Issue No. 69
The MSCN Newsletter

Welcome to Your February 2016 Newsletter!
Winslow Homer - Winter Coast

February's newsletter shares information about educational events organized by the Senior Colleges for February. These are all open to the public and, without a doubt, are a wonderful way to share the riches of Maine's Senior Colleges!

UMA Senior College is promoting two events. The classical pianist George Lopez will be performing as part of the Jewett Concert Series. UMASC has also organized a series of free Brown Bag lectures that are open to both Senior College members and their friends.

Another lecture series that is free and open to the public is the Midcoast Winter Wisdom Series set up in collaboration with the Curtis Memorial Library and sponsorship from The Highlands. 

Lewiston-Auburn and York County Senior Colleges also have lectures open to both Senior College members and the public. (Both charge very reasonable fees.)

We have two thought-provoking articles about endangered species: bees and landline telephones. Read on to learn more about bees with Gold LEAF and grapple with the impact of disappearing landlines courtesy of AARP Maine. In addition, the New England Great Books Council has submitted information about their Spring Retreat. 

Jewett-ConcertUniversity Of Maine At Augusta Senior College Presents:
George Lopez, 
Classical Pianist

UMA Jewett Auditorium
February 7, 2016, 2PM

The "Concerts at Jewett" Series sponsored by University of Maine at Augusta College of Arts and Sciences and UMA Senior College will feature George Lopez, Classical pianist, on Sunday, February 7, 2016, 2PM at Jewett Hall Auditorium. There will be a pre-concert talk at 1PM. (Snow date: February 28th) 

George Lopez, Bowdoin College's Robert Beckwith Artist in Residence, has been a dedicated and dynamic performer, educator, and lecturer for over 25 years. Mr. Lopez recently premiered a new piano concerto here in Maine, and is also comfortable in styles of music ranging from jazz, ragtime to more contemporary styles of improvisation. In addition to touring in the US and Mexico in 2015, he made his first visit to Cuba to give masterclasses and concerts with the Aries Trio. His "Music in the Museum" series at Bowdoin consists of creative and engaging lecture recitals on the relationship of music to art and ideas. Mr. Lopez is the conductor of the Bowdoin Chamber Orchestra made up of students from the college and local high schools. 

Tickets are $10, students $5, 12 & under free. Tickets are available at Pat's Pizza in Augusta, Dave's Appliance in Winthrop and at the door. Call 621-3551, or via email for more information or for mail order tickets. 

The next concert is Sunday, March 13, 2016, 2PM - Dave Rowe and Dave Rowe with Troy Bennett as The Squid Jiggers (Snow date March 20th) 

Media contact: 
 Irene Forster 

Submitted by Beverly Ludden,  University of Maine in Augusta Senior College

WinterWisdomMidcoast Senior College Presents:
at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick

Wednesdays in February, 12:15 - 1:45 pm
Curtis Memorial Library (circa 1920)

February 3 
David Jones and His Epic Prose Poem In Parenthesis. Perhaps the most imaginative writing in English to come out of the First World War was In Parenthesis, an epic prose poem which depicts the experiences of a British battalion before and during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Its author, David Jones (1895-1974), was a Londoner of Welsh background and a private soldier in the British Army. After the war, Jones became one of the leading modernist writers as well as an accomplished artist (engraving, drawing, watercolours) and poet. This talk will introduce the man and poet David Jones, narrate his wartime experiences, describe the poem In Parenthesis, and suggest ways to approach this remarkable work. Robert Bunselmeyer has taught at Yale, Fordham, and Villanova and has served as a university administrator at Yale (his doctoral alma mater) and at Columbia. Since his 2007 Senior College course on British soldier poets of World War I, Bob has been teaching Modern European History at Bates College. 

February 10 
Why Don't Submariners Get the Bends? 
This illustrated talk will describe medical practices on board submarines. Medical responsibilities associated with submarine service include monitoring radiation exposure, atmosphere control, psychological screening, and isolation from family. As well this talk will describe clinical treatment in an isolated and radio silent environment. Contrasts between submariners and divers will be explained in answering the question posed in the title of this presentation. New developments in underwater exit and re-entry from submarines and support of tethered swimmers will also be discussed. Dr. Tony Belmont graduated from Bowdoin College and received his M.D. degree from the University of Vermont, College of Medicine. He served twenty years as a medical officer in the US Navy where his assignments included submarine and diving duty, clinical responsibilities at Bethesda Naval Hospital, the White House, the US Embassy in London, and the US Capitol. Later he was Medical Director at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in New York City before relocating to Oklahoma where he was Chief Medical Director for Phillips Petroleum Company. He retired to Maine in 2000. 

