Colorado Concern 

October 27, 2014

The Week in Review


For those of you who reside in the City and County of Denver, your ballot includes a municipal proposal that asks voters to reauthorize and expand the sales tax utilized to fund preschool options for the city's youngest residents. 


Measure 2A proposes a 10-year, dedicated 15 cent sales tax on a $100 purchase, with the proceeds funding current efforts and increased access to preschool services through summer programing, an expansion into full or extended day programing and increased tuition assistance as costs of service rise. 


Since its inception in 2006, the Denver Preschool Program has helped families with a 4-year-old afford preschool through tuition assistance.  To date, $55 million has been utilized.  The program is scaled based on need, and parents have the ability to choose the model that works best for them - within the Denver Public Schools system, a community-based program, family child care setting or Montessori.   Today, nearly three-quarters of the city's 4-year-olds are enrolled in a preschool program, one of the highest statistics in the country.  And, data is showing that the experience is paying off with more school-ready children who are testing well in vocabulary, literacy and math.


Colorado Concern was a founding member of EPIC - Executives Partnering to Invest in Children - a CEO-based organization focused on the importance of early childhood education to our future workforce.  EPIC has endorsed this measure, as has the Denver Post.  Colorado Concern member Donna Lynne and Colorado Forum Executive Director Gail Klapper authored an op-ed in the Denver Business Journal noting their support.  If you believe our future workforce is crucial to our economic success, Measure 2A deserves a yes vote.


Should you have questions about this ballot measure or any other, please do not hesitate to contact me at





Members in the News

John Ikard  

ABA Wants Team-Up To Tackle Security Issues With Retailers October 21

Features John Ikard


Colorado banker elected chairman of ABA October 21

Features John Ikard



Denver Business Journal: October 22

Features Walter Isenberg

Colorado Concern Upcoming Events


Below is information on upcoming Colorado Concern events. 

Click here for more information or to register to attend events.

Tuesday, November 18: Membership Networking Breakfast with Guest Speaker Governor John Hickenlooper, Hosted by Rick Sapkin
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., The Brown Palace, 321 17th Street

Colorado Concern News Clips


Colorado Concern in the News

Watch: The Now speaks with Colorado Concern CEO Tamra Ward about overcoming breast cancer

The Denver Channel: October 25



Hickenlooper silent on tax refunds, marijuana money in budget plan

Denver Post: October 21


Development/Real Estate

Denver Post: October 20


Westword: October 20


Denver Post: October 20


New York Times: October 21


Denver Business Journal: October 23


Denver Business Journal: October 23


Colorado construction firms up the wage ante to compete for workers

Denver Post: October 23


Economy/Economic Development

Denver Post: October 22


Denver Business Journal: October 22


Denver Business Journal: October 22


Denver Post: October 22


Denver Post: October 23


Denver Business Journal: October 23


CPR: October 24



Denver Post: October 21



Campaigns in Colorado amp up pressure on voters to return ballots

The Denver Post: October 20


More on the cover story: Colorado voters asked to decide about GMOs

Denver Business Journal: October 20


The Trouble with Early Voting

National Review Online: October 20


Colorado state treasurer candidates debate

FOX31 Denver: October 20


Cynthia Coffman: Experience brings continuity to office

Steamboat Pilot & Today: October 20


OPINION - Carroll: Chipotle CEO's hypocrisy on GMOs

Denver Post: October 20


Vail Daily: October 20


Denver Dems honor their own at Dinner

The Colorado Statesman: October 21


Experiment to help voters understand Colorado ballot measures

Colorado Public Radio: October 22


Huffpollster: Democrats' Internal Polls Challenge Colorado Conventional Wisdom

Huffington Post: October 22


Dark money at issue in Colorado elections

Colorado Public Radio: October 22


Parties Vie For Control Of Colorado Legislature

CBS Local: October 22


Colorado treasurer: Markey-Stapleton contest heats up

The Denver Post: October 22


Bloomberg: October 22


What Bob Beauprez would do if elected Colorado governor

CPR: October 22


CPR: October 22


Attorney general, state treasurer, US House of Representatives District 3 races gain traction

Craig Daily Press: October 23


Will Colorado Democrats' Voter Utopia Save Mark Udall?

National Journal: October 23


Colorado's Hickenlooper Faces Backlash in Governor's Race

Businessweek: October 23


Larimer poised to earn purple reputation

The Coloradoan: October 23


Just a number

Boulder Weekly: October 23


Eight Trends to Watch for on the November Ballot That Have Nothing to Do With Congress

The Blaze: October 23


Measure For Measure

5280: October 23


Denver Business Journal: October 23


What John Hickenlooper would do if re-elected Colorado governor

CPR: October 23


GOP builds big lead in early return of Colorado election ballots

The Denver Post: October 24


Denver Post: October 24


Food companies spending millions to fight label requirements in Colorado

Fox Business: October 24


Ciruli: Colorado is still a political battleground

The Denver Post: October 25


Be an informed voter when deciding on judges

The Denver Post: October 25


Will Colorado's Growing Latino Vote Turn Out For The Midterms?

PBS NewsHour: October 25


Colorado should say "no" to constitutional amendments

The Denver Post: October 26


Pro-GM labelling campaign hugely outspent in Colorado and Oregon ballot

The Guardian: October 26


Can Congress work more like state government?

Glenwood Springs Post Independent: October 26



Denver Business Journal: October 22


Denver Business Journal: October 22


General Business

Denver Business Journal: October 20


Denver Post: October 20


Denver Post: October 21



Denver Post: October 22


Denver Post: October 22


Denver Post: October 24


Pot and the race for Colorado governor: Where's the love?

CBS News: October 25



Colorado Supreme Court rules PERA can cut cost-of-living increases

The Denver Post: October 21


Colorado Supreme Court: Legislature can alter PERA cost-of-living payments

Denver Business Journal: October 21



Denver Post: October 20


Denver Business Journal: October 23


Denver Post: October 24

In This Issue
Article Headline
Members in the News

Upcoming Events

News Clips

Join us for our November 18 Membership Networking Breakfast hosted by Rick Sapkin and featuring guest speaker Governor John Hickenlooper from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Click here for details and to register.
Colorado Concern Board of Directors


Pat Hamill


Tamra Ward

(President and CEO)

Ted Brown

Steve Farber

Tim Gill

A. Barry Hirschfeld 

Bill Hybl

John Ikard

Walter Isenberg

David McReynolds

Larry A. Mizel 

Blair Richardson

Dan Ritchie 

Rick Sapkin
Sylvia Young