JULY 2009

October Hill Farm Newsletter
Jumpers Are Our Business



October Hill Farm Schooling Day 10am-4pm. Call our office for scheduling
BWP Inspection
RPSI Inspection
October Hill Farm Schooling Day 10am-4pm. Call our office for scheduling



Waterbug is a 2006 Holsteiner mare by Cicera’s Icewater.  Going well under saddle, solid leads, and jumping courses.  See her and other available prospects on our website.



There really is a way to make your horse shine!  Shapley’s finishing spray is a fantastic grooming product that can be used to get that extra sheen from your horse’s coat.  Apply one or two light coats to dry body, mane, and tail after bathing for a dazzling, brilliant finish that will make your horse stand out from the rest.  Rub softly with a clean towel to buff the hair and watch your horse glow! 


None at this time.


We have posted our new national sales representatives!  Get to know them by visiting our website!

Quick Navigate: Calendar | Featured Sale Horse | Product of the Month | Special Offers | Website Updates | Contests and Promotions | Announcements |Horse Spotlight | Octoberhill Tip of the Month | New Arrivals |Congratulations

Contests and Promotions

Foal Photo Contest -  Running through August 15th!

Attention owners of foals by Mezcalero, Coconut Grove, Cascani, Lordship, Ocordo or any other October Hill Farm stallion!  We want to see your babies!  Send in your fantastic photos of your foals as part of our "CUTIES" contest...and win a six month supply of horse treats!  Two winners will be chosen!  Your foal's photo will be posted on our website home page!

Rules:  Contestants must submit their own photographs, not ones taken by or purchased from a professional photographer.  In submitting a photo or photos, Contestants waive any copyright usage to the photo or photos for whatever purpose October Hill Farm chooses to use it.  Photos must be submitted electronically, at 300dpi. Winners will be chosen by panel of October Hill Farm staff and will be notified via email.

Submission Instructions: photos may be submitted via email to [email protected], please include  your name,  photo name,  registered name of foal, and foal’s sire and dam information.


Coconut Grove Featured in Warmbloods Today

The July/August issue of this new magazine carries a feature article about our stallion Coconut Grove.  Written by Pat Payne, “Coconut Grove Brings Heart and History to Sport Horse Breeding” traces the events which brought Coconut Grove to the forefront of sporthorse breeding in the United States, with no less than seventeen worldwide registry approvals, a feat never before accomplished by any Thoroughbred horse.  The importance of the Thoroughbred to modern sporthorse breeding is emphasized in this piece, as it has been in many other recent editorials now circulating in the industry.  For example, from Adriana Tillburg’s article “Get to Know the Stallions” in the Spring issue of The Holsteiner, we read the following comment from Otto Boje Schoof, breeder of the outstanding stallions Cento, Nekton and Clearway:  “We need in Holstein a Thoroughbred sire again more than ever, we must pay attention that our jumping horses become more maneuverable and athletic.  The courses on the international jumping places in the world are technically more and more demanding.  ‘Scope’ alone is not enough anymore…We have to try to breed our best mares to a suitable Thoroughbred.” 

Read the article HERE


Horse Spotlight

This month’s horse spotlight is on two fantastic October Hill Farm youngsters now in the ownership of Scott and Shari Schmok of Texas.  Several years ago, the Schmoks purchased Tanzer (aka Talkshow OHF) by Lordship and  Handsome OHF by Hammlisch (Heraldik xx) from us.  Tanzer is now six and Handsome is five.  She wrote to us recently with the following update:  “I showed Talkshow (Tanzer) at Tyler in May and we did well in the Level II jumpers (even made it into the jump-off a couple times!).  While I'm in Kansas this summer, I have a dressage rider training her to provide a switch from jumping while strengthening and re-balancing her body and improving her responsiveness/suppleness.  Can't wait to show this fall!  Handsome is also doing great. He is very receptive to training and is remaining strong, sound and healthy. He's started over jumps but we are focusing on building a strong foundation at this stage. I'm hoping to show him later this year. My friend, Karen Berg, is riding him with my trainers, Gigi and Federico Daners, while I'm away and all are thrilled with him.”  We love your good news, Shari!  Keep it coming!


