National Heights Baptist Church


Love God ~ Love People ~ Grow Together

Winter Church

December 2012

Come Celebrate the Savior!


                               Deck the Halls 

           Next Sunday, December 2 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. 

All Sunday School workers, children birth through 4th grade, and their families are invited to attend! Come join us for fellowship and a free breakfast as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. After breakfast, we will create crafts and decorations that will be hung on a special children's Christmas tree. Can't wait to see you there!



Wondrous Gift  Presented by the

Christmas Choir

December 16

6:00 p.m.

We all know that gifts have a high priority in any child's Christmas celebration. But contrary to popular opinion, children are often far more excited by the act of giving than receiving. That's because Christmas really is about giving. The most unimaginable act of giving the world will ever know is the gift of Jesus, our Savior. Yet like a child that desperately wants to offer a present in return, we often become overwhelmed with our inadequacy. This musical poses the question: What can I give Him? He's given so much for me. And the answer is given in the delicate poetry of Christina Rossetti: "What Can I Give Him? Give Him my heart."     ~ Joshua Roberts, Minister of Music


Compass Christmas


Wednesday, December 19

 6:30 p.m.   


A casual and fun Christmas

celebration for the entire family! 

  The church hallways will be filled with a  

  Christmas coffeehouse for this special evening.  

The Compass is our contemporary worship service each week at 6:30 on Wednesday night. On December 19, instead of the usual schedule, we're having a special Family Christmas Celebration during that time. All ages will be participating with skits and songs. Our Compass Band will play some of our favorite Christmas Carols. Upbeat and fun -- invite a friend! You will find invitation cards on the hall table.


Baking for Christmas? We are looking for some samplings from your Christmas baking to serve at our special Compass Christmas coffeehouse. A sign-up sheet is posted outside the worship center. Thanks for sharing!

Annual Candlelight Service

candle2 Our annual Christmas Candlelight Service will be held on Sunday December 23 at 11:00 a.m. A quiet, gentle celebration of the Christmas season, this service will be reflective and peaceful. While we focus on the birth of our Savior, we will also celebrate His death and resurrection as we partake of the Lord's Supper together during the service. Come and contemplate the heart of Christmas.

From the Pastor's Desk


   National Heights is a great place for ministry outreach, especially in December. This month provides several opportunities to reach outside our walls and impact our community for Christ. This month, we will deliver our Christmas outreach to Watkins Elementary School students, including hand-made blankets for every child. Thank you to Pam Chandler and to everyone who has participated in this exciting opportunity. We will deliver Christmas gifts to the children of incarcerated adults from our area. Thank you, Becky Bennett, and everyone who has made Angel Tree a success. We will provide Christmas dinner along with a wonderful supply of groceries to families throughout our area. Thank you Judy Divine and the WMU for coordinating our Thanksgiving and Christmas basket projects.

   In addition, we have multiple opportunities to invite our friends to hear the real message of Christmas, including our Christmas Choir presentation Sunday, December 16, the Candlelight Lord's Supper Sunday, December 23, and the brand new family event, Compass Christmas Wednesday, December 19. Our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions will further the goal of making sure every person has the opportunity to hear the Gospel. It's going to be a great season to share the story of Christ with our neighbors and with the world. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through you!                                                                  ~Vaughn Weatherford

From the Deacons...

Dear Church Family,

At this time of year, as we approach the Christmas season, we at National Heights are once again reminded that we are extremely blessed to have a spirit-filled, dedicated, caring, and thoughtful church staff.

As has been our tradition, we will be showing our appreciation for our staff by presenting them with a Christmas love offering. To participate, please place your contribution in a regular offering envelope marked "Staff Gifts" and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church. We would appreciate receiving your offering by Sunday, December 16th.

Thank you, and may God bless you and your family this holiday season and through the coming year.


Harlin Bryngelson

Chairman of Deacons

From the Preschool & Children's Minister

   Thank you so much to all those who helped with Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat! The gifts of your time and supplies allowed literally hundreds of people to experience fun in a safe, Christian environment, and our church to reach out to others.

