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Register now open for the 2013 CSIA Executive Conference,
May 1-4 in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Congratulations to these CSIA Certified members
Plano, TX United States
East Windsor, NJ United States |
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Cannon San Luis Obispo, CA United States
Casco Systems LLC
Cumberland, ME United States
Crossmuller Pty Ltd. Glendenning, NSW Australia
Elobau Sensor Technology, Inc. Waukegan, IL United States
Foresight Automation Fort Worth, TX United States
Gersa Monterrey S.A. de C.V. Santa Catarina, NL Mexico
iCAD Inc Fresno, CA United States
Ingenieria y Sistemas Comayagua Honduras
Jones Brown, Inc. Toronto, ON Canada
Murrelektronik, Inc. USA Suwanee, GA United States
Olympus Controls Beaverton, OR United States
R Systems, Inc. Merriam, KS United States
RASP, Inc. South Glens Falls, NY United States
Seifert mtm Systems, Inc. North Kingstown, RI United States
SINCI Guadalajara, JAL Mexico
Six S Partners Inc. Waterloo, ON Canada
Trebing + Himstedt, Inc. Wakefield, MA United States
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Just added! Sandler Sales Training
Come early to the CSIA Executive Conference for a full day of intensive sales training. Guide yourself to break conventional rules that make the sales process ineffective. Join sales development expert John Rosso for this informative full day of training that illustrates how to incorporate honest, no-nonsense sales techniques that get results. Russo is founder and CEO of Peak Performance Management Inc., a Sandler Sales Training Center. Designed specifically for CSIA members, sales people, technical leads, sales managers, owners and presidents all will benefit from this seminar, which builds on the recent hour-long webinar that broke the record for CSIA webinar attendance. Come to this full-day training session on Wednesday, May 1, to learn:
- How to break down the prospects' defense walls and develop instant trust and credibility
- The four crucial steps for effective pre-call planning
- The questioning methodology that will motivate your buyer to take action
- To talk money and uncover budget objections early
- To find the hidden decision makers and have your buyer stick to a timeline
- Effective phone and voice mail strategies to get through to prospects and have them return your call
- To get people to make decisions without being a pushy or stereotypical salesperson
In this full-day training session, you can see first-hand how we tackle the same business development issues that your people deal with every day. Invest one full-day of training and discover why more than 95% of attendees rate the content and presentation of these sought after business development solutions the BEST they've ever heard!
Break the Rules and Close More Sales
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT Wednesday, May 1, 2013 TradeWinds Island Grand 5500 Gulf Boulevard St. Pete Beach, Fla., U.S. Fees: First attendee: $500 USD Second attendee: $400 USD Note: CSIA has negotiated a discounted rate for this full day of sales training -- a $900 value!
Keynote speaker is optimistic
about manufacturing future
More than two dozen workshops planned for conference
Economist Alan Beaulieu is optimistic about the future of manufacturers and the control system integrators who help them automate industrial equipment and systems.
"The media fears are overstated, as are the recent Congressional Budget Office estimates for growth," says Beaulieu, a recognized economist and the president of ITR Economics. Beaulieu will deliver the keynote address at the 2013 Executive Conference of the Control System Integrators Association, May 1 - 4.
In his keynote address, Beaulieu will examine both the good and the bad in current forecasts and offer the best course of action for control system integrators, based on "objective reality."
Other speakers during the conference include CSIA attorney Mark Voigtmann of Faegre Baker Daniels, who returns with his popular 21 Legal Takeaways, and Ted Garnett, president of Performance Resources Consulting, whose SPEED metrics methods help work teams improve performance. The conference also features more than two dozen workshops, networking opportunities and an industry trade show.
More than 400 control system integrators and vendor partners from the United States, Canada, Latin America and abroad are expected at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in St. Pete Beach, Fla., U.S. For program details, registration information and hotel reservations, please visit the conference website.