Octoberhill Tip of the Month
Be good to yourself!  Horse people are diligent when it comes to meeting the needs of their equine partners.  We often forget, however, to take care of ourselves as well!  Entering the hottest months of the summer requires increased occurrence of self-inventory.  Here are a few questions to ask yourself frequently through those dog days of summer:  “Am I keeping my sense of humor despite the fact that I cannot get my four year-old to do a full lead change?”  “Am I remembering to breathe myself when I let my horse pause to catch his breath?”  “Am I remembering to stay hydrated with adequate fluids even though I am sweating enough to flood the Nile?”  “Am I remembering that Keep cool and stay calm! 

Training Tip by Erin Davis
Anhydrosis is a serious condition in which horses do not produce enough sweat to effectively cool their bodies.  Anhydrosis most often occurs during the hottest months of the year.  Horses that sweat normally during the spring or fall, seemingly stop sweating in the summer, a situation which can turn dangerous if left unaddressed.   Sweating is an essential event which allows the body to cool through evaporation.  If the body is unable to cool itself, the elevated body temperature can cause brain damage and even death.  If you notice your horse is not sweating well during training, you should contact your veterinarian about feed changes or other treatments that might be available.  Additionally, try some of these tips to help your horse.  1.  Try to ride in the morning hours when outdoor temperatures are cool.  2.  Take more breaks more often during your training sessions.  Pauses in training will sometimes trigger a sweat reponse.  3.  Hose off the horse during training to assist in cooling the body.  Sometimes just the application of some water to the skin will produce a sweat response as well.  4.  Make sure to appropriately cool down your horse after training.  Horses with even the mildest form of anhydrosis need extra time walking out and standing in front of a fan after a cool bath before they are ready to return to their stalls. 

New Arrivals
We are pleased to introduce our last foal of the 2009 season, October Hill’s Blintz.  Blintz is by the Cassini I son Cascani out of a fantastic motherline.  Her dam is Madeleine, a premium select mare from the family of 6660.  Madeleine’s dam Caprice III produced the approved stallions Bollvorm’s Lagunas, Cortado, and Calico, and Madeleine produced the approved stallion Landonn I.  Welcome, Blintz! 



We send congratulations out to Kelly Warriner of Austin, Texas, on the purchase of October Hill’s Cibola.  Cibola is a 2009 filly by October Hill Farm’s Cascani (by Cassini I) out of the outstanding Capitol I daughter Ginie (stamm 2067).  We expect this double-bred Capitol offspring to jump her way into a fantastic career.  Cheers!


We are also excited to announce the purchase of October Hill’s Crumpet!  Congratulations go to Katherine Rives of New Orleans, Louisiana.  Crumpet is by October Hill’s Cascani (by Cassini I) out of the fantastic Thoroughbred dam Disco Boots by Island Sultan.  She’s a cutie…hard to resist that sweet face and even sweeter disposition.  Cheers!


We received word this month from Dama Curtright of Oregon about the arrival of her Coconut Grove foal.  She writes, “Hello! I'm just dropping you a note to say we have a healthy Coconut Grove colt! He was born June 25th. The dam is Lady L, stem 318D2, 55 bonit Corofino-Coriolan-Raimond. The colt is going to be grey like his dam. The legs are so long! He is very athletic and oh so pretty.”  Dama promised to send us pictures very soon.  We are so anxious to see this colt from an outstanding Holsteiner mare.  Cheers!

October Hill Farm
4310 East Bankhead Hwy., Hudson Oaks, Texas 76087 US
Phone: 817-341-2012
E-mail Address: [email protected]