   Thank you, too, to those who have responded to requests for assistance from our neighborhood schools. We have had a great time, touching the lives of kids, and sharing NHBC smiles! Please contact me if you would like to join in the blessings! There are many, many more opportunities! One is listed below:

   Fremont Elementary needs volunteers to help serve nachos and help with games during their Winter Family Fun Night at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 20. Call 833-4111 or email jcarpenter@nationalheights.org to let me know if you would like to help.   ~ Jeanne Carpenter 

Go Light Your World

International Missions Emphasis in December

candle Throughout the month of December we will be remembering our international missionaries in prayer and giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.

Our church goal for the Lottie Moon offering this year is $19,000, all of which goes to support the 5,000+ missionaries that Southern Baptists have serving in nations around the world. As you plan for Christmas in your family, please prayerfully consider your part in the offering and perhaps think of it as a birthday gift for Jesus!

A beautiful candle arrangement on the Lord's table will provide a display of our giving to the mission offering during December. Each candle represents $2,375 toward our goal, and the large candle in front signifies our Lord, Jesus Christ, truly the Light of the World.

Baskets and bags for Christmas!

food basket Thank you for your tremendous support of the Thanksgiving

baskets. National Heights blessed 23 families with food and other staples. You may now bring donations for the Christmas baskets to the containers at the church entrances. A suggested list is printed below. If you would prefer to give funds for this project, please mark your envelope, "Baskets." The funds given will be used for the meat, produce, dairy and other last minute items that must be purchased.

BASKET ITEMS NEEDED: cake mixes, cookies, cereal, pasta, dried beans, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, soup, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meat and fish, canned milk, pasta sauce, toilet tissue, paper towels, paper plates, hand soap, dish washing liquid, laundry detergent.

CHURCH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: On Monday morning, December 17, volunteers (both men and women) are greatly needed to assemble and pack the Christmas food baskets for 23 families...about 70 people. The volunteers will gather at 9:00 and work two hours plus. But if you cannot come for the entire time, come for an hour. You will be blessed working and sharing together in this mission outreach.


candy cane Also that morning 215 Christmas gift bags will be assembled for the students at Fremont Elementary School. These students are kindergarten through grade five. Each bag includes a stuffed animal (6 to 8 inch size), some candy and a box of raisins. The gift bags are delivered to the school for distribution by the teachers later in the week.

Women on Mission study Russian peoples

Tuesday Women on Mission will gather on December 11 in the church fellowship room to hear Dena Frierson, a Christian worker among the Russian peoples of Siberia. She and her husband are now stateside and living in Springfield. Come and hear first-hand, up-to-date information about International Missions work during this month of December when we emphasize the Lottie Moon Offering for missions. Our church goal is $19,000.

The meeting will begin with a business session at 10:00, led by Judy Divine, president. Reports will be given concerning Angel Tree ministry, Christmas baskets, and other mission activities. Women are reminded to bring any small (6-8 inch) stuffed animals they may have been collecting for the Christmas gift bags for elementary students. An important time of prayer for our missionaries serving around the world will be led by Patti Crocker.

A carry-in luncheon will be served at the noon hour by hostesses Lois Wood and Judy Divine. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting, but especially to hear Dena speak at 11:00 and to share the fellowship meal at the noon hour.

Holiday music program at Prime Timers

On Thursday, December 13 at 11:00 a.m. the Prime Timers will

welcome extraordinary piChristmas Concertanists Alex Huff and Sara Miller to our monthly meeting. They will present a musical program for the holidays. We encourage all adults 55 and older to come enjoy these talented young adults.

Everyone please bring a covered dish for a potluck meal. Ham will be provided. Hostesses are Judy Divine, Carolyn Kane, Sue Hale, and Sharon Roberson. Our Card Mission Outreach will continue. Come enjoy the Holiday Festivities! It's a great day to bring a guest.

Happy Birthday Jesus  

Kids, come help us celebrate Christmas with a Birthday Party for Jesus in Children's Worship December 23 at 11:00 a.m. We will have the true Christmas story plus cake, snacks, games and more! Parents, please let us know if your child has any food allergies. Thanks!

~ Jane Brown

Children's Worship Director


The next Mom 2 Mom meeting is Tuesday, December 11, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the church. Moms of all ages are invited to come and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Free childcare is provided. Invite a friend!