February 17 
Longfellow Days - School Days 
Charles Dorn, Associate Professor of Education at Bowdoin College will help us imagine the educational settings, philosophies, and activities that would have been experienced by Longfellow's generation, and the generation that followed, in the 19th century. 

February 24 Snow Make-up day

For more information visit Midcoast Senior College
UMABrownBagUMA Senior College - Brown Bag Schedule for February - Free Sessions!
Michael Klahr Center Rotunda
Brown Bag Schedule Information:
  • Brown Bags are on Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon
  • UMA Senior College members and friends are invited to bring their lunch to each free session.
  • Location: Michael Klahr Center Rotunda (connected to UMA's Katz Library). 
  • Refreshments: Coffee, tea and water will be provided. 
  • The length of each lecture will be 60-90 minutes in duration.
Brown Bag Lectures:
"Birders Life List in Photos" - February 2
Presenters: Carole Baldwin/Ellen Campbell

"Nature: Up Close and Personal" - February 9
Presenter: Melanie Lanctot

"My Long and Winding Road" - February 16
Presenter: Mike Bell

"From Paving Stones to Public Art" - February 23 
Presenter: Gerry Mahoney

"The Diary of a Camping Maine-iac" - March 1
Presenter:Jeanne Coleman

Snow dates: Thursday, January 28 and Thursday, February 25. (In case a regular lecture is canceled due to inclement weather).

Questions: Please call 621-3551.

Submitted by Beverly Ludden, University of Maine in Augusta Senior College

USM Lewiston-Auburn Senior College Presents: Food for Thought Lecture -
February 12

James Myall, co-author of "The Franco-Americans of Lewiston-Auburn" 

James Myall, co-author of "The Franco-Americans of Lewiston-Auburn" will be speaking at USM's LA Senior College Food for Thought Luncheon on February 12.

Myall, who was Coordinator of USM Lewiston Auburn College's Franco-American Collection for four years, will read from his book on the history of the local Franco-American population from 1850 to 2014. Additionally, he will share some of the process of writing the book, surprises he and co-author Mary Rice-DeFosse uncovered during the writing process, and the treasure trove of history that lies in the Franco-American community. Myall will also have the opportunity to share some exciting news about an upcoming project for USM's LAC Franco-American Collection in 2016 that will look for the involvement of the whole community. 

The USM LAC's Franco-American Collection is one of the largest repositories of Franco-American archival material in the State of Maine. The Collection's over 15, 000 items cover Maine's textile mills and shoe shops, in addition to local history, government, religion, language, education, industry, sports, music and the arts. Depicting Franco-American daily life and culture, it represents the past 40 plus years. 
James Myall 

A native of Great Britain, James Myall has been an historian of Maine's Franco-Americans for several years. In 2012, he served as a consultant for the State of Maine's Taskforce on Franco-Americans. In addition to his work at the Franco-American Collection from 2010-14, he spent a year as Director of the Freeport Historical Society, and has taught college and senior college classes on local and Franco-American history at USM's LAC campus. He now works as a policy analyst at the Maine Center for Economic Policy in Augusta. 

Senior College, now in its 18th year, presents the monthly 11:30 luncheon program in the Function Room 170 at USM LAC. The cost, which includes lunch, is $7 with advance reservation or $8 at the door. Reservations must be made by noon on Wednesday, February 10, by calling 753-6510. Any late callers will be considered "at the door."

Food for Thought luncheon details:
Friday, February 12 at 11:30. 
The public is cordially invited to attend.

The cost, which includes lunch, is $7 with advance reservation or $8 at the door. 

Reservations must be made by noon on Wednesday, February 10 by calling the Senior College Information Line at 753-6510. Any late callers will be considered "at the door."

Submitted by - Rachel Morin, USM Lewiston-Auburn Senior College 
York County Senior College Lecture Series February 17 & March 16 

Each winter, York County Senior College enlivens the doldrums with a series of three doubleheaders -- one each in January, February and March. The lectures are now called the Gary Sullivan Memorial Lecture Series, commemorating the former University College director who played an important role in founding York County Senior College.

Morning lectures take place from 9:30-11:30, followed by lunch and a second lecture, from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday - February 17 
The York County Senior College's Winter 2016 Lecture Series will continue Feb. 17 with a topic on the minds of most seniors - aging, and aging well.

