A Very Happy New Year from the Sonoran Resorts!
We survived another year, and even that dreaded Mayan Prophecy didn't get us. It looks like we didn't all fall off the "fiscal cliff" either. Whew! With all that behind us we should be ready for a really great 2013. I know that I am. There are a lot of positive things happening around town and I am expecting this year to be a great one.
I truly hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and got to eat too much and spend lots of time with friends and family. Now it's time to get back to work. Maybe time to hit the gym and lose some weight too. I know that it is something on my list to get going on. And, every year, it seems to get a little harder to get started. I guess that if I hadn't stopped in the first place, I wouldn't have to start again. Maybe I'll try that plan next year.
The big news is the announcement of the approval of Federal funding for the Home Port, Phase II of the convention center, and many other infrastructure projects around town. Finally, after many years of rumors and disbelief, we will be able to show the naysayers that these projects are actually going to become a reality. It really shouldn't be a surprise though. The same folks said the same things about the Coastal Highway and the Airport; both which have been completed.
If you haven't heard of the Barrett-Jackson Car Show and Auction, you really need to check it out. This is a HUGE event and there is something for everyone. The sales team from Sonoran Resorts will be set up there spreading the word about Puerto Penasco and our beautiful resorts. If you can make it to the show, please stop by our booth to say Hi and pick up a free Sonoran Resorts hat, tote bag, fridge or wall calendar, etc. Here is a LINK to the Barrett-Jackson website for more information. The show is in Scottsdale and it runs from January 13th through the 20th.
Also, if you aren't already aware, I have a program to offer a greatly discounted 2 night stay in one of our luxury beachfront condos. If you would like to take a tour of our resorts and really get to know what it would be like to become a Sonoran Resorts owner, please contact me directly. But, remember, this offer is limited to those who are really interested in buying. I only have a few condos at my disposal and we are not a rental service. I will be more than happy to direct you to the right people if you just want a great Sonoran Resorts vacation.
As always, I hope that you enjoy the newsletter and please recommend it to your friends. I hope to see you in Rocky Point soon.
Thanks for the help in spreading the word.
Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
Don't forget, if you have email service through Yahoo or Gmail, you may need to click "View Entire Message" at the bottom of this email to see the entire newsletter.
I have lived here full-time for the past 5 years and I'm always available if you need me. Please don't hesitate to call, email, or just stop by to say Hi. Sincerely,
Jim Ringquist Broker/Director of Sales and Marketing Sonoran Resorts Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky 602-476-7511
It Has Been Announced That the Rocky Point Home Port Budget Has Been Approved for Federal Funding!
"Phase I funding of $191 Million Pesos has been approved and construction is scheduled to start in the Spring of this year.
Phase I will consist of a 1,300 meter pier to accommodate 2 large ships, each with 3,500 passenger capacity. This will be the first Home Port in Mexico, and three cruise lines, including Carnival, Holland America, and Disney, are interested in using the Port. Estimated completion is 2014.
The states of Sonora, Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua have all contributed funds to the project."
This information has been broadcast on the local radio news over the past couple weeks. The Diputados voted on and approved the 2013 budget and this project, along with Phase II of the convention center, more paving, and infrustructure were all part of the approval.
This is great news for Rocky Point and it will bring new investments, new jobs, and a big boost to the economy of our little city. I will bring you updates as I receive them, but it sounds like this dream project is becoming reality.
Dia de Reyes, the Story of Los Tres Reyes Magos
January the 6th is a special day in Mexico. Known as 'El Dia de Reyes' (Three Kings Day), this holiday represents the height of the Christmas season. The date marks the culmination of the twelve days of Christmas and commemorates the three wise men who traveled from afar, bearing gifts for the infant baby Jesus. The children of Mexico in particular look forward to this holiday as traditionally, gifts are exchanged on this date, not on Christmas day.
In Mexico and many other Latin American countries, Santa Claus doesn't hold the cachet that he does in the United States. Rather, it is the three wise men who are the bearers of gifts, who leave presents in or near the shoes of small children. The holiday is also known by the name of the Epiphany which dates back to the 4th century. A grand feast would be held on this day to honor the occasion of Jesus' baptism and to pay homage to the three wise men.