Mom 2 Mom

Youth Minister  

Brian's Shout Out

Nine students will be traveling down to Branson, MO on December 27-29 to attend the Xtreme Winter Conference. This conference will feature several different bands and speakers. Please pray for our students as they attend. Some things that you can pray for: that the students will have an open mind and heart, that the students will be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and safety as we travel.               ~ Brian Miller


Best wishes for a

Christmas celebration

of Joy and Peace

in the Savior


from your

National Heights Staff


In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness...

John 1:4-5 (NIV)

In This Issue
Candlelight Service
Pastor's Message
Preschool & Children's Minister
Missions Emphasis
Christmas Baskets
Women on Mission
Prime Timers
Income Report
Door Greeters
Save the Date
Schedule notes
Tuesday @ 2
NHBC Web Site
Find us on Facebook
Use the following link for this month's calendar.  
October to date Income Report 

Budgeted $ 422,393.10

Received 423,208.51


over budget $ 815.41

Newsletter Deadline

December 31 will be the deadline to have articles in for the January newsletter.

Email to Sharan at:



We rejoice to welcome these new members to the church family at National Heights...

Ronnie & Jennifer McCormack moved their church letters here. They are new parents of daughter Piper Jo.

Kim Haguewood also moved her church letter. She is a member of the Flight 56 preteen department.

Teresa Haguewood moved her church letter. She is the mother of Jennifer, Kim and Ashleigh, who joined earlier. She is in the Mixed Age class.

Stormy Carle confirmed her faith in Christ and requested church membership by baptism. She is in the Young Adult class.

Photos of these new members will be posted soon on the board outside the worship center.


...to the family of

Callie Ray in her death

November 25.

 Door Greeters

Carol & Belle Bass

Gary & Millie Dollins

Bruce & Eva McNeely

Save the Date


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Women's Potluck and Prayer Luncheon

at noon

in the fellowship hall.

Schedule notes:


December 16 - Wondrous Gift musical presented by Christmas Choir in evening worship at 6:00.

December 19 - Compass Christmas celebration with coffeehouse at 6:30 p.m. Only event that Wednesday.

December 23 & 30 - Only one worship service at 11:00 a.m. both Sundays. Service on the 23rd includes the Lord's Supper.

December 24-28 - The church office will be closed this entire week and there will be no Wednesday programs on the 26th.

tuesdays at 2
Tuesday @ 2

My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. (Isaiah 56:7b) 

12/04 - Preschool & Children's Ministry

12/11 - Music Ministry

12/18 - Community Outreach

12/25 - Worship


A new season of bowling begins Tuesday, January 8, at 6:30 at Lighthouse Lanes. This is a family coed league and bowlers of all ages are welcome -- including guests -- whether your average is 50 or 300! Participants will bowl two games every Tuesday at a cost of $6.50. If you would like to join the league, please see Ralph Arnold, Tom Weaver or Harlin Bryngelson. They say the league will continue as long as the winter weather!

 Treat Bags

Goodie Bags of Christmas treats for the church's Homebound will be prepared on Sunday, December 16. Please bring candy and baked goods to the kitchen by 9:45 that morning. All types of treats are welcome. Bags will be prepared and available on a table in the east hallway immediately following 11:00 worship service. Volunteers are invited to pick up a bag and deliver it on behalf of the church family.

Thank You Notes 

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so very much for all the prayers, visits, cards, phone calls, e-mails, food, flowers and other gifts while I am recuperating from my accident. May God richly bless each of you for being such caring people. ~ Delores Thompson



Your thoughtfulness meant much more than any words can say. The dinner and kindness was wonderful. Thank you all so very much for feeding us and giving our family a place to gather. ~ Marie Hood and the family of Hazel Cates



National Heights, I want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and phone calls about my hip replacement. Also Bro. Vaughn for his visits to see me and for his prayers. And to my dear deacon and his wife for the prayers and beautiful flowers. God bless all of you. ~ Millie Bingham



Thank you, church family, for all your prayers and many kindnesses to me and my family. ~ Jackie Gibson 

Closing Headline
National Heights Baptist Church
3050 N. National, Springfield, MO  65803
417-833-4111   www.nationalheights.org
Pastor - Dr. Vaughn Weatherford
Minister of Music - Joshua Roberts
Youth Minister - Brian Miller
Preschool & Children's Minister - Jeanne Carpenter