The recent decision of the Supreme Court regarding gay marriage has altered the future of the Church in our nation. It has altered the future of church leaders who care deeply about representing the compassion and holiness of Jesus. While it will take time to see the decision's full impact on AGTS, there are two certainties we can stand upon in the interval:
  1. AGTS will not waver on the authority of Scripture or the mandate of the Gospel to make disciples of all nations.
  2. AGTS will continue to develop servant leaders with knowledge, skill and passion to revitalize the church and evangelize the world in the power of the Spirit.

More than ever, Christian leaders will need biblical rootedness and Spirit empowerment to navigate new waves of opposition in our society. Even as this world's brokenness is manifested in new and tragic ways, our mandate to proclaim the gospel in word, deed and sign is not diminished.

The U.S. Church is entering a realm in which Christians worldwide are familiar: the reality that following Jesus has a cost. Let us take heart, however, that the Early Church similarly faced religious and political challenges yet still transformed an empire by living and proclaiming a non-compromising gospel. Fluctuating cultural and moral norms need not cause angst, anger or malaise. Rather, these are the times for knowing scriptural Truth, living the incarnate Word and loving people. From a Kingdom perspective, our greatest opportunities lie before us. We must ensure the world hears the narrative that gives freedom for now and eternity. 

We join a cadre of believers whose vibrant Christian faith drowns out the cries of impending doom. Even so, we must be vigilant and proactive as our
General Superintendent counsels. Furthermore, we must recognize what this Supreme Court decision means for faith based academic institutions. 

We whole-heartedly affirm the words below of Dr. Carol Taylor, president of Evangel University, as well as the statement of the CCCU to which EU belongs.


We will not panic. We will not fear. We will be attentive to the new realities. Colossians 2:15 makes clear that all the world's wisdom and power is no match for the supremacy of Christ. This is our day to live in the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This is our day to live humbly-to see our current challenges as a call to repentance. This is our day to experience a fresh spiritual awakening as we work in the redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ. 


Mark A. Hausfeld
AGTS President

Byron D. Klaus
AGTS President
July 1999-June 2015


Office of the President

Carol A. Taylor

Response to Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage

As a faith-based institution Evangel University will continue to educate and equip students to serve the church and society globally while remaining faithful to our commitment to provide Christ-centered education that integrates faith and learning with deeply held biblical convictions and compassion for all.

Our nation has a long-cherished history of religious freedom, pluralism, and diversity. We hold sacred the privilege of living and serving alongside those with different views, respecting our fundamental right to disagree while demonstrating care, generosity, and respect for each other.

Of the more than 4,000 public and private degree-granting institutions of higher education, 900 define themselves as religiously affiliated. Among the religiously affiliated and fully accredited colleges and universities are those who are members of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and who are intentionally Christ-centered. As a member of the CCCU, Evangel University is part of a group of like-minded institutions that together serve more than 400,000 students, 1.8 million alumni, and 30,000 faculty. We fully support the statement released by the CCCU.


The Supreme Court's affirmation of the First Amendment draws from a deep well of precedent that protects free exercise. Free exercise has long been regarded as a fundamental right under the First Amendment, ensuring religious individuals and organizations can exercise their beliefs not only in synagogues, mosques and churches, but also beyond their walls. These full protections for religious individuals and organizations to exercise their beliefs privately and publicly are not diminished by expanded marriage rights.

Christian colleges are places where students are taught to be people of integrity, people of character, people who pay back their loans. They are institutions whose graduates contribute to the public good as artists, health care providers, educators, public servants and entrepreneurs. At the core of this work are deeply held religious beliefs. The Supreme Court's majority opinion named with respect the plurality of religious beliefs throughout the United States, and specifically affirmed the space in the public square for individuals to have those beliefs and opinions:

"Further, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered. The same is true of those who oppose same-sex marriage for other reasons. In turn, those who believe allowing same sex marriage is proper or indeed essential, whether as a matter of religious conviction or secular belief, may engage those who disagree with their view in an open and searching debate."

It stands to reason, then, that the tax-exempt status and religious hiring rights of religious institutions will be protected when they advance the religious mission of a college or university.


AGTS serves the larger Pentecostal and Evangelical traditions with 21st-century leadership for the Church and its mission. It is a unique graduate-level educational institution embedded within the larger structure of Evangel University offering doctoral degrees (including Ph.D.s) and masters degrees. For more information about AGTS go to or call 1-800-467-AGTS.


Contact: Jennifer Hall  

Phone: (417) 268-1024


Fax: (417) 268-1001 (ATTN: Jennifer Hall)


The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary 

1435 N Glenstone

Springfield Mo 65802
(417) 268-1000

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