March Webinar
How New Cyber Threats are Changing the Role of the the System Integrator
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time (New York)
Eric Byres, P. Eng., ISA Fellow, CTO and VP Engineering
Recent events have dramatically changed the landscape for designing critical control systems. The Stuxnet worm has shown the world how control systems can be hacked. Now international criminals, government agencies and hackers are on the offensive. As a result, governments and standards organizations are changing the rules and making new demands. February's Executive Order by President Obama is just one example. Standard bodies like ISA and IEC are also setting standards for cyber security in industrial systems. This talk will discuss these changes and how cyber security impacts the responsibilities of the systems integrator. At the same time, it also provides a revenue opportunity as clients look to their system integrators for solutions. Eric Byres is recognized as one of the world's leading experts in the field of SCADA and control systems security. Eric's background as a process controls engineer allows him to bring a unique combination of deep technical knowledge plus practical field experience to his role as chief technology officer and vice president of engineering at Tofino Security, a Belden brand. Eric has provided security guidance to government agencies, major oil companies and power utilities on security protection for critical infrastructures. He has researched and written extensively about Stuxnet and is chair of ISA99 Task Group 2, conducting an analysis of ANSI/ISA-99 standards with respect to Stuxnet. Register here.
CSIA webinars are recorded. See the webinar archives to listen in again or find out what you've missed.
CSIA will present Selecting and Working with a Control System Integrator at the ABB Automation and Power World conference later this month. Register here.
KPICs webinar will be April 4
Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 4, for a free webinar about our KPICs program. Our program administrator, iLumen, has been working on some changes that will make data entry easier to use and more beneficial for the participants. Plus, we will discuss some of the ways that the information in KPICs can help you improve your businesses.
We are looking to duplicate the successes of last year's efforts on the Salary Survey to our KPICs participants. We are working on an outreach program to ask all our participants to discuss their satisfaction and to listen to for feedback. Our goal is to make this program as widely appreciated as the Salary Survey!
In the meantime contact CSIA to sign up for your financial comparisons.
Strategies for choosing a system integrator and managing the relationship
Selecting an integrator is a complex task. The process requires knowing more than asking the integrator direct questions such as: "Do you have any experience in this industry?" In this session, four system integrators share examples from their experience with clients in the manufacturing and processing industries. Introduced by CSIA Executive Director Bob Lowe, Steve Goldberg, Joe Martin, Eduardo Acosta and Ed Diehl will explain how the indirect questions you ask will have as much impact on the success of your project as a direct question. They'll also provide tips on managing responsibilities and expectations.
Register for the Automation Conference, May 14-15, in Chicago, and save $100 with your CSIA discount. Use "CSIA" as your discount code. Save even more with early bird registration through April 2!
Tell us about your personnel safety programs
Where can I find a personnel safety program that works for my CSI company? Safety training is a necessity, but finding relevant programs at a reasonable price can be a challenge. How much do my peers invest in safety training? Confusion reigns!
CSIA heard the groaning, so the Member Relations Committee and safety experts among out members created a survey to enable members to share their plans and experiences. Integrators, please have the person in your company who manages your safety program complete the survey.
Where your company is located on the globe doesn't matter. The survey won't take long to complete, and the results will provide valuable information for you and all members.
Complete the safety survey online by Friday, March 8.
Demand for CSIA Certification
Have you seen CSIA certification as a requirement in a Request for Proposal? Are you aware of a company that will use only CSIA Certified integrators? If so, we need to hear from you!
Please contact Bob Lowe or Ann Nelson.
We've been told that we are making headway in our efforts to have CSIA Certification required by end users (clients), but specific examples will enable us to better make the case in our marketing initiatives. Thanks.
Salary Survey receives excellent response
by Jim Campbell, Statistics Committee Chair
Since we started the program at the conference last May, we had just under 70 companies submit salary. The submissions were tailored to the employee roles we defined specifically for our industries as system integrators, such as control engineer level 1/2/3, branch manager and service technician -- all roles that most salary surveys don't include specifically. We had so many entries that we were able to present the results by region, making the statistical parameters even more pertinent to the participants. The 2013 survey is now open. After a mid-year start in 2012, we are now on an annual schedule. Companies that have not already entered results can enter their salary information for 2012 and receive the 2012 report. These companies have until the end of the first quarter -- March 31 -- to enter their results. All other companies can enter their results after they know their 2013 salary adjustments. The next report will appear in January 2014 and will contain a comparison of 2012 to 2103 results. Remember that this program is administered by CSIA and the data are managed by iLumen in a secure and confidential repository. Company data are entered into the iLumen database in January on an annual basis. Entry typically takes less than 20 minutes. Salary is one of the biggest expenses for most CSIA members. This program was designed to provide our members with information aligned with our industry so that companies can make appropriate compensation decisions, all for a mere $150 per year. For more information, contact CSIA to renew your enrollment or get started!
