Asian film maker Manu Kumaran's business model is to turn Hollywood film making upside down and generate consistent profits by building the world's largest mega Studioplex in Effingham, GA. "An invitation to share a dream!"
By Robert J. Flaherty
Building an Intellectual Property Factory to change the world! On Thursday Feb. 6th I attended a SeeThruEquity Microcap Investor Conference in New York City. After attending the first session with MELA Sciences and then having a one on one meeting with MELA's CEO Rose Crane, I returned to the presentation room.
43-year-old Rutgers University honors grad Jake Shapiro, president and head of corporate finance of Medient Studios, Inc. (MDNT: $0. 012), had just been introduced. Based in Effingham, Georgia, Medient is raising $700 million in construction financing to commence building a 1,560 acre mega Studioplex in Effingham, GA.
Phase 1 construction will start in the second quarter of 2014 and initial operations will begin in the fourth quarter. Starting in year 2015 Medient plans to produce 8 films a year for the first three years besides developing film-related related video games. Then the team will ramp up to 12 per year. So Medient expects to produce 48 feature films over a period of five years.
When completed in 2019 the Studioplex will be the largest of its kind in the world. It will have 17 sound stages totaling 2.2 million square feet. It will include the world's largest sound stage, a back lot with 11 permanent sets, a 500,000 gallon water tank to shoot underwater sequences, offices, outdoor entertainment venues and onsite lodging and housing. Medient has a 20-year-lease on the property with an option to buy it for $100 at the end of the term.
Medient (the name is a combination of media and entertainment) is an entertainment content creation company with a strong presence in North America, Europe and India. Their global management team has 150 years of experience in the motion picture industry and is responsible for producing and or/financing over 250 movies. Medient is realigning the content creation process to enable efficiencies of scale and to eliminate process waste by building a fully integrated movie and electronic game production facility as part of its Studioplex.
"We're a film entertainment production company," Jake begins. "We believe that we are going to change the world. However, since we have limited time today, we thought we would try to entertain you first. Here is a brief video which explains our situation."
A deep voice that sounded like God or at least the Wizard of Oz made these thunderous pronouncements:
"Young man, remember these five commandments which you shall hold dear and never question or you shall never be one of us. Do you understand?
Thou shalt never question the ordained wisdom of agents, lawyers or unions.
Thou shalt never use a new story when you can recycle an old one.
Thou shalt not do for a dollar but find a way to do the same for seven.
Thou shalt never frighten investors with the real revenue projections.
Thou shalt confuse investors with accounting rules to never share a profit. And thou shalt never, never, never invest your own money in a film.
Young man, you now know everything about producing movies in Hollywood. Go rob some investors... err ... go get some movies financed and spread the wealth."
When the laughter died down, Jake began his regular presentation. Little known Medient is a 12-year -old company and has made 14 mostly foreign language films. Don't knock it. The number of production companies in the world that have made five films or more is probably less than 100.
Of the 14 films Medient produced 12 of them were profitable! Unfortunately the 13th was pirated. The last Yellow is an $18+ million film (Medient's biggest budget so far) directed by Nick Cassavetes, (The Notebook). Awarded 'Best Film' at the Catalina Film Festival last September, Yellow is an unsettling trip into a beautiful young substance abusing woman's disturbed mind. Starring Melanie Griffith and Sienna Miller the already completed film will come out later this year.
Yellow's previews are intriguing. "It's not only Cassavetes' best movie, but also a fascinating alternative to conventional melodrama... No matter how messy it gets, Yellow renders a troubled subjectivity with striking creativity."
"A cinematic trip of mind-bending proportions..." "Fascinating...emotional rawness hits a nerve. Destined for cult status..." "Yellow is wild inventive, and ultimately, dazzling in its visual and narrative breath..."
"With 12 films profitable out of the 14 produced so far, we may be the only film producer in the world with that high a percentage of money makers," says Jake. "The reason for our consistent profit is an obsessive focus on the bottom line and cost control.
"Our CEO and founder Manu Kumaran is a second generation film maker, who literally at age 12 was on the set doing payroll for his dad, the renowned Malayalam (southwest India) film director and producer K. P. Kumaran. 44-year-old Manu himself has produced 19 feature films in four languages. His "Bombay Boys" altered Indian cinema forever and brought it into the global mainstream. He also produced the first Indian film to be entirely produced outside of that country. Growing up in the film industry Manu became extremely frustrated with the amount of waste that takes place. Allow me to demonstrate."
