Our Mission is for students to attain responsible independence.
Electronic Billing
In an effort to save resources and add convenience for you, we've initiated an electronic billing system. Thank you for your patience as we work through some kinks.
As always, we welcome your feedback.
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Next week at Hilltop
Monday, 10/22
CH Spanish
MS Soccer
Tuesday, 10/23
Spanish Lower El
3 - 4:10
Upper El soccer
Wednesday, 10/24
Bagel Lunch
Spanish Upper El
3:00 - 4:10pm
MS Soccer GAME vs. St. Mike's HOME
Thursday, 10/25
MS trip to Concord MA
Upper El hosts the 2nd Annual Garlic Project
Upper El Soccer 3pm
Friday, 10/26 Lower El Soccer 3pm
Saturday/Sunday 10/27 - 28 MS Soccer Tournament Greenwood School |
Notes from the Head of School
Left to right: Peter Owen Hayward (NMH, Northfield Mount Hermon), Nate Guggisberg (The Putney School), Jon Erik Brodhurst (The Putney School), Paige Fenn (NMH), Harper Lee Baldwin (NMH), Casey Greenleaf (BUHS, Bratttleboro Union High School), Elkanah Linder (Vermont Academy).Many thanks to the students who participated! All are sophomores except Jon Erik who is a senior.
The "Real World" of High School - HMS Alumni Night
Last week seven Hilltop graduates spoke to an assembled group of mostly 8th grade parents about how their experience at Hilltop prepared them for the high schools they are now attending. For me it was quite a mouth-dropping evening as five of the seven were "lifers" - i.e. they attended Hilltop from CH-8th grade.
For many parents an underlying question is whether this small school on the hill can prepare one for the "real world" - especially if one has been at Hilltop since the age of 3. I'm not quite sure what the definition of the "real world" is, and it may differ from family to family, but let's assume that it at least means bigger, more diverse, and less protected. The move to the "real world" of high school looms large.
As with any move, transition reflects a change and change can mean some wobbly moments while students (and their parents) figure out their new schedules and new environments - especially during the first couple of months. However, as I read over Lauren's notes the degree of confidence these seven exuded (six are sophomores; one is a senior) proves that they are happily ensconced in their real worlds of The Putney School, Northfield Mount Hermon, Vermont Academy and Brattleboro Union High School.
For a summary of the notes, click here.
Business Manager - Position Posting
Please pass the word along to anyone you know who might be interested.
Hilltop Montessori School, a pre-K through 8th grade private school, seeks a business manager to work with the Head of School to provide financial planning and oversight and to manage all day to day financial affairs of the school, including: long term financial planning, annual budgets and monthly monitoring, managing cash position and accounts receivable, insurance, reports to lenders, overseeing billings, payables, payroll & benefits. Qualifications: degree in bookkeeping / accounting, "certified bookkeeper" a plus, computer literate including fully competent in Excel, Word, familiarity with QuickBooks. A minimum of 5 years of experience covering all of the areas above. Compensation commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Please reply, with resume and references, to Business Office, Hilltop Montessori School, 120 Summit Circle, Brattleboro, VT 05301.
Healthy Snack Volunteers Needed
Snack. Doesn't it sound good, quick, and convenient? Healthy snack. It sounds the same, but doesn't it also sound like a little more work? Well, it is. Our kids eat healthy snacks with an emphasis on local foods every day at school. Sometimes, it takes a little extra time to collect and prepare these foods. In the interest of supporting the great snacks at Hilltop, can we parents offer a little help?
Every Tuesday Hilltop needs someone to pick up our pre-ordered bulk items from the co-op and deliver them to school. Every Wednesday Mariam can use a little extra help putting these items away and organizing snack for the week. Do you think you can volunteer to pick up food every once in a while? Do you think you can spare an hour on a Wednesday morning at drop off to give Mariam a hand? I am happy to coordinate our efforts - just let me know if you can volunteer. We need two volunteers per week - it's a once in a while low time commitment. Let me know if you are interested and what is your preferred way to help out. Write:
Car Pool
Thank you to all who have been loyal supporters of the Hilltop Ride Share. Due to low participation, we will cease scheduling a volunteer to coordinate rides at Memorial Park. After next week, if you wish to coordinate rides at Memorial Park, I am happy to facilitate matching families with regular users of the Ride Share.
Madeline Fan
Head of School Search Update
We are quickly arriving at the time when the Search Committee and school community will meet candidates for our next Head of School. The Search Committee will begin reading applications on October 18 and will choose semifinalists on October 26. We have decided to give each semi-finalist (there may be six to eight of them) a short interview on campus the weekend of November 3 and, then we will bring the three to four finalists for a two day visit to Hilltop in early November when they will meet everyone who wants to be involved in the search. Parents will be invited to an evening reception/talk with each candidate and to a more casual morning coffee and chat session with each candidate. The Search Committee will use a Survey Monkey survey to gather your impressions of the candidates after you have met them. For those of you who plan ahead, here are those dates:
The evening receptions will be from 5-6pm at Hilltop on the following dates
(child care will be provided): Tuesday, November 6 (This is tentative.) Thursday, November 8 Wednesday, November 14 Thursday, November 15
Parents will also have informal chat time with the candidate from 8:30-9:30 in the morning: Wed, Nov 7 (tentative) Friday, Nov 9 Wed, Nov 14 Friday, Nov 16
-- Jenny Smith Volunteers needed! When Head-of-School finalists come visit Hilltop in early November, they will bring their spouses with them. Moving to Brattleboro will be a family decision, so we want to help the spouses get to know the Brattleboro community. Are you interested in being a host for one of the spouses? This would involve you showing the spouse around town, with a focus on places of interest to that person. You would potentially spend part to most of the school hours with this person. Please let Jenny Smith, Chair of the Search Committee know if you are interested. jsmith@putneyschool. org or 802-387-4560
Hilltop Classifieds and Wish List
Hilltop Montessori School