Mentor of the Month:
Remco Kappert, EKB
by Joe Martin, Ambassadors Committee Chair
Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born and raised in a small village in the center of the Netherlands. My interest in control systems started during a scholar internship in Switzerland at ABB. This is where I programmed my first Siemens S5 PLC for a concrete factory. I started working for EKB in 1995 as a PLC and SCADA software engineer. After being a project manager and head of the software department, I work now as an integration manager. I am responsible for the processes within our four subsidiaries and am rolling out our own best practices.
I am married and father of three children, all boys; my oldest is 10 and my twins are 7. Next to spending time with my family, I like to run for hours through the wonderful dunes at the Dutch coast.
Tell us about EKB:
EKB was founded in 1970 as a company building control cabinets. Since then the company has grown into a multidiscipline company with 200 employees and four subsidiaries. Today, EKB is the second largest independent system integrator in the Netherlands. Executives of EKB are Marc van Leuven and Michiel de Lange.
Besides designing, assembling and wiring control panels according to European regulations, our panel shop is UL-508A certified. EKB is a solution partner for Siemens, Rockwell, GE and Invensys. The main industries in which we work are metals, machine building, food, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, energy, and marine and offshore.
What has CSIA done for you and your company?
EKB was ISO-9001 certified for many years. During the last few ISO years we felt that we did not become a better company because of these audits and that we had to look for something better. The CSIA Best Practices and Benchmarks and the pre-audit in October 2008 by Don Roberts opened our eyes to the fact that we had plenty of opportunities to improve our company. After a few months of hard work, we became CSIA Certified in 2009 and received the CSIA plaque during the conference in Naples, Fla.
Some of the many improvements that were implemented are competence management in human resources management, risk management in project management and configuration management in supporting activities. ISO-9001 is a commodity for the Dutch system integrators. When we tell our customers what CSIA is and that we are certified, it proves to our customers that we take quality more seriously than our competitors.
What can you offer as a mentor?
As a member of the committee Best Practices and Benchmarks I have worked on the changes in V4.0. With the committee, I shared ideas for improvement but in return, received many more ideas for EKB. The knowledge I acquired in the committee and the experience with two CSIA audits may be of interest to some of the CSIA members. What one piece of advice would you give to a new member?
Invite an auditor even if you think you are not ready for it. Working through the Best Practices and Benchmarks with the auditor will result in a priceless list of opportunities for improvements.
If you're a new member or just want to find out how you can get more benefit from your CSIA membership, please feel free to email Remco. _________________________________________________________ Looking for a member mentor? In the Connected Community go to Directory > Find a Member. Check Mentor search box, then Find Members. |
Best Practices Committee works on terms and conditions, certification management
by Jeff Miller, Best Practices Committee Chair
Happy New Year from the CSIA Best Practices Committee! Wow ... now that I say that I realize we are already well on our way into the new year. Before we know it we will be seeing each other at the CSIA annual conference at St. Pete Beach, Fla. If you have never attended one of our annual meetings you are certainly missing out on lots of good training as well as the fun of catching up with friends in the systems integration field. Make a commitment to attend this year. I will guarantee that you will get way more out of it than you put into it!
The Best Practices Committee has been busy with a few small projects lately. We are currently reviewing the CSIA Standard Terms and Conditions documents that were created many years ago as a members-only resource. We are looking to freshen up the documents as well as make sure that they are current with T&C issues that integrators face today. Over the next four to five months we should have them modified and back in the Member Resources for Managing Your Business library of Connected Community.
Another project we are getting started on is reviewing policy documents and forms that have been created by a consultant and CSIA staff for a new certification management system (CMS). You may have heard a little about that system in past newsletters but it is coming together nicely now. Plans are to have the system in place and ready to roll out at the upcoming annual conference in May. Our main goal is to review the documents to look for consistency and continuity. When complete, this new CMS will touch almost every aspect of the current integrator certification audit system. It will allow us to grow and to continue to add auditors as that CSIA growth expands to new areas of the world.