Turning toward Bob Flaherty sitting in the first row of the audience, Jake asked, "Your name, Sir, is?"
"Bob," I answered. (Reader, remember from now on when you see Bob think your own name!)
"Let's say we were doing --"The Return of Bob"--, a kind of horror movie (type cast again?) with a twist at the end. (O, I hope they skip the stake in the heart!) It's a tragedy but we will do what we can with the script.
"Doing the film the current Hollywood way here is what would happen. About 500 people would be flying to location. We'd rent trucks, equipment, cameras, microphones, lights, trailers, desks, chairs, computers, scanners, printers, office equipment and anything else we need.
"We'll hire teamsters and pay them about $3,500 a week to not drive a truck, but because the rig is parked there we will abide by union rules. We will pay $3,000 a week for various low level crewmembers- who would make about $800 a week for the same job in any other industry. The producer is paid 100% of his fee the moment filming starts. So now he knows he's going to be unemployed in four or five months! He is already working on getting his next gig.
"At the end of the shoot we'll hire someone to return all the equipment. We will hire someone else to literally throw out everything we just bought. A few months after that we will probably shut down the corporation and sell off the IP to another entity.
"That's the current model in the film industry and it's a financial horror story! Hollywood breaks attendance records every year as they have for close to 100 years. The top revenue line goes up and up. As the world middle class is growing in India, in Brazil and in China the movie numbers are astounding. The fastest growth is taking place overseas.
"If we are all amazed by this, even more amazing is that the studios never seem to profit. What happens? One of my favorite quotes is '95% of my life is spent raising money. 5% is making movies. It is a miserable way to live.' The person who said that was Orson Welles decades ago. So nothing has changed. The industry is constantly broke because of its lack of focus on cost control.
"How do we plan to fix it? We are building an intellectual property factory. Think of the studio system from the l920s, the old Hollywood through the great depression. One of the most profitable companies in the world was MGM because they controlled their costs. They used their own equipment; they had their own full time employees. None of this short- term project- by- project thinking that the industry has evolved into. So if you run a typical film like The Return of Bob- you have to have 500 people come in and incur all the waste we discussed so far."
Solution: Medient's Mega Studioplex! "Now let's say we run two films at the same time," says Jake. "That's over 1,000 employees. If we use our own equipment and we use our own full time staff and crew we can make sure our construction crews are working whether it is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. You eliminate the downtime, by keeping the electricians working; plumbers working; and the technical guys working. Everyone is working! You can accomplish all this by running two projects simultaneously using your own equipment. My analogy is if you go to rent a car what you pay to rent a car for a week costs the same what you could lease that car for a month.
"This is a very easy way to analyze what is going on in the film industry. So just by not renting equipment for a week but on a long- term basis, and using full time labor and crews, there is a 30% to 42% saving in the cost of production. Those are big numbers!
"Now if you bring special effects and post production into the mix as well that's another 600 jobs. So our project creates 1,600 permanent jobs. But where will the financing come from to create a place to house all this?"
Georgia's Sweetest Peaches: $225 million of tax credits. Medient has brilliant financial people who understand how to get films and related needs financed in unconventional mind- boggling ways. For example, Graham Bradstreet, executive president and head of structured finance, while in the United Kingdom with the Working Title Group of Companies developed innovative film financing that established him as one of the leading motion picture financiers in the world. He then developed the concept of insurance backed financing. Through ICE Media he raised in excess of $1 billion of insurance -backed funding that contributed to budgets of over $3 billion covering more than 100 movies.
Last year the hot item for Medient was going after state tax credits and grants for new film studios. States do everything they can to attract film production to their district. It is not only because of the pride, the free increased tourism and the free promotion that the state gets as a result. It's that the movie industry has a 5X multiplier for economic activity. For every dollar a production company spends about $5 more is generated by caterers, hotels, limousine companies, costume designers, clothing companies, etc....
"So we went on a road show in 2012 and met with mayors, governors, senators, congressmen and economic authorities," says Jake. "We created a multi-state bidding war for our property location. Georgia came up with the winning package for us. That led in a local bidding war between Atlanta and Effingham County, adjacent to Savannah and the southern coast of Georgia.
