married Cintia Meza who is originally from Rocky Point and that set his ultimate dream in motion. With his extensive experience building quality homes in the Tucson area, Juan knows what people expect in a residence: "quality construction, quality maintenance and quality property management," he confidently states from his years serving the needs of his customers.
Juan had been looking for an opportunity to take his construction and customer service expertise into the real estate sales industry, and the combination of marrying the girl of his dreams who was from the destination of his dreams and the signs of a rapidly recovering market in Puerto Pe�asco made his decision easy. Soon after relocating he set out in search of the highest quality resort condominiums with a proven maintenance and management reputation for him to represent. This led him to the Sonoran Resorts Sales Team and Director of Sales Jim Ringquist who recognized his specialized knowledge of residential construction.
You'll find Juan Carlos as someone much like you, who fell in love with Rocky Point from his first visit and came back again and again until he just had to move here. Juan says, "I would like nothing better than to help people find the condominium resort of their dreams right on the beach; a quality home steps from the serene Sea of Cortez; that they can call their own and retire in this friendly resort town."
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A scramble doesn't necessarily have to include eggs. This scramble, for example, is a mix of veggies, polenta, and shredded cheese. All the ingredients are tossed together and quickly cooked in a saut� pan. You should be able to find poblano chilies in your local grocery store and pepitas are hulled pumpkin seeds sold in health food bulk bins. This dish is excellent alone, paired with beans, or topped with fried eggs.
Total Time: 30 minPrep Time: 15 min Cook Time: 15 min
- tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil
- 4 poblanos or 2 green bell peppers, diced
- 1 pinch(s) cherry tomatoes, halved
- 2 teaspoon(s) ground cumin
- 1/4 teaspoon(s) salt
- 1 package(s) (16-ounces) prepared plain polenta, cut into 1/2-inch slices
- 1 bunch(es) scallions, trimmed and sliced
- 1 cup(s) shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese, preferably sharp
- 1/4 cup(s) chopped fresh cilantro
- 1 tablespoon(s) lime juice
- 1 avocado, diced
- 2 tablespoon(s) pepitas, toasted
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add peppers and cook, stirring occasionally, until bright green and just starting to soften, about 3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, cumin and salt; cook, stirring often, until the tomatoes start to break down, 2 to 3 minutes. Crumble polenta slices into the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in scallions, cheese, cilantro and lime juice. Serve the scramble topped with diced avocado and toasted pepitas.
Use Simple Jokes to Help Learn Spanish
There are many ways to learn Spanish. Some are easier and more fun than others. Of course, the best way is to live it and "immerse" yourself in the language and culture. Some Spanish teachers like to use simple jokes with their students. It keeps things fun and provides a helpful way to remember words and associations. Some jokes depend on the double meaning of a word. Others play with the way sounds combine in Spanish. Others are simple misinterpretations that can often be translated into any language. Depending on the the joke, you may find yourself trying to figure out why it is even supposed to be funny. Here are a few common Spanish jokes that many language learners can understand: (I know they're corny) 1. �C�mo llama el vaquero a su hija? - �Hijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (How does the cowboy call his daughter? - Eeee - haaa! The joke is based on the similar sound of the word daughter in Spanish, hija, and the stereotypical cowboy shout yee-haa!) 2. En la escuela, la maestra dice: - A ver Luis, �c�mo te imaginas la escuela ideal? - Cerrada, maestra, cerrada. (In class, the teacher says, "Let's see Luis, How do you imagine the ideal school?" "Closed.") 3. �Sabes las dos palabras que te abrir�n muchas puertas en el mundo? -Tire y empuje. (Do you know the two words that will open many doors for you in this world? Pull and push - hoping for Please and Thank you.) 4. �Por qu� esta triste el cuaderno de matem�ticas? - Porque tiene muchos problemas. (Why is the math notebook sad? Because it has a lot of problems.) 5. Una madre mosquito le dice a sus hijos mosquititos: - Hijos, tienen mucho cuidado con los humanos y no se acerquen a ellos ya que siempre quieren matarnos. Pero uno de los mosquitos le dijo: - No, Mami, eso no es cierto. El otro d�a un humano se pas� la tarde aplaudi�ndome. (A mother mosquito says to her baby mosquitos, "Children, be careful with humans and don't get close to them because they always want to kill us." But one of the mosquitos answers, "No Mommy, that isn't true. The other day a human spent the whole afternoon clapping for me.") 6. Un soldado le dice a otro: - Viene gente. - �Son amigos o enemigos? - Deben ser amigos porque vienen todos juntos. (One soldier says to the other, "There are people coming." "Are they friends or enemies?" "They must be friends because they are all coming together.") 7. �Qu� le dijo un techo a otro techo? - Techo de menos. (What did one roof say to the other roof? I miss you. This joke is based on techo, roof, sounding the same as te echo. Te echo de menos is one way to say I miss you in Spanish.) 8. Si tengo cuatro pesos en el bolsillo y se me caen dos, �qu� tengo ahora en el bolsillo? - �Un agujero! (If I have four pesos in my pocket and two fall out, what do I have in my pocket now? A hole!)
