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Following Christ as we welcome, nurture, love and feed all God's children.

The Shamrock 
September 2, 2015

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You will find St. Patrick's is home to families & singles of all ages. We seek God through outward expressions and inward contemplation, finding spirituality on a personal level. We also enjoy our fellowship time together! Join us on any Sunday!

September Birthdays

1-Rosalie Hopkins, 4-Taylor Nichols, Indie Mellon-Diaz, 5-Bill Rankin, 6-Jan Owens, Dallas Yates, 7-Nick Hope, 9-Dawn Keevill-Carey, 10-Max Scupham, Robert Scholl, 13-Biff Harter, 15-Roger Carey, Eliza Boyanton, 17-Ronley Williams, 18-Jeremy Carlson, 19-Karen Warren, Spencer White, Stanley Birdsong, 20-Meriah Grove, Autumn Carey, 21-Cris Paul, Mary Louise Wilson, 23-Lauren Richards, 24-Bill Murphy, 25-Gray Temple, 26-Zana Boyanton, Sarah Stevens, 27-Jeff Hudgins, Emily Sigman, Lynne Fischer-Queen, Taylor Harper, Ryan Sheridan, 29-Bob Renaud, Ian Huelsbeck, Andrew Simmons, 30-Eve Wallis, Charles Boyanton, Cynthia Jackson

Happy birthday!

Anam Cara

 Anam Cara is Gallic for "Soul Friend." It comes out of the Celtic tradition of encouraging us to find a spiritual companion who journeys with us on our path of life. Click here for more information. 


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Stewardship: Pledge cards for the 2015 Operating Budget are available in the office and  you can find a printable pledge card here.
Pledge cards should be returned to the parish office.


Want to Join St. Patrick's? Please  email Amanda Vaughn or call her at 770-455-6523 for more information.


Contact us:
The office is open Monday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m., Thursday-Friday 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. The phone number is 770-455-6523.
Deadline for submitting news items for The Shamrock and bulletin is noon Tuesdays. Send news and photos to Most news items will run for two weeks. 
The Shamrock is published weekly. It is distributed most Wednesdays.
All content submitted is subject to editing. 
Contact: Amanda Vaughn, Director of Communications, 770-455-6523 or

Out and About in the Diocese of Atlanta    
Want to stay current on all the events going on in the Diocese of Atlanta? Click here to sign up for Connecting, the Diocesan email newsletter. Visit their website here.

The parish retreat last weekend was a huge success. Many, many thanks to all who helped plan, and especially to Alison Forbes. Click the collage to see more photos from the weekend on our flickr site.

Phillipa Lay (right), accompanied on piano by Susan Clearman (left), gave a concert at St. Patrick's. The concert was attended by over 80 people and all donations, totaling over $800, went to help fun the Annual Parish Retreat. See more photos on our flickr page. 

For more detailed information, please check the website. If you are not on the weekly Shamrocks email list and would like to be, please email Amanda Vaughn.  
Thursday, 9/3
7:00 p.m.            Centering Prayer, Library
8:00 p.m.           The Male Room (AA - Men only), Room 14 
Friday, 9/4    
8:00 p.m.           The Dunwoody North Group (AA), Room 9

Saturday, 9/5
Sunday, 9/6              
8:00 a.m.            Holy Eucharist, Chapel     
10:30 a.m.          Holy Eucharist, Nave
12:00 p.m.          Hospitality House, Parish Hall

Monday, 9/7     
7:00 p.m.            Men's Accountability Group, Room 1
8:00 p.m.            AA (open), Room 14
Tuesday, 9/8       
6:45 a.m.            Men's Prayer Group, Room 8
10:00 a.m.          Centering Prayer, Library
6:30 p.m.            Finance Committee Mtg., Office
6:00 p.m.
            German Ensemble, Choir Room
7:00 p.m.            Being Mary & Martha, Parlor

Wednesday, 9/9
11:00 a.m.          Malachi's Storehouse, Parish Hall     
12:15 p.m.          Healing and Eucharist Service, Chapel  
6:00 p.m.            Wonderful Wednesday Dinner, PH
7:00 p.m.            Wonderful Wednesday Program, PH

Thursday, 9/10
7:00 p.m.            Centering Prayer, Library
8:00 p.m.           The Male Room (AA - Men only), Room 14 
Friday, 9/11    
6:00 p.m.           CGS Training
8:00 p.m.           The Dunwoody North Group (AA), Room 9

