The Shamrock
January 21, 2015
In This Issue
Coming Events
Parish Happenings
Christian Formation
This Week at St. Patrick's



1-Michele King, Mykala Walker, 3- Samantha Hoge, 4-Henry Grimes, Pam Tucker, Megan Hendrickson, 5-Janie Carter, 6-Evan Ormsby, Andy Krakowiak, 10-Tom Dusenberry, Rolia Pabilona, 11-Shari Dickerson, 12-Julia Clark, 13-Janet Keen, Anna Roberts, 14-Katharine Foster, 15-Matthew Thirey, Liam Huelsbeck, 17-Elaine Perkins, 18-Jerry Shuford, 18-Frank Richards, 19-Maria Annunziata, Jovanna Greig, 21-Meagan Lauber, 22-David Bishop, Norman Thomas, 23-Janice Shuford, 23-Andy Schuyler, Amanda Nance, 25-John Watson, Sean Dolan, Masie Graham, 26-Maria Annunziata, 29-Nicholas Rhodes, Nathan Richardson, Mason Cary, Jesse Adkins, Tyler Sheridan, 30-Nancy Lauber, 31-Donna Kunz, Patti Barrett, 31-Minna Hong

Happy birthday!


Transparent Color Logo
Stewardship: Pledge cards for the 2015 Operating Budget are available in the office and  you can find a printable pledge card here.
Pledge cards should be returned to the parish office. "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7 


Want to Join St. Patrick's? Please  email Amanda Vaughn or call her at 770-455-6523 for more information.




Book study focuses on Episcopal civil rights martyr:  

A diocesanwide book study will be underway in the new year, organized by the Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism. The book is "Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama." It is recommended copies be ordered through the University of Alabama press directly. A link to their product page can be found here. We have arranged for a discount with UA press, and by entering the promo code AGITATOR the price of the book is reduced to $20.  Read more >    



Contact us:

The office is open Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The phone number is 770-455-6523.


Deadline for submitting news items for The Shamrock and bulletin is noon Tuesdays. Send news and photos to Most news items will run for two weeks. 


The Shamrock is published weekly. It is distributed most Wednesdays.


All content submitted is subject to editing. 


Contact: Amanda Vaughn, Director of Communications, 770-455-6523 or

Out and About in the Diocese of Atlanta    
Want to stay current on all the events going on in the Diocese of Atlanta? Click here to sign up for Connecting, the Diocesan email newsletter. Visit their website here.
Annual Meeting and
Call for Vestry Nominations:

Vestry Elections are coming up on Sunday, Feb. 1 as part of our Annual Meeting. We will be electing four new vestry members for the 2015-2018 term, as well as a youth vestry member for a one year term.

Nomination forms and qualification details are available at the volunteer desk in the church office or in PDF form here. 


Nomination forms must be accompanied by a photo of the nominee. Please email the photo and completed form to Amanda Vaughn by the end of today - Wednesday, Jan. 21. 

Burning of the Greens at Epiphany




January 31
Bingo Night
February 1
Annual Parish Meeting
February 7
Brunch for Young Families
February 8
Vestry Installation
February 17
Shrove Tuesday
February 18
Ash Wednesday








Super Silly Surprise Saturday Social: Jan 31 from 7-10 p.m. Bingo Night with Tom - isn't he a dusey!  Bingo prizes will be under 1 million dollars!This is a casual adult social in the Parish Hall.Bring snacks and drinks to share. If you have any questions, please email Elaine or call her 770-380-6122. 


 brotherhood logo


Brotherhood of St. Andrew Dinner Meeting, Feb. 5, 6:30 p.m.: We will be electing new officers for 2015, planning the pancake supper for the Tuesday before Lent and discussing plans for projects in 2015.  Please email Mike Cropper to reserve your spot at dinner.  

St. Patrick's Brunch for Young Families:
Parents and children (ages 0-10) are invited to a brunch on Saturday, February 7 at 10:00 AM. Come feast on brunch prepared by chef Dick Game and sou chef Sarah Fisher, meet other parents and children at St. Patrick's and sign up for a St. Patrick's dinner group specifically for parents with young children. If the weather is nice, we'll adjourn to the playground next door. All are welcome. RSVP to Mother Sarah via email or call her at 770-455-6523 by February 4. If you're unable to attend the brunch, but would still like to sign up for a Leprechaun dinner group, just contact Sarah.