"Kicking Aging in the Butt." (9:30 - 11:30)
Jo Dill and Kate Putnam
The February lecture features morning speakers from the Southern Maine Agency on Aging, teaming up to share information about aging through sports, resources for aging well and getting older. Their hope is to provide seniors with strategies for "Kicking Aging in the Butt." Kate Putnam, the Agency's Director of Development and Marketing, and Jo Dill, retired Health and Physical Education teacher and current Maine Senior Games Coordinator, join forces in this presentation to reinforce the SMAA's themes of "Aging through Sports," "Resources for Aging Well," and "Getting Older is Not for the Faint of Heart."

"A Place to Start"  (12:30 - 2:30)
Sally Tartre
In the afternoon, Sally Tartre, director of "A Place to Start," will moderate a panel discussion that will include information about therapies and facilities, and will offer practical tips for caregivers of those with Alzheimer's disease.  "A Place to Start" is a non-profit organization started with a mission of hope, help and guidance for families of those with Alzheimer's. It provides free consultations for family members caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's and dementia. 

Wednesday - March 16 

"The Congressman's Mistress and the Girl Spy" 
Elizabeth DeWolfe
The final installment of the Gary Sullivan Memorial Lecture Series series will take place on March 16, when author and University of New England professor Dr. Elizabeth DeWolfe, shares her research about the Maine connection to a true story of intrigue layered in scandal in "The Congressman's Mistress and the Girl Spy."

"Creative Writing" 
After lunch, Thornton Academy teacher David Arenstam will share with participants his process of writing and creativity, as well his first novel, "Homecoming: A soldier's story of loyalty, courage, and redemption." 

Location: All winter lectures will be given at Denis Hall on the campus of the Brothers of Christian Instruction, 133 Shaker Hill Road, Alfred (off Route 202). 

Fee: The fee for each day's program is $15 for York County Senior College members, $20 for non-members, payable at the door by cash or check made payable to the Brothers of Christian Instruction, and includes a lunch of soup, salad, sandwiches, dessert and beverages, as well as coffee breaks.

In case of inclement weather: if Sanford Schools cancel, so will Senior College. 

Reservations: Call 207-282-4030 for reservations by the Monday before each lecture. York County Senior College, providing low cost educational and social opportunities for adults, is affiliated with the University of Maine System. Classes in the spring and fall semesters are given in Saco and Springvale, starting in March and September. 

Winter lectures are open to the public; membership in Senior College is not required.

Contact Person: Ted Hargrove, York County Senior College (Phone: 324-4478)
The Bees are all the Buzz at Gold LEAF

A 14th Century Bee Painting By Unknown Master 

The days are getting longer, the seed catalogs arrive daily in the mail, and Gold LEAF members are buzzing along into spring!  Literally.  A class on Bees is going on, with full attendance, and attention.  Carol Cotrill, the presenter, knows so very much and has been sharing it in an extremely well-organized and spell-binding manner.

Describing timelines such as that of a single bee's development and lifespan, a bee's day, dances and roles within the hive, and how much time humans need to spend should they wish to keep bees, Carol addresses it all.  Her power point is used the way they were designed to work:  she loads a short phrase on the screen and then elaborates, all from personal knowledge of her own hives.  At times it seems she must know her individual bees by name, so intimate is her knowledge.  But with 40,000 to 60,000 of them in a single hive, one can assume it is unlikely.

Who would have thought that a single queen (and we do mean single, as more than one makes for chaos that rivals our current electoral candidate debates) can lay 1500 eggs in a day, and fertilizes them with stored sperm?   Not many of us would have come up with that fact, nor many of the other number that are being talked about, such as the five-mile limit to a bee's range. The much sadder numbers which were reviewed centered around a very current issue:  Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

Front cover (detail) of the book "Fruitless Fall"
 by Rowan Jacobsen

We have all heard about the mysteriously disappearing bees and the plethora of possible causes.  For more details on that, the participants are reading the book Fruitless Fall by Rowan Jacobsen.  A discussion of this book addresses the plight of honey bees and the impact of CCD.  

Best of all was the last slide of Carol's presentation which asked the question "What Can You Do?"  One of many answers:  Don't use pesticides  (especially on dandelions, one of the first blooms after a long winter of only stored food and famished bees.) Second tip: if you must use fungicides, apply them at night when the bees are safe and sound in their hives.  We need these furry little creatures or we will be the famished ones.

Submitted by Eileen Kreutz, The Gold LEAF Institute
Class Catalogs Maine Senior College Network - Spring 2016 Courses
Though it is early days and Winter classes are in full swing some Senior Colleges have already posted their Spring catalogs online. 