Saturday, 9/12
9:00 a.m.          CGS Training
Sunday, 9/13      Kick Off Sunday!        
8:00 a.m.            Holy Eucharist, Chapel     
9:00 a.m.            Classes for Children and Youth
9:15 a.m.            Adult Formation Classes
10:30 a.m.
          Holy Eucharist, Nave
12:00 p.m.          Hospitality House, Parish Hall
                          Youth Leader Mtg, Room 14
12:15 p.m.          Stephen Ministry Mtg., Room 8
12:30 p.m.          Usher Mtg., Room 1
4:00 p.m.            Worship Task Force Mtg., Parlor

Monday, Sept. 7
Office Closed - Labor Day
Wednesday, Sept. 9,
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Wonderful Wednesday Dinner and Program begin
Saturday, Sept. 12,
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Parish Workday
Sunday, Sept. 13
Kick off Sunday - Fall formation classes begin for children, youth, and adults

Sunday, Sept. 27
after 10:30 a.m. service
Revved Up Kids self-defense
 workshop for girls ages 11-18 and parents
Night Welcome Back Fancy Dinner, Sept. 9,
6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Hall:
Getting things off to a delicious start, Fr. Dick and Friends are cooking up a fine dinner for us all to share. We'll take our time chatting as we dine. Dinner speakers will talk with us about the fall offerings and answer questions.   

All Hands on Deck Work Day - Sept. 12, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: St. Patrick's and Malachi's Storehouse need you to help with building maintenance, landscaping, cleaning, and more! We will feed you breakfast and lunch. Join us for fellowship, fun, and some good, old-fashioned hard work!

Fall Kick-Off Sunday, Sept. 13:
Children, Youth, and Adult Christian Formation classes begin!

New Public Office Hours: Effective September 1, new office hours will be Monday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. and Thursday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
 Closed Sign
Office Closure: The church office will be closed Monday, Sept. 7 in observance of the Labor Day holiday.   

St. Pat's gathered at Dunwoody Tavern for Pub Theology and trivia night.
St. Patrick's gathered at Dunwoody Tavern for Pub Theology and trivia night.

Church leaders call for Sunday of Confession, Repentance and Commitment to End Racism: A letter calling on Episcopal congregations to participate Sept. 6 in a Sunday of Confession, Repentance and Commitment to End Racism has been issued by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and the Rev. Gay Jennings, president of the House of Deputies. To read the letter, click here.
The Diocese of Atlanta is actively committed to ending racism. If you would like to find out more ways to be involved, click here to read about our Beloved Community.

Korean Eucharist:
The Rev. Daniel Lee will be presiding over Eucharist in Korean and English at St. Patrick's at 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. The Sept. 6 service will meet in the chapel, with the hope of moving to the nave on Sept. 13. The Bishop and staff are thrilled about this mission and have encouraged our support. Are you discerning a call to be involved in this mission? Please let Fr. Dick know when the Spirit nudges you!

Centering Prayer: We meet in the library on Mondays at 1 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m, and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!

Wayne Golf Tournament 2013  
Tuesday, September 29

The Annual Wayne Judge Memorial Golf Classic is on the horizon and we want to see you there on Tuesday, September 29 to share some fellowship, have some fun and support a great cause of renovating our St. Patrick's playground facilities.


Lectionary for this Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 6:
No youth or adult formation classes - Labor Day Weekend
  • Nursery (newborn - 4 years old) - 9:00 a.m.


Support Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: 
Support CGS when you shop at Kroger. We will be glad to register your Kroger card in the Kroger Community Rewards program for you. This program will contribute money to the CGS program every time you shop! 

St. Patrick's EYC:

September 13: 
Kickoff! Sunday School Starts!
Meeting for all Youth Leaders and Youth Advisory Board to follow 10:30 a.m. service at noon in YAC (Young Adults in Church) room. Lunch will be provided - please RSVP to Liz any dietary needs! Childcare can be provided - let Liz know by Sept. 7 by calling or texting (404) 358-6024

Click here for info on upcoming youth events.



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Malachi's Needs Men's Clothing:
Malachi's Storehouse desperately needs clothing for men of all shapes, sizes, and types. Please bring items to the clothes closet so we can help our neighbors.

Actual Income (Adjusted) - YTD*
Budgeted Income - YTD
 Year to Date Difference: Actual - Budgeted
Projected Year End Difference
 Projected Year End Difference (% of Annual Budget)

* : pre-payments of pledge values have been annualized