Pledge Cards Available Online:
If you didn't pick up your 2015 pledge card at St. Patrick's, you can find one on our website. Click here to get to it, then print, fill out, and return to the church office.


Name tags: Remember, wear your name tag when you come to St. nametag Patrick's! They're hanging alphabetically on the name tag board. Each Sunday the board can be found in the narthex. Otherwise it lives in the back hallway. If you need a nametag, please email Amanda Vaughn or fill out the form that can be found Sunday mornings in the narthex on the stand next to the visitor's book.





Nursery (newborn - 4 yrs old) - 9:00 a.m. 


Children (ages 2 � - 11)  Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 9:00 a.m. 


Youth - Rite 13, J2A, and YEA meet at 9:00 a.m.  


Adults - 9:15 a.m. 

  • Scripture Study - Room 8 (Board Room)
  • Epiphany (through Feb 8): Lesser Prophets
  • Christian Thought - Room 1 (Gathering Room)
  • Epiphany (through Feb 8): St. Jonathan Daniels, Civil Rights Martyr
  • Painting Looking Up - Art Lab
  • Dreams: Listening to God - Library
  • The Roundtable Discussion Series - Parlor

Adult Christian Formation classes for Spring 2015: Click here to see the full schedule and see which one interests you.  


Wonderful Wednesday
Parish Family Dinner and Study:
The Once and Future Christian  

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Parish Family Dinner and Study

Wednesday nights begin with dinner in our Parish Hall! Dinner is served 6:00-6:50 p.m. to allow participation in Adult Formation. Adult meals are $7, Youth and Children (3-12 years of age) are $5, with a Family Maximum of $20.  


Please  email Amanda Vaughn to make your dinner reservation. Childcare, at no charge, is available by reservation through the church office by the Monday before.
Carl McColman, Jan. 7, 2015 (Photo: Carter Cooper)

Here in the 21st century, some of our leading Christian thinkers - people like Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr, and Diana Butler Bass - contend that we are on the verge of another reformation that may prove to be as world-transforming as the one 500 years ago. What does this mean for ordinary Christians? How can we be faithful to Christ and His Gospel in a world where change - both inside and outside the Church - is so radical, so non-stop, so all-pervasive? This series hopes to explore these questions by prayerfully reflecting on "The Once and Future Christian." 

Session IV (Jan. 28): Waiting for a New Saint Benedict: How the Wisdom of the Past can illuminate our path into the future.






This Week at St. Patrick's


For more detailed information, please check the website. If you are not on the weekly Shamrocks email list and would like to be, please email Amanda Vaughn.    


Thursday, 1/22        

12:30 p.m.          Holy Spirit Prayer Group, Library  

8:00 p.m.            The Male Room (AA - Men only), Room 14


Friday, 1/23

8:00 p.m.           The Dunwoody North Group (AA), Room 9


Saturday, 1/24


Sunday, 1/25                                            

8:00 a.m.            Holy Eucharist, Chapel    

9:00 a.m.            CGS and Youth classes

9:15 a.m.            Adult Christian Formation Classes  

10:30 a.m.          Holy Eucharist, Nave
12:30 p.m.          Hospitality House


Monday, 1/26                         

9:30 a.m.            Tai Chi, Parish Hall

11:00 a.m.           Staff Meeting, Room 1 

7:00 p.m.            EfM, Room 8 

7:00 p.m.            Men's Accountability Group, Room 1

8:00 p.m.            AA (open), Room 14


Tuesday, 1/27      

10:00 a.m.          Peachtree Pine Cooking, Kitchen 

6:45 a.m.            Men's Prayer Group, Room 8 

6:00 p.m.            German Ensemble, Choir Room     


Wednesday, 1/28      

11:00 a.m.          Malachi's Storehouse, Parish Hall     

12:15 p.m.          Holy Eucharist with Healing, Chapel    

6:00 p.m.            Wonderful Wednesday, Parish Hall