9. Un ni�o se sube a un bus y le dice al chofer: - �Cu�nto cuesta el bus? Y �ste le responde: - Pues, 10 pesos. Y el ni�o le dice: �Vale, que se bajen todos que lo compro! (A little boy gets on a bus and says to the driver, "How much is the bus?" The driver answers," It's 10 pesos." And the boy says, "Okay, everybody off. I'm buying it!") 10. Hab�a un ciempi�s caminando por el bosque, y hab�a una ramita y se tropez�, se tropez�, se tropez�, se tropez�, se tropez�... (There was a centipede walking through the forest, and here was a stick in his way and he tripped, tripped, tripped, tripped, tripped, tripped.....) Have a great May. I'll be back next month,
Jim Ringquist

Great Views from this Beautifully Furnished End Unit at the Sonoran Sea. Fully assumable 20 year loan available with 18 years left at 5.9%. This one will sell quickly as there are no others like it available. Must see to appreciate.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W109 2BR Ground Floor $255,000
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Super low down payment on this beautiful two bedroom ground floor condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Just $36,000 down and you can assume a fully amortized loan at 5.9%. That deal is hard to beat. Fully furnished and ready to go. Great rental income potential.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa N605 1BR North Building $119,900
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Now offering Financing!
Perfect location for the best views in the Spa North building. Great condition and Priced right! And now financing available with 25% down. This one will sell soon.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W104 2BR Ground Floor $269,900
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Walk right out your door to the pool and the beach. This beautiful ground floor condo is the perfect choice for either rentals or just to enjoy yourselves. Nicely decorated and turn key ready for you.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E209 2BR East Building $179,000
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Prices like these are almost a thing of the past! Buy this one before it's gone. It is a great price on a turnkey 2 Bedroom. Fabulous views and priced to sell at only $179,000!
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa N302 1 BR Unit $99,000
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GREAT rental history and would make a very good investment. This is a one of a kind premium one bedroom at the Luxurious Sonoran Sky Resort. Priced to sell at $239,000 Cash or $279,000 with terms.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
 This beautiful condo will make a great rental! It has a beautiful bedroom, and sleeper sofa in the living room, plus it has a extra Murphy bed built in to sleep more. That makes this one bedroom very unique and a very good rental unit. Can't beat the price!
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E203
2 BR East Building
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Great views from this oceanfront 2 bedroom at the Spa. Nicely furnished. Ready to move in and priced to sell.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Step right off your patio and onto the lush grounds of the Sonoran Sea Resort. Directly ocean front and steps from the beach. This condo will make a great rental or keep it all for yourselves. Either way, you can't go wrong with the fully amortized 20 year financing available. Condos like these don't come along very often Come check it out for yourself. You'll be glad that you did.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Spa W301
3 Bedroom End Unit
Great price on this immaculate end unit 3 bedroom at the Spa. This is a very nicely decorated, move-in ready condo that needs nothing. Come and take a look before the prices go up. Stunning Ocean and Old Port Views.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sun W508 2 Bedroom West Building $219,000
Beautiful 2 bedroom condo with beachfront views or the sea and Old Port. Very nicely furnished and decorated, this condo is ready to go. The price is good and the owner will offer financing.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W609 2BR Premium Patio $349,000
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 Beautiful two bedroom condo with huge extended patio for entertaining. Owner will carry with 40% down. Great Views!
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W207 2 Bedroom West Building $249,900
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Great Terms on this beautiful 2 bedroom West building condo at the Sonoran Sun. Just 20% down gets you in and you will have 20 years at 5.9% to pay it off. True oceanfront living can be yours for only $49,800 down.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W612 1BR West Building $149,000
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Not many of these great one bedrooms left and this one is a beauty. Fabulous views and a great price. This would make a great rental or keep it for yourself. Either way, you can't go wrong here. Beautifully furnished and ready to go, this condo can't be beat. You really need to come and see this one before it's gone.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E801 3BR End Unit $439,000
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You really need to see this condo! Grand views of the Sea of Cortez from your wraparound balcony is just the beginning. Priced to sell and one of the very nicest condos on Sandy Beach. This one is a must see.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa N202 1BR Great Price $109,900 Terms
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Great condo with great terms. How about 20% down and a full 20 years to pay this one off? An, only 5.9% interest on top of that. This is the easiest one bedroom to get into in all of the Sonorans. Sold furnished and ready to go. You could be enjoying this great condo within 2 weeks if you move quickly. Otherwise, someone else probably will.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E101 3BR Ground Floor $359,000
Great Terms! 20% Down,
5.9% interest for 20 years.