The committee is officially abandoning the Roadmap to Certification Template program due to lack of participation. We will leave all the current template documents that have been collected in the Member Resources for Managing Your Business section of Connected Community, but at this time will not be actively pursuing additional templates. I want to send a sincere thank you to all of those who participated by supplying template documents. It is very much appreciated! That truly honored the memory of Charlie Bergman and his principle of giving one thing and gaining many.
If you have questions about projects the BP&B Committee is working on, please contact me at 650-366-2087. Thank you!
Thank you for your membership
Please renew today, if you haven't yet done so.
Log in and click on My Transactions to view your dues renewal. 1. Click the Pay Open Invoice button. 2. Check the box next to your name on the Make a Payment screen. 3. Click Next to process payment.
If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact Kim Siebecker at 800-661-4914. Thank you for your continued support of CSIA!
Check out the new and improved Application Showcase
by Sam Hoff, Partner Committee Chair
Members can expect to see a greater variety of information presented in the Application Showcase on the Connected Community in the future. The Partner Committee revised the process for Partners to share news about their products and services. In addition to the template, Partners now can upload white papers, video and other types of files to the library.
Partners traditionally roll out new offerings at the expo during the Executive Conference. The Application Showcase gives all members immediate access to new product information. Thank you, Partners, for helping members stay on the cutting edge of SI technology.
ARC Forum 2013 Report
by Bob Lowe, CSIA Executive Director
 | John Kuenzler, Bob Lowe and Craig Resnick |
There are three CSIA blogs about the forum so visit CSIA Connected Community. But before you go there keep reading this article! My objective in attending the ARC Forum was to meet as many end-users as possible to educate them on why CSIA certification will lower their project risks. I got the attention of some key people with Procter & Gamble, Cargill, Chevron, Pfizer, Exxon Mobil, Ashland Chemical, Arcelor Mittal and Dow Chemical. I'm excited about the potential and will be busy with follow-up. Having CSIA certification accepted in the marketplace is an initiative of CSIA and I have no doubt that certification will be an industry standard.
CSIA is grateful for the support of ARC and we look forward to ARC's Craig Resnick's presentation, Megatrends of Industrial Automation, at our conference.
While you are visiting our Connected Community for the blogs, be sure to visit the ARC Automation Index library where you'll find the September and November reports on issues impacting manufacturing and enterprise. The March issue will arrive soon. These reports are a component of our agreement with ARC and a benefit for CSIA members, so take advantage of the reports.
Getting back to CSIA certification, currently there are 95 member locations around the globe that are CSIA Certified and the requirement for certification is increasingly being included in project specifications. Some exciting news is that we just certified Electro Controles del Noroeste (ECN) in Mexico -- our first in that country. Congratulations ECN!
CSIA E&O policy offers more comprehensive coverage
by Paul Barnard, CSIA Insurance Program
We welcome the following new members of our insurance programs: * V.I. Engineering, Inc ., Farmington Hills, Mich. * Good Manufacturing Practices, Inc., Exton, Penn. * JAE Automation, Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
One of the core products of our insurance program is our unique professional errors and omissions policy. I just completed a review of coverage for a member who currently does not participate in our program. I compared what they have today with what our policy provides. I share these remarks below and encourage all members who do not participate to review these with their current coverage.
Your present policy describes your business as "technology services." It is important to get this correct. The policy will indemnify you in the event of a loss arising from your business as described. The definition within the policy of technology services is very limiting. Our proposed policy describes your business as "control system integration" and thereby avoids this limitation in coverage.
Your current policy has an exclusion relating to bodily injury or property damage. Our proposed policy includes Section B: Breach of Contract. The current policy excludes losses resulting from contractual liability. The CSIA policy does not have such an exclusion. This is important in that the large majority of professional errors and omissions losses relate to contractual disputes.
Your policy does not include coverage for losses relating to computer viruses and hacking attacks. The CSIA Proposal includes this coverage. Coverage E: Computer Virus and Hacking Attacks. Currently you have an exclusion relating to delay in delivery or failure to deliver product.