Many believe mysterious events preceded Jesus' birth with perhaps the most notable being the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. This new star appeared in the evening sky just prior to the arrival of Jesus. Three wise men or Magi as they were then known, whose names were Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, traveled a far distance to pay homage to the Christ child. They brought with them fine gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Three Kings Day remains an important holiday for the people of Mexico. In addition to the gift-giving aspect of the day there is also a culinary treat that is specific to the holiday. Known as 'Rosca de Reyes' (King's Cake), this holiday dessert offers much in the way of symbolism. Shaped round to signify a king's crown, this sweet bread holds a special surprise. Baked inside is a small plastic figurine representing the baby Jesus. Whoever finds this token is obligated to host an upcoming party for the occasion of 'Dia de la Candelaria' (Candlemas Day) which occurs each year on February 2nd.
The effigy of the baby Jesus, hidden inside the cake, represents another aspect of the holiday. The reason Jesus is 'hidden' inside the bread is to symbolize how in life, the Christ child's birth location also needed to remain secret, in order that his life be spared. The ruler of Jerusalem at the time, King Herod, had been appraised of the mystical signs that indicated the new King of Jerusalem was soon to be born. Herod's reaction to these predictions was swift and horrible. He ordered his minions to murder all male infants recently born in Bethlehem. However, as destiny would have it, Mary and Joseph found their lodgings in a manger, not an inn. Herod's henchmen didn't think to look for an infant in such a location. In many Mexican families (including ours) multiple baby Jesus' are put in the cake and each person who receives one in their piece is assigned something to bring to the party on February 2nd. This spreads the responsibility a little.
Traditionally, the meal served on this special day is tamales accompanied by hot chocolate. This makes for a perfectly quintessential Mexican meal and one that is enjoyed by everyone in attendance.
Steve and Trish McCarty Know What Christmas Is All About-Just Ask the Kids at La Monta�a School for Special Needs Children in Puerto Pe�asco!
Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Pe�asco as do many of their fans who've attended a Pe�asco Palooza or even a Pe�asco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile, either half of this dynamic couple will praise the virtues and beauty of the people, the beaches, the country, and the genuine hospitality that abounds in our village by the sea.
However, many won't know-until now-the extent to which their love of Puerto Pe�asco was expressed by their charity and giving hearts on Tuesday morning, December the 18th, 2012 when over 80 kids at La Monta�a School for children with special needs got to experience the joy of Christmas through the gifts for each that were shopped for, purchased, wrapped and sent down by Trish and Steve as the result of their last trip to Rocky Point. During that trip, while dining at Ramon's Restaurant at the Sonoran Sea, they noticed the Christmas tree decorated and replete with handmade angels inscribed with the names of children on each. Upon inquiring with Ramon, they learned about the charitable angel program taking place at three participating establishments to provide gifts for the needy children and orphans of three different children's facilities run by the local DIF charity (see our blog article on this charitable effort at http://www.sonoranresorts.mx/?p=7406). They also learned that the program was going rather slowly due to the lack of traffic through the area this season. Read Entire Story:
Sonoran Spa "Pilgrims" Show Their Holiday Decorating Skills in Spa Reception Area
In the December newsletter you read about the good hearted group of owners at the Sonoran Spa Resort affectionately named the "Pilgrims" who prepared and served Thanksgiving dinner to about a 180 workers and residents of the Spa and Sea (see our blog article at http://www.sonoranresorts.mx/?p=7215). It seems their holiday spirit maintained its momentum as some of the group have done a beautiful job of decorating the lobby-and the guard gate-with lights, floral arrangements and brightly colored Christmas tree ornaments to bring the spirit of the holidays to all who pass through the entry gate and visit the lobby. Once again led by creative photographer, craftsman and Sonoran Spa resident Tony Ballesteros, assisted by Sonoran Sales Team Member, Jennifer Ridsdel and friend Kory Bonini, Tony found a huge wreath downtown which he made beach worthy by adorning it with assorted sea shells, sand dollars, ribbons and bows and hung it in a central locations across the reception area from the entrance doors. Tony also made hand-glued Christmas balls into the shape of Christmas Trees that sit on each of the coffee tables. He hung stockings he made from serapes in bright traditional Mexican colors. All the plants are decorated with lights as well. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, click the link below for the photos Tony sent us of his crafty contribution to the holiday spirit at the Sonoran Spa.
Roger Clyne's 6th RCPM January Jam in Rocky Point January 25-26, 2013 Promises Weekend of Rock and Roll and ...Golf!
