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Saturday, May 3

USGBC Redwood Empire Chapter presents


The 2014 
Green Building Vision & Practice Series 
with LEED Platinum Home Tour 



Join Us Saturday, May 3
Registration Opens Soon! 

Professional Education  + 
LEED Platinum Home Tour

Sonoma Farmhouse  Hammond & Company

What Makes a Building Product Green? 

The first seminar in our 

2014 Green Building Vision & Practice Series 

8:30am - 11:30am

 - and -

Green Products in Action 

LEED Platinum Home Tour

11:30am - 1:00pm


Professional Education followed by open discussion

  • What makes a given building product "green"? 
  • How do you evaluate the relative greenness of different products? 
  • How do you find green products? 
  • What is the landscape of green product certifications and evaluations, and which ones can you trust?

The first event in the Green Building Vision & Practice Series will bring together leading regional experts in green building materials to explore the fascinating and complex challenge of defining what is green when it comes to building products and resources.  Topics include:

Green criteria

- Reused, regional, and recycled products; products that conserve resources; products that avoid toxic or other emissions; products that save energy or water; products that contribute to a safe, healthy indoor environment

Finding green products in the region and on the web

- Regional retailers, GreenSpec, Pharos, etc.

Performance vs. transparency

- Understanding the distinctions between performance-based certifications (e.g. FSC, Cradle to Cradle, FloorScore, Sustainable Agriculture Network) and transparency tools (e.g. Health Product Declarations, Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Product Declarations)
            Shades of green 
- Green can be in the eye of the beholder, but we all need to watch out for greenwash (false or exaggerated environmental claims)

Saturday,  May  3, 2014

Sonoma - More info to be provided soon at: 
Seminar with Tour: 

Seminar 8:30am - 11:30am - (Incudes LEED Platinum Home Tour) 



Professional education focused on finding and selecting truly green building products - followed by interactive discussion

Tour only: 
LEED Platinum Home Tour 11:30am-1:00pm  

Choose both sessions or just the tour - look for registration to open soon!
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