Working Together to Save Landline Telephone Service in Maine

As we all know, Maine is a very rural state and staying connected, particularly in the winter months, can be quite challenging. This is certainly true for the state's most vulnerable populations including older Mainers and those living with mobility concerns. For at-risk Maine residents, having a reliable, affordable channel of communication is essential.

Today, more than 25,000 Maine residents rely solely on one mode of communication: Their landline telephone. Throughout much of Maine, landlines offer a lower price and superior call quality in comparison to wireless service. Landlines provide reliable access to medical alert and alarm systems, increasing the safety and well-being of isolated Mainers. Even pacemakers utilize landline service by sending an electrocardiogram over the phone to a doctor for review. In short, landline telephones are lifelines, keeping families and communities connected to each other and to important services even when the power goes out.

Basic landline service is in jeopardy in Maine because the state's largest service provider, FairPoint, seeks to be relieved of their duty to provide basic landline phone service. FairPoint reports that they are at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace compared to wireless, cable and other telecommunications providers when FairPoint is subject to regulatory requirements that other providers are not.

AARP Maine believes that all Mainers, wherever they live, have the right to a reliable and affordable landline. We hope readers will consider signing our petition to make their voices heard and help us protect landline phones. Readers can also receive a hard copy of the petition by mail and get additional information by calling Amy Gallant, AARP Maine Advocacy Director, at (207) 318-0284. While many U.S. households no longer use landlines and now rely solely on cellphones, according to 2013 data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6 out of 10 adults - roughly 140 million people - still continue to live in households with landline phones. A national survey of Americans 40+ found that 80 percent of those interviewed said they were not likely to disconnect landline service in the next 12 month. The top two reasons for keeping landline service were "security in an emergency, power outage, 911 access" and "wireless not available/not dependable where I live."

Poor reception and unreliability of cell phones is important to consider when it comes to safety during an emergency. When someone calls 911 from a cellphone, the location information is often inaccurate or imprecise, particularly if the call comes from inside a home or building. As a result, emergency personnel frequently have trouble finding callers in a timely manner. According to the Federal Communications Commission, this is a problem that contributes to an estimated 10,000 deaths each year. On the other hand, if a call comes in from a landline phone, the emergency dispatcher automatically sees the caller's address on a map and immediately knows where to send help. This is a critical public safety feature, especially when the caller is unable to speak or provide correct information.

This is why AARP is fighting to preserve quality, affordable, reliable, accessible phone service for the elderly and other citizens. The issue of landline telephone service is about making sure that Mainers everywhere have access to communications services that meet their critical needs and preserve a lifeline to health and safety. Let's work together now to save landline telephones in Maine.

Written by Lori Parham, AARP Maine State Director

Submitted by Jane Margesson AARP Maine Communications Director

AARP MaineEmail or Phone: 1-866-554-5380

Promotion: April 8 - 10, 2016
"Making Sense of the Civil War" - 
A Spring Retreat sponsored by 

Location: Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT

"Reading the News" by James Tissot

The MSCN newsletter is sent to each Senior College board. The boards then forward the newsletter to their membership. However, if you are not a member of a Senior College or perhaps you are, and you simply want the news "hot off the press" then you can subscribe here! (This option has been added following readers' requests.)
Newsletter Submissions Deadline Date: 
The 26th of each month!

Please submit your articles and photographs to Anne Cardale at


Like MSCN on Facebook

Facebook logo Now you can "like" Maine Senior College Network on Facebook. We've created an MSCN page on Facebook, so please visit it to share experiences, ideas, photos, and information about upcoming Maine Senior College happenings. We'll also post links to articles about lifelong learning and other topics relevant to senior college members.


Images Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Winslow Homer - Winter Coast (1890)

A 14th Century Bee Painting By Unknown Master (book scan) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Maine Senior College Network is a program of the  

In This Issue
Don't forget to go to the Maine Senior College Network website to find out what is happening around the state!

Maine Senior College Network

Acadia Senior College

Augusta Senior College
Coastal Senior College

Downeast Senior College

Gold LEAF Institute

South Coast Senior College

Midcoast Senior College

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Penobscot Valley Senior College


Senior College at Belfast

St. John Valley Senior College

Sunrise Senior College 
Western Mountains Senior College

York County Senior College
MSCN Promotional Videos

Maine Senior Guide is a comprehensive web resource about all things senior that provides "one stop shopping" for Maine's seniors at the link below: 

Contact Information
Maine Senior College Network 
P.O. Box 9300 
Portland, Maine 04104-9300 
(207) 228-4128


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