Monday, March 21, 2016n
Final FY 2016-2017 Appropriations
for the Four Division of Cultural Affairs
(DCA) Grants' Programs
DCA Grants Programs - click grants-program name below to access ranked lists: 
Funded in FY 2015-2016:
Needed to Fully Fund FY 2016-2017 DCA Grants: 
Final FY 2016-2017 Appropriations: 
Cultural Facilities  $18,839,581
Subtotals: $34,804,393 $45,002,090 $33,068,633  


     Go here to review a side-by-side of the FY 2016-2017 appropriations for the Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs and other related arts, historical, and culture grants and projects; and this document also shows what the Governor vetoed.  Here is the Governor's letter/press release regarding the FY 2016-2017 state budget and his official veto list.


Thank you graphic    
It's Time to Demonstrate Statewide Appreciation for These Arts & Culture Appropriation Investments

     Please send your thank you letters now to the following for their leadership and assistance to secure these FY 2016-2017 state appropriations for the four Division of Cultural Affairs (DCA) grants' programs:

Number 1 Your Florida Senator and Representative -- go here to access who they are and their district addresses.

Number 2 KEY LEGISLATORS in leadership and on the TED appropriations' subcommittees AND OTHERS who worked hard to secure these DCA appropriations. 

     Here is an Excel file that lists all of these key legislators and others and their addresses.  Note that the legislators' assistants are highlighted in yellow under each of the legislators' names.  We encourage you to write actual letters to the legislators and the others listed on the Excel file; however, please send quick email thank you notes to their legislative assistants -- their emails are included.

Number 3 Here are some suggestions you can use in your thank you letters to help educate policy makers on the importance of these DCA grants' programs.

Number 4 Please copy the Florida Cultural Alliance on your thank you letters by sending us a copy of one of your letters and who you mailed them to:

Thank you for your follow up and participation 
in our statewide thank you campaign.


FCA New Logo

Florida Cultural Alliance
Post Office Box 2131
West Palm Beach, Florida 333402-2131
Contact:  Sherron Long, president