"As a result, in August of 2013 the Georgia court system irrevocably approved the following package. A 1,560 acre property the size of Central Park was leased to us that was appraised at $22.1 million for $10 million in lease payments. They provided 100% financing at zero % interest. At the end of the 20- year lease we buy the property for $100.
"On top of that no lease payment for the first two years. On top of that $1.25 million in cash for site improvement. On top of that $3 million cash from the state as we hit certain job targets. On top of that no property taxes for 20 years on the property; that is estimated by management to be worth between $30 million and $40 million. And on top of that another 30% tax credit for every dollar we spend making movies in the state of Georgia. So overall, the package is estimated to be worth $225 million over four years.
"On top of that we have negotiated a deal with Prime Focus, which is one of the very largest post film production firms in the world. It has over 4,500 employees; they've done all the special effects for films like Harry Potter. Probably almost every 3D movie you've seen- they've done. Prime Focus has guaranteed to Medient equipment, services and proprietary software which we value to be worth $40 million to be used in our Studioplex project.
"We have raised $62 million so far completely non-dilutive for shareholders by both the government in our truly private/public partnership and by our deal with Prime Focus, one of the biggest players in our industry. We think this is a great verification of our business model."
This early financial success has not gone unnoticed. In December entertainment mogul Charles Koppelman joined Medient's board of directors. He is currently Chairman and CEO of brand development firm CAK Entertainment Inc. which advises recording artists including Jennifer Lopez. Charles built the largest music library in the world, sold it to EMI Records and pocketed $300 million personally. When Martha Stewart got in trouble he was credited with saving her company.
Why was his joining the Medient board surprising? "Charles is only on the board of two other public companies besides Medient, (which on April 10th had a stock market value on slightly fewer than 400 million shares of roughly $4.8 million). One is slightly larger at $4 billion total stock market cap called Six Flags Entertainment Corp (NYSE:SIX). The second is a bit bigger at $62 billion market cap, the Las Vegas Sands Corp (NYSE:LVS)."
Why join this tiny tot? "Charles believes in our potential to become that kind of company. We are really a game changer for the whole industry!
"We like to say we are going to do to Hollywood what the Japanese did to the motor industry. We're completely reengineering the way films are financed and produced, not just in America but on a global basis.
"Let's go back to Bob's story," says Jake. "It has a great ending. Bob's film has a $10 million budget. We are going to make that film for $7 million because we are using our own Studioplex production property and equipment. Even if Bob's story is set in Manhattan we've got 1,560 acres to go build back lots, office space etc. to avoid all the expenses you could imagine of the cost of production actually in Manhattan versus Georgia."
One of the high tech sets will be able to change backdrops to create the illusions of all major cityscapes like Los Angeles, London, Mumbai or Tokyo within the Studioplex.
"If we do need a live shot of the Brooklyn Bridge we can send a camera crew out of there for three or four days -not a big deal. So we are going to make that $10 million film for $7 million. The State of Georgia will then give us a tax credit (which can be sold) on top of it. Add in foreign sales, and we should be able to complete the budget.
"Therefore, we recently acquired Atlas International Film GmbH, one of the oldest sales agencies in all of Europe. Therefore whatever we make in domestic film distribution - a penny or more- is 100% profit to the bottom line.
"Now I referred to us an Intellectual Property Factory. So we will make The Return of Bob from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. At 5.01 Richard Gere playing Bob will be finished. A completely new Indian cast will come in. We will shoot The Return of Arun. Same story, just a different cast. They already have the written script and developed it, already built the set, already got the lights in position. At 1 A.M. the Hindi cast exits off the set. The Mandarin cast comes in using stars from China and Hong Kong to make "The Return of Ming." And they will film until 9 A.M."
Think about what has just happened in the Studioplex! The cost of making the same film in three languages Medient's way only adds about 30% to budget. It can literally add 3X the potential revenue.
Why? Because while global independent film attendance has been booming outside of the U.S. much of the audience goes to see non- English films. Did you know that India has the largest film market in the world? More than 1,000 films are produced every year and over 3.3 billion tickets are sold, but 90% of the revenue stems from non-English films.
Put another way when was the last time you saw a non- English language film? So these huge revenue streams in places like India and China can't be tapped without films in their own tongues.