Currently you have an exclusion relating to delay in delivery or failure to deliver product. CSIA proposal does not contain this exclusion. Section C: Intellectual Property Rights Infringement, for the CSIA program provides coverage for intellectual property rights infringement. You do not have this coverage at present. The CSIA proposal includes coverage for intellectual property rights infringement.
Currently your coverage excludes damage to or destruction of any tangible property, including the loss of use thereof, whether or not it is damaged or destroyed. Our proposal does not have this exclusion.
Our proposal provides global coverage and will respond to suits brought worldwide.
21 Legal Takeaways: A Preview
by Mark A. Voigtmann, CSIA Attorney
At this year's annual CSIA Executive Conference I will be presenting "21 Legal Takeaways in 45 Minutes," with each takeaway corresponding to a different chapter of my new book, The Automation Legal Reference.
But why wait until the conference? Between now and then, I will preview all 21 of the takeaways in different forums. Takeaway #1 appears here. The rest will be previewed over the next few weeks in "tweets" to my followers on Twitter -- @automationlaw (hashtag #21takeaways) -- with posts within the CSIA Connected Community, or both.
Takeaway #1 is perhaps the simplest of the lot. It is, quite simply, that the best way to manage risk in an automation project is to see each one as a construction project (as opposed to a software development or equipment deliverable transaction). There are tremendous advantages to doing so. The first advantage is that construction projects have well-defined sequences and terminologies that are useful to integrators, from schematic design to design development, from scope of work to change orders, and from schedule to acceleration.
The second advantage (and related to the first) is that most good traditional construction companies know the value of a "closed box" contract, which means using an actual document with the word "contract" on it, instead of living in the "open box" world of RFQs, proposals and purchase orders that many integrators inhabit. Quite literally, to the extent you can precisely define the scope of the work at the front end, you can control the job.
Mark Voigtmann is a partner in the automation practice at Faegre Baker Daniels LLP. He can be reached at 317-237-1265 or |
R U Winning?
by Ted Garnett, Executive Conference speaker
One thing I love about sports teams is they always know the score. That's important, because you do different things with your resources if it's late in the game and you are behind as opposed to if it's late in the game and you are way ahead. You spend your energy, time, talent, and other resources based on the situation. But, you need to know the situation.
Players and coaches in sports can look at a scoreboard at any time to get vital information. They also go to great lengths to keep their own score on things like teamwork, skills, and how the "game within the game" is going at the individual one-on-one and micro-team level. They know the score, therefore they know what to take responsibility for and how to break that down into decisions and action.
When I walk into organizations I am known for asking a simple question, "Are you winning?" I ask that of line level staff, of managers, of senior executive teams. The most common response comes without thinking, just a polite "you bet!" But then I dig, and say, "Oh yeah? How do you know?" And they pause, and think, and say things like, "Well, guess honestly I don't know." Or, "Well, I guess I have not gotten yelled at yet today so that's a win." Or, "Ted, I can see if I am winning, Me, MY stuff, My area, but are WE winning as a team or group?...I don't know that I can see that." I get all kinds of answers that are mostly bad. They tell me they don't know the score at multiple levels and therefore don't know how to make efficient real-time decisions and the outcomes are thus suffering.
We break the formula for SPEED in organizations down to five things...and then further into 33 culture metrics that give people the score and ability to act to drive their culture to higher performance. The SPEED metrics are things that every organization needs to be doing well in order to get world class results. Structure, Productivity, Engagement, Execution, and Due Diligence.
Towers Watson did a study recently and found that companies that drive higher results in their culture hit 27.4% margins compared to those with low culture hitting around 9.9%. That's almost three times the low culture performance. If your people have the right scoreboards they can dramatically improve their decision making and self-initiate a positive culture of accountability and performance. Without that visibility, managers don't know what to manage or lead and people are left without much ability to self-initiate anything. They are blind, they have no consensus, they cannot see clearly enough to do much of anything so they default to whatever they can guess at implementing and hope it's right.
Into action: Simply ask five people at various levels "Are we winning?" Listen to them. See if they respond with how they are individually winning (remember you asked them are we winning!), or if they can tell you the team's score or if they just wander around.
Ted Garnett is an organizational development consultant and the author of the book AccountaCution: Accountability into Execution and the producer of the video No Excuses. His SPEED Metrics presentation is the final, plenary session at the CSIA 2013 Executive Conference.