We'll get a double helping of Roger Clyne again this year with an extra helping of Golf as he and the Peacemakers continue their tradition of raising money for the children of Pe�asco. This fun weekend starts with Roger bringing another "Solo en Mexico" performance inside Wrecked at the Reef on Friday January 25th and will be joined on stage by Johnny Hickman of Cracker and Jim Dalton of the Peacemakers who perform as the Hickman Dalton Gang. The Friday night show will start at 9:00 PM; advance tickets are $20 USD at www.peacetimegoods.com Roger's last two solo gigs at Wrecked have not only sold out but brought the house down, so get your tickets early and show up at Wrecked early for the best seats. We don't have to tell you to get your tickets early for the RCPM January Jam taking place the next night, Saturday January 26th because you probably already know they've sold out every year since their first concert in January at JJ's six years ago. This year the concert includes Mariachi Hernan de Pe�asco. The show starts at sunset so get to JJ's early for this rock and roll tradition at the edge of the sea. Advanced tickets are $25 USD at www.peacetimegoods.com Always creating new ways to help the children of Puerto Pe�asco, Roger has created another first for Saturday, which he hopes will become as much of a tradition as his popular concerts. It's the First Annual Mexican Moonshine Tequila Classic Golf Tournament, a 9 hole Shotgun Start at Las Palomas Golf Club to benefit local children's charities in Puerto Pe�asco. The entry fee of just $60 USD includes golf, golf cart, lunch, an embroidered golf shirt and an opportunity to win several on course prizes. For all the details, go to www.peacetimegoods.com where you can learn about individual and group spots as well as other ways to win some great prizes.
The Weekend of December the 8th Fired up Christmas Holidays for the Kids of Rocky Point
In fact, you could pin it down to Saturday the 8th of December as events were taking place in the far reaches of Puerto Pe�asco and beyond and community centers in the northern neighborhoods to the Esperanza para Los Ni�os shelter some 20 Kilometers outside the city.
Beginning in the early afternoon, the very active Uncommon Women on Common Ground hosted and catered a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings including a colorful assortment of mind blowing desserts which they brought to the well-known Esperanza Home for Children located at the end of a dirt road a ways off the Highway to Sonoyta. At least 20 conscientious and very charitable "Uncommon" ladies and many of their spouses hauled container after container of home cooked turkeys, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, and much more from at least ten vehicles to set up shop in the Esperanza kitchen under the eager eyes of over 50 excited children, most of whom, incidentally, were volunteering to help in any way-well those who weren't otherwise distracted in games planned and hosted by some of the spouses and children of the Uncommon Women members.
In spite of the number of adults flowing in and out of the
kitchen, spreading table cloths on extra tables that needed to be set up, bringing in more chairs and filling plates of food, the children were all seated and served in short order and it didn't seem that long before a small group gathered to play guitars, and one ukulele, while the rest were attacking the dessert table.
In addition to the grateful kids, appreciation was expressed by the management and officials of Esperanza and DIF, the major supporting organization for the children's home. Among those representing DIF was Samuel Ortega including a special visit by DIF President, First Lady Rafaela F�lix de Figueroa, wife of our new Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta among other city officials.
At our table was the always thankful Guillermo Zapata Urbalejo, who along with his wife has served as the very effective Director of Esperanza for the last nine years, Sub Director Arturo Parra, and Patron President C.P. Jos� Manuel Barrera Sanchez.
Esperanza para Los Ni�os was founded in 1985 and currently provides shelter, meals, education and supervision for 38 children. In addition to the 38 residents, the Uncommon Women brought 18 children from La Monta�a School for children with special needs who shared this special occasion. Fifty percent of the shelter's funding comes from the government and another 25% comes from American donations. The rest is raised in various fundraisers and in kind services from in and around Puerto Pe�asco.
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The Plight of the Vaquita Marina Porpoise is Serious and Complex
It's almost as if nature set them up for a limited existence on earth. Although their ancestors have been around for a couple of million years, the tiny (in comparison) Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) porpoise lives in a very small area covering just 4,000 square kilometers of the 177,000 sq. km. Sea of Cortez. The area they live in just happens to be the very northern most portion of the Sea of Cortez beginning approximately at Puerto Pe�asco and north where it is the narrowest, shallowest and very heavily fished by small fisheries made up of family fishermen who've lived off this part of the sea for generations.
