Issue No. 16
Upcoming Workshops

August 2014

Interested in hosting a workshop? Contact me for details!

Book cover Classic Portrait Painting


Published by North Light Books, my new book is available in hard copy or on Kindle  


The E-book is now into production. 






Travel itinerary


Please share my travel plans if you know of friends or family in the area who may be thinking about commissioning a portrait!

January 17-20 Cincinnatti

January 20-22 Atlanta

February 14-18 DC

Upcoming 2014: dates TBD: NYC, Little Rock, Memphis

April 23-28, 2014 Philadelphia, PA

June 13-19, 2014
Bennington, VT

Please contact me at [email protected] or 602-957-8107 for details or questions!

Quick Links

Wishing every one of you a wonderful holiday and the best of 2014!

We are all scrambling to do JUST one more thing before the New Year rolls around...but looking forward to some relaxation and then a busy travel month coming up!


Just Delivered: Lexie & Brandon

Just completed, oil, each, 30 x 24. I first painted these two when they were barely more than toddlers and now they have become these lovely talented teenagers.

These paintings are an example of portraits created as a diptych - they are designed with contiguous backgrounds and a consistent light source, so that they could actually be framed in a single frame. Yet separately, each can be taken to each child's respective home when they're grown, beginning their own heirloom traditions.

Diane and Andy, thank you for entrusting me with this commission!


December 2013, Artists' Magazine: Painting Eyeglasses     

This month, Artists' Magazine published my tutorial on how to paint eyeglasses. Although written primarily for other artists, it also highlights important considerations in commissioning a portrait when the subject wears glasses.

Eyeglass styles change dramatically over time,just like fashion, and including a subject actually wearing them dates a portrait just as much those  leisure suits! A good alternative is for you to casually hold them - it adds a design element to the painting, and give you something to do with your hands!

David Austin: Secret's Out!
Just finished and just sold! These fragrant little blooms kept me happy all the while I painted them. Oil, 10 x 8.