Palmetto Bay e-Currents
Eagle Project
New Commissioner
Holiday by the Bay

Election webpage has essential info regarding the Tuesday's Run-Off Election, Nov. 25
Our online library includes a video on our emerging Downtown Palmetto Bay.
Get Crime & Incident Reports, posted every week by the Village's Policing Unit.

Please remember to give during the holidays to those less fortunate.

Help keep our homes and plazas safe this season -- brush up on shopping safety tips.
Regular Council Meeting & Swearing-in Ceremony, Dec. 1, at 7pm
Take a look through the books by reviewing Village check registers.
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November 21, 2014
From The Mayor's Desk
A Time to Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving just next week, let us take a moment to reflect on our lives and on our blessings. While we have seen some hardships, Palmetto Bay has celebrated many successes this year. The economy has not been as vibrant as in years past, but our Village remains strong and stable. We are fortunate to have municipal employees committed to providing the best service possible to our citizens. We have excellent schools and teachers dedicated to the education of our young. We have a community that is filled with caring individuals and groups who come together to give offerings to help those less fortunate. Ours is a community that finds time to laugh, play, and enjoy park events and family-oriented functions such as our upcoming Holiday-by-the-Bay. We have many blessings, large and small. The list is endless. Only when we begin to take stock, do we realize just how blessed we truly are in Palmetto Bay. Happy Thanksgiving.


~Mayor Shelley Stanczyk

Nov 22 - Heroes' Wall Tile Painting
Aspiring Eagle Needs You!

Aspiring Eagle Scout Geoffrey Bendell invites residents to participate in his Heroes' Wall Project by joining him at a tile-painting session, tomorrow (Nov. 22), 11 am -2 pm, at Art Thyme Ceramic Studio across from The Falls. The wall, to be located in the lobby area of Ludovici Park, will be a living mural made up of 100 painted tiles honoring each painter's individual hero.

Nov. 24 - County Swearing-In
New County Commissioner 

Residents of Palmetto Bay are now represented at the County level by newly elected District 8 Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava. Swearing-in ceremony is Monday, Nov. 24 at the County Commission Chambers. District 8 encompasses Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead, and unincorporated areas of South Dade. Visit Commissioner Levine Cava's office online

Dec. 13 - Holiday by the Bay
Enjoy Christmas Wonderland 

Please join us 12/13/14 for Palmetto Bay's Annual "Holiday by the Bay" Holiday celebration at Ludovici Park, 3-7 pm. Enjoy a cheery blend of student music, carnival foods, arts & crafts, rides, and free Santa photos. And there may be some faux snow blowing, too! Contact us now for sponsorship and vendor info or call 305-259-1234.