One of the complexities, in fact, the most serious of all that works against the continued existence of the Vaquita, is that these fishermen use, and always have used, gillnets for dragging and catching shrimp as well as other edible bycatch. The use of gillnets contributed greatly to the near extinction of the Totoaba, a fish that is now illegal to catch, but is still caught up in gillnets frequently. However, unlike the Vaquita, a gill-less air breathing mammal, the Totoaba can live until it is released after being discovered when the gillnet is retrieved. The poor little Vaquita on the other hand gets caught and cannot surface to breath and literally drowns while tangled in the net. It takes little imagination to visualize the horror of a death such as is suffered by these beautiful, shy creatures.
As if their limited territorial living area and the constant threat of getting caught up in a gillnet, which is probably why they are known to have an aversion to boats and are rarely ever seen, is not enough, there are other evolutionary dangers taking place that don't look good for the future of the Vaquita.
The very existence of the Vaquita has only been known by the scientific community since 1958. An organized, focused study to confirm their continued existence didn't take place until 1985, and an estimate of their abundance didn't take place until 1997 when their population was estimated to be approximately 567. This number was a shocking discovery to say the least. Recommendations were strong and immediate that conservation efforts begin, starting with placing the Vaquita near the top of the endangered species list.
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IT'S A MATTER OF ATTITUDE by Special Guest Writer, Jack Hecker 
T Here is an excellent essay about getting to know Rocky Point and how easy it is to make lasting friendships with the Mexican people by multi-time visitor, Jack Hecker, who, by the way, we're sorry did not, for whatever reason, enter the Sonoran Resorts "Why I Love Rocky Point" Travel Writing Contest earlier this year! Take it away, Jack: We had just finished a golf game and were sitting around drinking beer and lying, which is what most of us do best. I explained I would not be playing the next week because I was going to Rocky Point. You mean Mexico? Are you crazy, they asked? They're killing people left and right down there. My response was, would you go to Phoenix or Chicago? Besides, I spent many years working in downtown Cleveland. They're not shooting little fat, bald Americans like me. It was my first trip down and I admit I had some trepidation. I had heard those stories, but I had also spoken with a number of folks who were regular visitors. They had no fear of returning. Still there was the doubt. Nonetheless, my wife and I, along with our buddy Ross started the trek. Ross had been there a few times and knew his way around; at least that's what he said. I found the drive through the Organ Pipe National Monument to be sensational. Then we hit Lukeville and the U.S. Border check. No problem! We got the dreaded red light on the Mexican side. In that all we had was our clothes, there were no problems and we were on our way. This is when it got a little dicey. The road into and through Sonoita was littered with differing speed limits, range free dogs and Mexicans who didn't appreciate my driving at the speed limit. I didn't know any Spanish swear words before then. My inability to read the road signs was a bit of a problem and added to my anxiety. Ross spotted a Taco stand in town and insisted we stop for fish tacos. Not being a fish taco guy, I didn't partake of his snack. Instead I sat in the car sure that someone was going to shoot me right then and there. That mission completed we headed out Route 8 toward Rocky Point. That was enjoyable in that there was virtually no traffic and we could clip along about 75 MPH and relax. At one point I checked the rear view mirror and spotted two pickups bearing down on me at a rapid pace. Soon they passed me going at least 85, each with humongous fifth wheels attached. The rest of the journey was fine and we arrived at our destination in one piece. Welcome to the Playa Bonita. Upon trying to check in we encountered another problem. They had no reservation for us. The clerk asked again, "What's your name?' I said Hecker. She said, "No, but I have a reservation for a Heckermouse" With that Ross burst out laughing. It turns out he had his girl friend, a Venezuelan, and a travel agent make the res. She asked him how to spell my name. He said," H-E-C--K-E-R m-o-u-s-e." She having never been a member of the club had no clue. We spent the biggest amount of time around the hotel, with a few side trips for shopping. We never really got to know the place or the people, so my preconceived notions of Mexico had little chance to change. It was two years later when I returned that things changed... Read Entire Article:
InSANDity Returns to Sandy Beach for Spring Break March 14-19, 2013!
Luis Garrido and Karen Kramer Garrido of Outta Town Productions (OTP) will set up their super fun beach obstacle course on Sandy Beach once again, and if you missed it in October, be sure to check it out this time around because it has a new competitive twist.
