Where in the World is Dr. Klaus?
- January 2-5: Fellowship of Evan
gelical Seminary Presidents, Scottsdale, Arizona - January 11-16: Holy Spirit Conference, Muldoon Community Church, Anchorage, Alaska
- January 25-26: Embedded Seminary Presidents' Symposium, San Antonio, Texas
Higher Learning Commission Team Visit
- January 21-22
- Team will visit AGTS, EU, and CBC regarding the proposed Consolidation.
- Please pray for God's favor!
Flourishing Churches and Communities
- January 29
- Key Event Speakers: Charlie Self, Greg Forster, Dwight Gibson, and Stephen Grabill
- Schedule of Events
- Lunch: 12:00-1:30 p.m.
- Panel Discussions: 2:00-3:30 p.m.
- Dinner: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
- All events will be hosted at AGTS
- Event is free, but please RSVP to Susan Meamber by phone (417-268-1010) or email.
Mark Your Calendar!
- New Year's Day Holiday
- New Student Orientation/Registration
- Consolidation Prayer Meeting
- January 14, 7:00 p.m. at Maranatha Villlage (233 Norton Road)
- Martin Luther King Holiday
- January 21 (AGTS Closed/No classes)
Academic News
Great Course Opportunity!
- MSCE 639 Intercultural
Urban Ministries with Dr. Mark Hausfeld
- February
25-March 2 in Chicago (limit 9 students) - Learn about intercultural urban ministries on-site! Lodging and transportation and some meals provided.
Improve Your Writing!
- Graduate work can be frustrating if your academic writing competency is not where it should be. We recommend the following options depending on the level of help you need.
- Have a fellow student edit your written assignments and coach you on how to improve.
- Enroll in RES 512 Academic Writing. Receive a total of 13 ho
urs of classroom instruction and up to 20 hours of one-to-one coaching. This one-hour, noncredit course will be offered in the spring semester at half the regular tuition rate.
- Sign up as soon as possible. Enrollment reaches limit quickly.
Summer Practicums
- Students must apply and register for class credit BEFORE doing practicums; credit will not be given for those requesting credit after completing practicums.
- Counseling: If you need a counseling practicum in Summer 2013, please make an appointment to meet with Dr. Angela Reid in January at areid@agts.edu right away.
- Intercultural Ministry: Email Dr. Warren Newberry (wnewberry@agts.edu) January 7-18
- All other practicums: contact Dr. Randy Walls or Chip Herrera (cherrera@agts.edu) between January 22-February 1.
Inclement Weather
- In the rare event that classes are canceled due to severe winter weather, the major television and radio
stations in Springfield will be notified that the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (not the same as the Assembly of God Christian School) has canceled classes. Before calling the Seminary, listen for such announcements.
- The number to call at AGTS to check for delay or cancellation updates is
Student Appointments with Faculty
- Email faculty members to arrange an appointment. Use the faculty m
ember's first initial and last name as in this example (rcotton@agts.edu). Faculty members encourage students to meet them for pre-registration, class matters, and ministry or personal concerns. However, please email them to set up appointments!
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Spring Course Changes
- Final Deadline to make schedule changes: Tuesday, January 22
- See AGTS Catalog for Tuition Refund Policy.
Free Audit for Spouses
Student Records
- Check the Student Handbook for guidelines concerning privacy of student records.
Summer/Fall Registration
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Business Office News
Deferred Payment Dates
- Deferred payments for the spring semester are due on or before January 7, February 15, and March 15.
- Payments must be received in the Business Office on or before these dates in order to avoid the $25 per month late fee.
Scholarship Applications for Fall 2013
- Scholarship applications
for the fall semester will be available in the Business Office in January. - Awards will be determined by the Scholarship Committee and scholarship notifications made by March 15.
Spring 2013 Scholarships
- Scholarships for the spring term will post to student accounts by February 1.
- If you are a recipient, please review your February account statement carefully to make sure that the award and the accurate amount have been posted.
- Please report any discrepancies to the Business Office as soon as possible.
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Financial Aid News
Spring 2013 Loans
- To apply for Spring 2013 student loans:
- Have on hand the following:
- Your Department of Education PIN number
- Your Social Security number
- Your driver's license
- A copy of your 2012 income taxes
- Go online to http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
- Click on "Fill out a FAFSA"
- After completing the FAFSA, submit your request with your PIN number. (The PIN serves as an electronic signature and your FAFSA will be sent to the Financial Aid Office.)
- 2012-2013 Financial Aid Application with Certification (www.agts.edu)
- Master Promissory Note (www.studentloans.gov). If you have already filed at previous school and it has been within the last ten years, you do not need to complete a new one.
- Entrance Counseling (www.studentloans.gov). This must be completed every time you change schools.
Deadline for Late Spring Loans
- March 4 is the deadline to secure a Federal Direct Loan for the Spring 2013 term.
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Library News
Spring Library Hours
- Spring library hours begin Monday,
January 7. - Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 9:30 p.m.
- Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday Closed
- Any exceptions to this schedule over the course of the semester will be posted in advance.
Library Orientation
- A Library Research Orientation session is scheduled for new student
s on Wednesday, January 9, at 2:30 p.m., in the AGTS Library. - Any returning students who are interested are also invited to attend.
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Enrollment News

Mario Guerreiro
- Will attend the AG Alliance for Higher Education Enrollment Summit at Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, California on January
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Faculty News
December 1-2: Spoke at New Life Assembly of God for three weekend services, Springfield, Missouri
January 28-29: Will be part of the Program Review team visiting Southeastern University to review the College of Christian Ministries, Lakeland, Florida
Charlie Self
January 24-26: Will attend the Kern Foundaton-Sponsored Oikonomia Network Retreat in Southern California
January 29: His book will be the featured resource at the special event at AGTS sponsord by the Acton Institute.
Mark Hausfeld
January 10-12: Will attend "A Summit on Islam" in Orlando Florida
January 13: Will preach at the missions' service in Miamisburg, Ohio
January 18-20: Will speak at the missions banquet on Friday night (18th), lead a seminar, "Reaching Muslims in America," on Saturday (19th), and preach the Missions Convention on Sunday (20th) in Marquette, Michigan
Johan Mostert and Charlie Self
January 14: Will be meeting delegates in Dallas, Texas, and, a month later, will be at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to continue the consensus-building process to develop outcomes-based definitions for discipleship (sponsored by the Kern Foundation).
Faculty Publications
Steve Lim
"Preaching that Actually Changes Lives," Enrichment, Winter 2013.