"Now here is our twist we promised at the start. The audience liked our film. Naturally we will do a sequel. In it Bob is revealed as really a super hero. Now we have a $50 million budget to use special effects to turn Bob into a super hero.
"Let's imagine the film is directed by a Spielberg. He would have to go to Prime Focus or some special effects powerhouse like that and ask for a scene for Richard Gere to change, fly off the stage and save all of Bangkok. Prime will say it will probably take another $50 million and there goes the budget.
"That is the way it is in the industry right now. The reason a VFX (visual effects) firm needs big margins is because they need to have all these people on the bench so when someone needs this talent they have it ready.
"We will have that talent and we know we will have it because they are working for us every day. Therefore, because we are in sourcing the post production and VFX using our own staff and receiving the 30% Georgia State tax credit, we will be able to complete post production at 70% or greater reduced costs than any other studio."
Ramping up. In 2014 Medient has the already completed film Yellow coming out in the second half of the year. When the Studioplex is built and becomes operational Medient will produce eight films initially per year for the first three years and then ramp up to 12 films per year about 2018.
"We have basically eliminated the risk from the equation. Even if every film we produce goes bad, we still project approximately $120 million net profit over 4 years because of our cost structure and the tax credits," says Jake.
What is the question skeptics ask Jake all the time? "How are you going to get talent to come to southern Georgia?"
"Talent will go where ever it is needed," Jake explains.
The Studioplex will be on the southeast coast of Georgia where it is 35 minutes from Hilton Head Island. It is a resort area with hundreds of golf course everywhere. As of now Medient has between three to five pickups a week at the local airport. Coming in are scripts, projects, producers and directors. The Studioplex aims to have the highest tech stages developed in the world.
"We are not developing these stages to rent them out to producers. These stages are being developed to produce our own intellectual content. We are the producers."
IMPORTANT, SO PAY ATTENTION! The goal of owning what they produce springs from Medient CEO Manu Kumaran's roots. In India every film is personally guaranteed by the producers. If you don't return money to the investors you can lose your house literally. You do not release the film until investors are paid back in full from the minimum guarantee. Therefore the producers own the IP.
"We have put in our own money," says Jake, breaking a Hollywood commandment, "as a company and as individuals. All the senior management team are investors. As a team we have all left our families, our social networks, LA, Hollywood, London, New York and India and relocated down to Savannah, Georgia. We believe what we are doing right now is that powerful.
"If you look how Facebook and Google were started- that's how we live. Corporate housing. We live together; we eat together; we play together and we work seven days a week.
"We think this will change the world. We think media does change politics. It changes social mores. It is a tremendous influence on a global scale. Not just in film and finance and profitability but in trying to make the world a better place.
"We actually have built a real company. Now we are trying to tell the world what we are doing. It is very simple. We are going to make movies cheaper than anybody else can. We're getting lots of government support. Then we are going to do some pre -release sales and use high quality talented directors and actors which have a history of proven success."
Based upon an analysis of every film that has been sold at the Berlin, Cannes and American film markets in the past three years by genre, by director and by budget Medient can predict what a $15 million to $20 million film with an established action star can be pre sold for in Taiwan, Germany or London. There are established models in a few key markets that can predict what films will sell for in the other ones.
Four genres overwhelmingly have great ROIs: Horror, Sci-Fi, Concept-Led Action Thrillers and Star-Led Action Thrillers. Even if Medient gives say a Bruce Willis $5 million to star in a film, Georgia will give Medient back $1.5 million of that. Quite an advantage!
"Now we are very multicultural. What have we got in common? None of us believes in paying retail. We're not going to give a Bruce Willis $5 million for a picture. But we might give him $7 million for two pictures. That's part of our model as well. By guaranteeing the work we can reduce that cost."
The key budget size for new films will be between $10 million to $70 million. Medient's research indicates it needs to spend in that range to have its films make impact or have a chance for big breakouts. Since only the upcoming Yellow and a 2011 production have spent that much Medient will have to turn out some winners and prove it can play with the big boys.
On March 25 Chairman Manu Kumaran announced that his first movie in the 2014 production slate will be "The Damned." Following its successful production and release of the British horror film "Storage 24", this new horror film of possession will be set in Savannah, GA and principal photography will begin in the third quarter.