Luis and Karen are calling the new format InSANDity Mexican Ninja and it will be set up as a head to head race through 20 imaginative, well built and challenging obstacles where two participants will compete at once; racing for best time. The top five fastest men and women's times are posted continuously at the course for everyone to see. There is no limit as to the number times you can enter. Competition will run daily from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Enter at the InSANDity canopy as often as you like. The first run costs $20.00 (US) each and includes an InSANDity Mexican Ninja commemorative T-shirt. Each subsequent race is only $10.00. Oh, and get this: All runs finish with a FREE beer! You're going to really appreciate this little touch if class by OTP after completing your run!
Every once in awhile, I run across an article that makes sense of all the rumors and sensationalized danger of coming to Rocky Point. Here is one of those articles:
Safety in Mexico: Reality vs. Sensationalist Media Hype
In the last few months, I have had the good fortune to visit Mexico a couple of times. For a single mom whose family and friends have no problem with me romping around Buenos Aires, taking my young kids to the Amazon, or climbing mountains in Africa, I cannot say that I was sufficiently prepared for the distinct reaction I got when people heard I was going to Mexico:
"You are going where? But what about the cartels?"
"Wow. I wouldn't go there even if someone paid me".
"Pretty irresponsible to be going there.You' re a mother - you shouldn't be putting yourself into situations like that..."
To which my response was: "Have you ever been to Mexico?Oh, you haven't... Well then, please at least tell me specifics as to what this violence is where I am going. What area is it in, and what specifically should I be on the lookout for?"
And, shocker...they have no idea. They just know it's for sure really, really bad and I am totally going to get kidnapped/raped/shot/then probably beheaded for good measure.
Let's work off facts here, not just blatant, misguided, baseless fear. The US government advises against visiting very specific places where drug cartels are warring over the billions of dollars made yearly trading illegal substances into the United States, and the efforts by the Mexican government to put an end to the drug traffic. Problems come in when, after hearing "warning" and "Mexico," all too many Americans perceive the advisory for the country as a whole, which it clearly is not. Leslie Bassett, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, declared that the intention of the alert is to inform people of some violent acts that are taking place in specific states of Mexico. She clarified that in no way does this alert seek to negatively portray the tourist destinations.
Mexico is roughly the size of Western Europe. Of Mexico's 2,500 municipalities, only 18 have been considered to be a security problem. Please read that sentence again. Pretty sure that leaves you with a 2482 very safe options if you want to travel to Mexico. Yes, there are places in Mexico that have had problems with drug violence. But the majority of Mexico's organized-crime killings last year took place in a mere three of Mexico's 31 states: Chihuahua,Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon. I am not here to dispute that there has been and is drug violence in Mexico.I am here to point out that those specific places are likely nowhere near where you as a tourist or expat are planning to go.
I would hope you would find it downright silly if you heard a Mexican saying that they would never, EVER, consider going hiking in Oregon nor go golfing at Myrtle Beach because they heard reports of there being drug-related gang violence in South Side LA. Well, you know what? Where you most likely would be going in Mexico is perhaps further from the violence, distance-wise, than Oregon is from LA. The bandits are not going to travel 800 miles to come after you, American tourist drinking margaritas on the beach or taking pictures atChichen Itza. They actually don't care about you, I am sorry to inform.
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Jenni Rivera, Mexican-American Singer, Dies at 43
Jenni Rivera has performed in Rocky Point and loved our City. She liked to spend time here and she got to know many of the people living here. Unfortunately, I did not meet her but I have spoken to many who had, and they all loved her. Here is an article about her tragic death. Jenni Rivera, the Mexican-American singer and reality television star known as "the Diva of Banda," died early Sunday when the plane in which she was traveling crashed outside Monterrey, Mexico, after a performance there. She was 43.
Her death was confirmed by the National Transportation Safety Board. Ms. Rivera was on her way to the Mexico City area, where she was scheduled to tape an episode of the Mexican version of the singing competition show "The Voice," for which she was a coach. Fully bilingual, Ms. Rivera, who lived in the Encino section of Los Angeles, was one of the biggest stars of the banda genre, a brassy, percussive style of pop music invented in northern Mexico and enriched in the American Southwest. She sold more than 15 million records, was nominated three times for the Latin Grammy Award, and developed a reputation for hard-hitting lyrics that addressed relationships between the sexes with a frankness reminiscent of American country music; one of her albums, released in 2007, was titled "My Crazy Life."
