The Shamrock - May 28, 2014

Summer Sundays at St. Pat's: June 22-August 3


Fr. Dick Game 

Now that we have wrapped-up our spring formation offerings, it is time to look forward to our time together this summer.


First, back by popular demand, we will hold our Second Summer Film Series, God Goes to the Movies, each Sunday from June 22 through August 3 (excluding July 6), at 9:15 a.m. in the Gathering Room. On these Sunday mornings a parishioner will host a showing of meaningful clips from a movie of their choice, highlighting theological themes. Everyone will have the opportunity to discuss the clips and how they were impacted, or not. 


Also beginning June 22 and lasting through August 3 (excluding July 6), we will have a new offering during the education hour: Simple Presence, Common Ground. This class will meet in the quiet room off the Narthex. Guided by Tilden Edwards' Living Simply Through the Day, each class will begin with an introduction of a contemplative prayer practice, followed by actual practice time and ending with sharing. This class is for anyone interested in contemplative prayer and practices, and is a safe place for the curious, the beginner and those who already have an established prayer practice. Think of this class as a time for quiet prayer before the service.


The Dream Group will continue to meet through on second Sundays during the summer, and The Roundtable will join the those participating in the summer offerings  


So come join us between the services this summer!


As always, the Nursery is available for newborns through age 4. For children 5-10, our plan is to provide supervised space for individual reading and other activities in the room next to the nursery.


Parish News  


Wonderful Wednesdays  - Looking At The Resurrection: Join us during the Great Fifty Days of Easter as we explore the resurrection through the lenses of Scripture, Tradition and Reason. Guided first by the Scripture, we will survey perspectives on the resurrection as understood by the Church, mystics, and even modern science. We will also offer generous space to explore our own experiences and reflections. We will meet one last time on May 28. Led by Fr. Dick, CeCe Balboni and others.


Dinner at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. The cost for children 12-years and younger is $5.00, cost of an adult meal is $7.00. Please be sure to be a part of this upcoming program and dinner. Email your reservations to Amanda Vaughn by the Monday before - please note if you need childcare.     

Summer Office Hours: During June and July the office will be open the following times:  

Monday - Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 



Celebration Worship Service - June 1: Contemporary Style Worship Service at 5 p.m. on Sunday June 1, in the Parish Hall - By now most of you have heard about our May service which was a wonderful evening of praise, celebration, and good food. If you haven't or were not able to attend, please come and check it out for yourself June 1. It will include a homily by one of our parishioners, Kathy Malcom-Hall and communion, too. Don't worry about feeding the kids before you come, stay afterward and enjoy a simple meal together. No reservations needed. Help us spread the word by inviting friends, old and new, to worship with us in this casual and open-hearted way.   


The Gathering:Friday, June 6, 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

This is a contemplative and progressive gathering with prayer, poetry, music, guided meditation, and silence, inspired by wisdom traditions, modern Celtic spirituality, and natural spirituality. Music by Ramsay and friends. The invitation is *OPEN* to all ages. All are welcome!


Pentecost Picnic - June 8: Save the date of June 8 for our Pentecost Picnic. Buy your tickets this Sunday. This is one of the biggest events of the year. Following the amazing 10:30 Pentecost Service, we will have food, music, fun and games on the back lawn.   The cost is $7 for adults, $4 for kids, $25 per family maximum. When you buy your ticket, sign up to bring one dozen deviled eggs or a dessert or sodas. This is a great time to invite your friends and neighbors to experience God's richness at St. Patrick's.

Vestry Meetings: These meetings are open to all. The next Vestry Meeting will be Thursday, June 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Nave.




June 23-27 - Creative Explorer's Camp - The Light of the World. 

Information and registration forms can be found on our website or on the table outside the office.   




July 21-25 - Vacation Bible School: Christmas in July. 

Information and registration forms can be found on our website or on the table outside the office.


** We are still accepting donations for the camps, as we seek to open the doors to all, free of charge.  We have over $2000.00  in donations so far, thanks to you!**



Stewardship Update: It is never too late to pledge! Pledge cards for the 2014 Operating Budget are available in the office and you can find a printable pledge card here.Pledge cards should be returned to the parish office. "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7   


Want to Join St. Patrick's? Please email Amanda Vaughn or call her at 770-455-6523 for more information.

Ministry Update  


50 Days of Easter: As Paschal candles are lit throughout the world on  Easter morning to signal the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Bishop Rob Wright will ignite 50 days of online Easter prayer throughout the 109 communities of the Episcopal Church in Middle and North Georgia.  Click here to find out how to participate. 

Stephen Ministry:
"Get On With Your Life" - but you can't. You may grieve the loss of a loved one for years. And the first year can be all downhill.  A Stephen Minister would like to care for you. Stephen Ministers are trained and supervised to care sensitively for those going through difficult times. Call Fr Dick at (770) 455-6523 to be put in touch with a Stephen Minister. Anything you discuss will be kept strictly confidential.

Christian Formation

Lectionary for this Sunday



Nursery - newborn - 4 years - Room 6 


Children and Youth classes are on break for the summer. 

Adult Formation Classes:  

  • Roundtable Discussion Series, Parlor   
Parish Birthdays
May 25-31


  Wayne Ware, Max Farley, Keith Sanders, Lorraine Cary, Jessica Clark, Carli Wright, Dick Game, Robert Solomon, Haley Chapman


 Happy birthday!


Income Summary




Actual Income (Adjusted) - YTD*

 Budgeted Income - YTD

 Year to Date Difference: Actual - Budgeted

 Projected Year End Difference

 Projected Year End Difference (% of Annual Budget)









* : pre-payments of pledge values have been annualized


This Week at St. Patrick's


For more detailed information, please check the website. If you are not on the weekly Shamrocks email list and would like to be, please email Amanda Vaughn.    



Thursday, 5/29      

12:30 p.m.          Holy Spirit Prayer Group, Library

6:00 p.m.            Brotherhood of St. Andrew Meeting, Parish Hall/Kitchen
8:00 p.m.            The Male Room (AA - Men only), Room 14


Friday, 5/30                                                                    

8:00 p.m.            The Dunwoody North Group (AA), Room 14

Saturday, 5/31     

Sunday, 6/1              

8:00 a.m.            Holy Eucharist, Chapel  

9:15 a.m.            Adult Christian Formation Classes  

10:30 a.m.          Holy Eucharist,Nave

12:30 p.m.          Hospitality House, Parish Hall 
5:00 p.m.            Celebration Eucharist, Parish Hall   

Monday, 6/2                      

9:30 a.m.            Tai Chi, Parish Hall

1:00 p.m.            Staff Meeting, Room 1 

7:00 p.m.            Men's Accountability Group, Room 1

8:00 p.m.            AA (open), Room 14


Tuesday, 6/3
6:45 a.m.            Men's Prayer Group, Room 8

6:00 p.m.            German Ensemble, Choir Room

Wednesday, 6/4                                       

9:45 a.m.            Dream Group, Library 

12:15 p.m.          Holy Eucharist with Healing, Chapel
1:30 p.m.            Malachi's Storehouse, Parish Hall 

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Thank you for being a faithful reader of the Shamrock!  

Visit the website for more details on events and programs.  


Contact us:

During June and July the office is open Monday - Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Thursday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The phone number is 770-455-6523.


Deadline for submitting news items for The Shamrock and bulletin is noon Tuesdays. Send news and photos to Most news items will run for two weeks. 


The Shamrock is published weekly. It is distributed most Wednesdays.


All content submitted is subject to editing. 


Contact: Amanda Vaughn, Director of Communications, 770-455-6523 or 

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