This is a beautiful ground floor end unit condo. Enjoy the privacy and step right out to the pool and beach.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W801
3 Bedroom west Building $469,000 Terms
True luxury with a wrap around patio doesn't even begin to describe this beauty. The views from this condo are unbelievable. Fully furnished and turn key ready to go, this dream come true can be yours with a reasonable down payment and owner financing terms. Come and see this one. You'll be glad that you did.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sky 1410 4 Bedroom Premium End Unit $700,000
This is a rare opportunity to own an upper floor premium end unit at the Luxurious Sonoran Sky for a great price. Buy this condo and have instant equity. 4 bedrooms and a huge wraparound patio with absolutely stunning views. These 4 bedrooms don't come on the market very often and this is a great price.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Fabulous 2 Bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sea Resort. This is one of the few remaining great deals at the Sea.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W306 2BR West Building $189,000
Great views from this 2 bedroom in the West building of the Sonoran Spa. Priced to sell at only $189,000 cash.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sky 207 2 Bedroom Luxury Condo $299,000
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Best priced 2 bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort. This one is unfurnished and waiting for your creative design. Great Buy!
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E707 2 Bedroom East Building $219,000
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Beautiful 2 bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun overlooking the pools and the beach. Great price and not many at this price left for sale.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E407 2BR East Building $209,000
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Great condo. Great price. Great financing. You can't lose on this one. Take a look!
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E901
3 Bedroom End Unit
Link to Listing Luxury 3 Bedroom end unit condo at the Sonoran Sea. This is an immaculate condo and a great rental income property. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W506 2BR West Building $215,000
Check out this beautiful 2 bedroom condo that just came on the market. It is on the desirable 5th floor in the West building. See the lights of Old Port every night. Fully furnished and ready for you to move in.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E709
3 Bedroom Premium
This 3 Bedroom 3 Bath Premium condo must be seen to be appreciated. Great price and shows like a model. Not used as a rental. This one is a Must See beauty with ocean front views beyond belief.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E514 1 Bedroom Wrap Patio $169,900
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Great Ocean Front Views from this beautiful East Side End Unit Condo. Wrap around terrace makes end units unique. Not many of these available.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E503 2 Bedroom East Building $189,900
This is a great price on a two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa. Prices are going up and now is the time to act.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W708
2BR West Building $209,000 Cash
 Price Reduced! This is simply a fantastic deal The condo has over $35,000 of furnishings included in the sale. The views are fantastic Old Port shines at night from your terrace. The price is great. What's not to love. Come see this one before it's gone.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Buy a Sonoran Resorts Condo with a Self Directed IRA
Can you Really Buy it with your IRA?
Yes you can, and we can show you how!
Step 1: Self Directed Real Estate IRA: The first step is to establish an Unlimited IRA with a registered self-directed custodian who will allow the IRA to participate in non-traditional investments. We recommend Guidant Financial who can facilitate this for you.
Step 2: Rollovers : Once your new Self Directed Real Estate IRA has been established the facilitator will request, monitor and direct the transfers from your previous IRA holder(s) to the new self-directed account. This process usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete and relies primarily upon your previous IRA custodian's ability to make the transfers in a timely manner.
Step 3: Limited Liability Company (LLC): An important part of the process is to establish a Limited Liability Company (LLC) for your Self Directed IRA. This serves as the investing platform for the retirement plan and will allow true self-direction & diversification not seen in normal IRA plans. The facilitator will customize this entity to conform to all IRS rules & regulations. It is vital that you work with a qualified facilitator to structure the LLC correctly.
Step 4: Funding: After your newly established self-directed IRA has received the transfer(s) of funds from your previous retirement plans and the LLC has been established, it is time to direct the initial capitalization of the LLC. The facilitator will direct your new custodian to invest your IRA in the LLC. Once the transaction has taken place, your self-directed IRA is the owner of the LLC, holding most, if not all of the cash in the LLC checking account.
Step 5: Investing: Your IRA, indirectly through the LLC, is now ready to invest in a beautiful Sonoran Resorts Condo. You now have Total Checkbook Control of your IRA, and can purchase the condo for your IRA simply by writing a check.
Some of this sounds complicated, but it's fairly easy with the right professional assistance. IRA Real Estate Investing makes perfect sense for many investors, especially today when there are still so many great deals available.
Special Offers
We are constantly looking for new ideas to help us sell our listings. Here are a couple offers that you may or may not be familiar with:
Promotional Stay:
If you know of someone who may be interested in getting to know our resorts better with the idea of a possible purchase, we will offer them a 2 night stay for only $99. No tax, no cleaning fee. However, we are not a rental agency. We try to limit these promotional stays to potential Buyers.
Finders Fee:
If anyone refers a Buyer to us, we will pay them up to 1.5% of the sales price. There is no need to be licensed as Mexico does not have that requirement at this time. Just give us the name and contact information of a potential Buyer before we have any contact with them and, if they buy, we will send a check for up to 1.5% of the sales price to the referrer. This is only valid if they are new clients, unknown to us. Once we make contact with someone, they can no longer be referred by an outside source. Please contact me personally for the details.