Families Helping Families and Hands for Charity Build Five More Homes in Puerto Pe�asco
The week between Christmas and New Years marked another incredible act of kindness by the 10 year old volunteer group, Families Helping Families (FHF) numbering approximately 200 and made up of role model parents and their devoted off spring, mostly of the Mormon faith from Utah and surrounding states. Joining FHF for the second year was Hands of Charity (HOC), a group of 75 volunteers from Alpine Utah who had heard about this worthy cause and began recruiting enthusiastic volunteers from the local high school and universities. They all understood the commitment before them and were highly motivated to make it happen. Speaking with HOC organizers, Camie Smith and Lisa Meadors, we learned one of the unique ways HOC came up with to raise funds for the project. They sold virtual "blocks" (like those used in the construction of homes) for donations. Their slogan was "Buy a Block; Build a House; Change a Life." Of course, to celebrate the success of this fundraiser, what did they do? They held a "Block Party" for the donors! Would we expect anything less from this creative group? Visit their site at www.handsofcharity.com. Read Entire Article:
Lolita Family Restaurant on Campeche: All Family Run, Super Clean, Phenomenal Food
You don't pass by Restaurant Lolita every day, thinking, "We oughta try that place someday." That's because it's off the "beaten path" on Campeche, the first street past City Hall that shoots off Benito Juarez diagonally to the left taking you to the Mirador area. A hundred yards or so past the Michigan Store, high above the street on the left is the sign saying "Restaurant Lolita" with another sign below it with big red letters "BUFFET" for their breakfast buffet that happens Wednesday through Monday from 8:00AM until Noon. Lunch and Dinner are regular table service until 9:00PM, and great service it is, because, after all, it's all family run and you're treated like part of the family, too. They are closed on Tuesdays. The restaurant is a story of growth since 1997 when Isaac Pacheco Robles opened it in a much smaller space up the street under the name "Cocina Econ�mica." In less than three years the business was ready to expand and Isaac built a new facility in their present location and opened it under the name "Lolita" after his Mother who had passed away a year earlier. The bi-lingual menu includes specialties of shrimp, seafood, steaks and traditional Mexican fare, all of which you can count on being perfectly prepared. If you've ever been served a meal that you could just tell was put together from selection to preparation to placing it on the plate with genuine care, then you'll know what to look forward to at Lolita's.
Mining to boom in Puerto Pe�asco
by Daniel Zamora
Three important mining and drilling projects are planned for Puerto Pe�asco following necessary studies in the discovery of new gold deposits, reported Rafael Alexandri Rionda, General Director of the Mexican Geologic Service.
Alexandri Rionda detailed bidding is going on for three large projects recently discovered 30 kilometers east of Puerto Pe�asco, which are principally gold. These deposits, named Amelia, Sierra Prieta (Sierra Pinta) and Elena have already had important studies to show they can be mined, indicated the director during his visit at the 2012 Sonora International Mining Seminar. "We do all of the exploratory studies and when we reach the point of having a firm project we pass it on to private businesses," he explained, "studies can take up to seven years." The general director of Mexican Geologic Service specified Sonora is the most important state within this sector on a national level. Therefore they are undertaking tremendous research efforts to detect opportunities for mining and job creation. Alexandri Rionda reiterated that Sonora is the principal gold producer in Mexico and last year had a production of 27,000 tons, equivalent to 32% of the national volume. The value obtained by mining activities in the state during 2011 topped 36 billion pesos, which created 16,000 direct jobs and 64,000 indirect forms of employment.
Three Kings Bread: Rosca de Reyes
In the spirit of Dia de Reyes (story above), I thought that you may want to celebrate with some authentic Rosca de Reyes. If so, here is the recipe: Ingredients
- 1 (1/4-ounce) packet active dry yeast
- 1/4 cup warm water
- 1/4 cup dried figs, cut into strips, plus more for garnish
- 1/4 cup candied orange peel, cut into strips, plus more for garnish
- 1/4 cup candied lemon peel, cut into strips, plus more for garnish
- 1/4 cup chopped candied cherries, plus more whole for garnish
- 2 tablespoons light rum
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 1/2 to 4 cups all-purpose flour
- 3 large eggs, divided
- Water
In a small bowl, combine the yeast and warm water; stir to blend. Let stand until the yeast comes alive and starts to foam, about 5 to 10 minutes. Put all of the candied fruit in small bowl and drizzle the rum on top. Let stand for 15 minutes to 1 hour to infuse the flavor. In a small pot, warm the milk over medium heat. Add the sugar, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. In a large bowl, mix 3 1/2 cups flour, 2 eggs, yeast mixture, milk mixture, and the rum soaked candied fruits, mixing very well until the dough gathers into a ball. If the dough is too wet, Add additional flour, a little at a time, if needed to form a soft dough. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until it's smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Put the ball of dough back into the bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and set aside in a warm spot to rise for 1 hour. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead on a lightly floured surface. Using your palms, roll the dough into a long rope. Shape the coil into a ring, sealing the ends together. Insert the little baby Jesus (or more than one) into the bread from the bottom. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil and coat with nonstick cooking spray. Carefully transfer the dough ring to the prepared baking pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Beat the remaining egg in a small bowl with 1 tablespoon of water to make an egg wash, and brush the top of the bread. Decoratively garnish the top of the bread with more candied fruit and bake for 35 to 40 minutes until the cake is golden. Cool on a wire rack before slicing. If there is anyone at your gathering that doesn't know the tradition, you may want to let them know ahead of time that they may find a plastic baby Jesus in their piece. We certainly don't want anyone choking on baby Jesus.