On April 8 Medient announced it will be producing "Kickback", an espionage thriller inspired by real life events in Russia. Based upon the autobiographical novel by a crusading journalist, the film will be shot in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungry this year. "Kickback" is the story about a renegade Moscow detective who defies government pressure to investigate the mysterious assassination of a maverick reporter.
On Feb. 6 when Medient presented its stock was about $0.01. On March 18, 2014 SeeThruEquity turned out a report with a share target price of $0.13 "implying an upside of 1,425%! Wow! Daily volume exploded upwards touching $0.03. For the complete and very informative report visit www.seethruequity.com.
On April 1st Medient released a Chairman's letter to shareholders and also conducted a review of 2013 financial results. Revenues were $2.1 million versus $3.3 million for the preceding year. The reduction reflects the focus on establishing the Studioplex and finalizing the contracts to secure the property. Losses increased from $117,630 to $1.4 million due to expenses related to the Studioplex.
More positively, assets more than doubled from $20.9 million to $48.9 million while shareholders' equity increased by more than $3 million to $17 million. With 140 million common shares outstanding as of Jan. 30, 2014 Medient has a recent market cap of $3.4 million.
In the conference call Manu stressed that he felt the shares were undervalued. In Feb. Manu converted $660,000 that he had lent to the company into common shares at $0.064 per share, over 8 times the market price at the time. "I believe with all my heart that my shares will be worth many times the $0.064 that I paid for them," he said.
The start-up losses should be no surprise. This is a huge undertaking and it will take a lot of time and effort to get it operational. Naturally, Medient will lose money until its Studioplex is operational and its stream of new films starts to flow.
But those who focused on the short- term losses may have missed how Manu shared his dream. Medient is so much more than just a film production company. It is a vision of changing the entire way films are produced and managed not only domestically but on a global basis. "It is my belief that we are on the verge of a significant breakthrough and I promise you that 28 people in five different cities in four countries are giving it their all to make the dream come true."
What is his dream? As Henry Ford revolutionized automobile production with mass production technology, Medient plans to change the film industry.
"The problem with the film industry is that no one is concerned about the waste of time and resources because it isn't their money," said Manu. "Our goal is to streamline processes and exploit the exponential opportunities that exist to dramatically change the landscape of how movies are produced using modern day technology like robotics and so forth.
"Often in a typical shooting day we only shoot for an hour and a half to two hours in a 12 hour day. With our technology pipeline, as designed and implemented, we could be shooting 6 or 7 hours a day. That is shrinking the time to produce to a third, maybe a quarter!"
After some questions, Manu ended the call with, "Onward and Upwards!"
Commenting on the very sharp stock drop on April 1, Manu issued an April 2 new letter to shareholders stating, "I have and will not sell shares unless they hit a base price of $5. The moment I decide to sell a Form 4 will be filed."
To his critics he said, "You don't control our destiny-God and the believers do."
For the believers who stayed he explained that "once the Studioplex is operational, Medient will be one of the largest content creators in the world. This is the dream that I invite you to be part of. If it excites you, then I welcome you to the journey."
Previews of Coming Attractions: So many adventures lie in store for these young men who want to change the world. For instance, Yellow, Medient's first release for 2014, could fizzle as a modest artistic success but a box office flop. Or Yellow could be a runway hit and actually become a cult favorite as predicted by one critic. A box office success could bring in many times the $18+ million already invested in it.
Or think about just one upside that may happen when the Studioplex production pipeline is operational. Consider just one of those triplicate movies like our The Return of Bob, The Return of Arun and The Return of Ming that Medient plans to make simultaneously with three different casts in three languages! If one hits in all three geographical areas our horror story will have a happy ending.
Key Questions: How successful will Medient be in executing its sophisticated financing plans? How much dilution for current shareholders will be involved? Except for Yellow, Medient's future films have yet to be created. And will Medient's star actresses actually arrive on the set on time and in condition to perform? How much of what goes on in Hollywood and is shrugged off as artistic temperament can be changed?
The effort should make Medient a fun stock to own. You just might be on the ground floor of a big winner. If not, at the least you will have a lot to discuss during cocktail parties.
For more information on Medient Studies and their upcoming products please visit: www.medient.com or contact David Waldman or Natalya Rudman, Crescendo Communications, LLC. Phone: +1 (212) 671-1020 Ext. 304. Email: mdnt@crescendo-ir.com