More Mexican Slang to Ponder
You won't find these phrases in a dictionary but you just may need to know what they mean if you're talking to the younger generation in Mexico: Mexican Slang: �Orale, g�ey! English: Right on, dude! Mexican Slang: T�, animal, �vamos! English: Dude, let's go! Mexican Slang: Ch�calo, g�ey. English: Check it out, dude.Mexican Slang: Necesito chamba. �T� sabes de algo? English: I need a job. Do you know of anything? Mexican Slang: �Qu� baj�n que todos tuvimos gripe! English: It was such a drag that we all had colds.
Mexican Slang: Tiene un chingo de problemas. English: He/She has a bunch of problems.
Mexican Slang: He comprado una ballena. English: I bought a (1 litre) bottle of beer.
Mexican Slang: �Qu� chido estuvo el juego de futbol! English: The football game was awesome!
Mexican Slang: �Qu� burro eres! English: You're such a dummy (or so stubborn)
Mexican Slang: �Me muero por una cheve! English: I'm dying for a beer!
Mexican Slang: �Qu� chamaco m�s lindo! English: What a sweet little boy!
Mexican Slang: �Qu� tal el restaurant? - Mmmm, dos tres. English: How was the restaurant? - Ummm, so-so.
I think that should be just about enough to get you into trouble for this month. Enjoy your January. Until next month, Asta Luego Amigos!
Sonoran Sun E908 6 Bedroom Penthouse $639,000
 This penthouse condo is truly a one of a kind beauty. Over 5000 square feet, huge premium patio, and impeccably designed and furnished. This would be perfect for a large family, company ownership, or just someone who wants a lot of room to move around. Priced to sell quickly, this one is a must see. Buy this condo and have instant equity. Terms are available. Call for more information or to schedule a tour: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E112 1BR Ground Floor $189,900
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Brand New Listing! Stunning one of a kind one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sea. Ground floor end unit makes a fantastic rental or just keep it for your own private enjoyment. This is a must see! Call Today: 602-476-7511 |
Sonoran Sea E102
2BR Ground Floor
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 Ground Floor beauty for sale. Fully furnished and ready to move in. This would also make a great rental income for investors. Easy financing with a low 5.9% interest rate. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E312 1BR End Unit $164,900
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 New Listing This is the only end unit for sale at the Sonoran Sea and it is a beauty. Newly remodeled and furnished very nicely, this on should be on your short list. Assume a great loan at 5.9% with about 18 years remaining. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa N605 1BR North Building $119,900
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Now offering Financing! Perfect location for the best views in the Spa North building. Priced right and now financing available with 25% down. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W104 2BR Ground Floor $269,900
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Walk right out your door to the pool and the beach. This beautiful ground floor condo is the perfect choice for either rentals or just to enjoy yourselves. Nicely decorated and turn key ready for you. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E209 2BR East Building $179,000
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 Great price on a turnkey 2 Bedroom. Fabulous views and priced to sell at only $179,000! Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 406 1 BR Premium Unit $239,000
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 This is a one of a kind premium one bedroom at the Luxurious Sonoran Sky Resort. Priced to sell at $239,000 Cash or $279,000 with terms. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E211 1BR Unique Layout $135,000
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 This is a beautiful one bedroom condo that sleeps 8! That makes this one bedroom very unique and a very good rental unit. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E203
2 BR East Building
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New Listing!
Great views from this oceanfront 2 bedroom at the Spa. Nicely furnished and priced to sell.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W508 2 BR West Building $219,000
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 New Listing Beautiful 2 bedroom in the Sonoran Sun ready for a quick sale. Just 20% down will make this turn key beauty your own. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E701
3 BR End Unit
$385,000Link to Listing PENDING SALEGreat price on this immaculate end unit 3 bedroom at the Sea. Owner will finance with jsut 20% Down. Absolutely stunning views Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W310 3BR End Unit $285,000
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 Beautiful 3 bedroom condo at the center end of the Sonoran Spa next to the courtyard. Very good financing offering 6% interest for 10 years. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W609 2BR Premium Patio $349,000
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 Beautiful two bedroom condo with huge extended patio for entertaining. Owner will carry with 40% down. Great Views! Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E402 2BR East Building $180,000
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 Beautiful 2 bedroom condo away from the pool for more peace and quiet. Priced to sell at $180,000 cash. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E605 2BR East Building $189,000
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 Great buy on this 2 bedroom fully furnished condo. Fantastic oceanfront views - only $189,000 cash Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E801 3BR End Unit $439,000
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 You really need to see this condo! Grand views of the Sea of Cortez from your wraparound balcony is just the beginning. Priced to sell and one of the very nicest condos on Sandy Beach. This one is a must see.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E1004 2BR Top Floor $249,000
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Great condo on the Top Floor. This East building penthouse has 20 year financing at 5.9%. Only 20% down and you're in. Absolutely stunning views. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E101 3BR Ground Floor $359,000
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 Great Terms! 20% Down, 5.9% interest for 20 years. This is a beautiful ground floor end unit condo. Enjoy the privacy and step right out to the pool and beach. Call Today: 602-476-7511 |
Sonoran Sun W110 1BR Ground Floor $155,000
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 This ground floor 1 bedroom will make a great rental investment. Priced right and terms available at 6%. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E505 2BR East Building $274,900 Link to Listing
 Everything about this condo is first class. Not used as a rental and everything is upgraded. This new listing is a must see. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W204 2BR West Building $219,000
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 Fabulous 2 Bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sea Resort. This is one of the few remaining great deals at the Sonoran Sea. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W801 3BR End Unit $469,000
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 Great Views from this beautiful condo and total wrap around terrace. This is a premium condo at a great price. Financing is available with a very reasonable down payment. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W306 2BR West Building $189,000
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 Great views from this 2 bedroom in the West building of the Sonoran Spa. Priced to sell at only $189,000 cash. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 207 2 Bedroom Luxury Condo $299,000
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 Best priced 2 bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort. This one is unfurnished and waiting for your creative design. Great Buy! Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E309 1BR East Building $139,000
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PENDING SALEBeautiful 1 bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sea overlooking the pools and the beach. Great price and not many of these condos left for sale. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E407 2BR East Building $209,000
Link to Listing
 Great condo. Great price. Great financing. You can't lose on this one. Take a look! Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea E105
2 Bedroom Ground Floor
Link to Listing Ground floor 2 Bedroom at the Sonoran Sea. This is an immaculate condo and a great rental income property. No qualify financing with 20% down Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W506 2BR West Building $215,000
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Check out this beautiful 2 bedroom condo that just came on the market. It is on the desirable 5th floor in the West building. See the lights of Old Port every night. Fully furnished and ready for you to move in. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa W602 2BR West Building $179,000
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 Beautiful Views from this nicely furnished 2 bedroom at the Sonoran Spa. Priced to sell and great financing as well.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E709
3 Bedroom Premium
 This 3 Bedroom 3 Bath Premium condo can be yours for only $99,000 Down. This one is a Must See beauty with ocean front views beyond belief.
Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Spa E204 2 BD East Building $189,900
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 New Listing. Great Ocean Front Views from this beautiful 2nd floor Condo. Financing available at only 5.9%. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sea W708 3 BR West Building
Fantastic views of Old Port right from your oceanfront patio. This 3 bedroom West building condo is a prize. Asking $99,000 down and owner will finance. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun E312 1BR East Building $119,900
This is a great price on a one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun. Prices are going up and now is the time to act. Call Today: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sun W504 2BR West Building $229,000
 Price Reduced! Owner wants it sold. Just $20,000 down buys this condo!
Great views and beautiful furnishings make this Sonoran Sun 2 bedroom condo in the West Building a must see.
Call Today: 602-476-7511