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Eternal Wisdom for a Changing World

January 2, 2014                           1 Sh'vat, 5774
     This Week's Featured Presentation!
Mazel Tov!
Hebrew Academy 66th Annual Event
Excellence in Education Award Honorees
     What's HAppening?


Friends in Grades 2-10
Bring your friend to school for the day so he/she can see what the Hebrew Academy has to offer.  Note: Pre-registration is closed for January 3.  Look for details about our next Bring a Friend to School Day on March 21, 2014 (coming soon).
Friday, January 3
Next week's Program: Tu B'Shevat!
Tuesday, January 7, 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Note: This is the final PALS program this school year.  Enjoy our new weekly program for little ones beginning in February: Tot Shabbat!
You are cordially invited!
Join us for the 2nd Grade Chumash Presentation in the West Campus Auditorium.
Wednesday, January 8, 9:00 am
Fifth Grade Parent Middle School Informational Event
Please join us in the West Campus Cafeteria for an informational event to learn about our Middle School program.
Monday, January 13, 2:30 pm
   (click links above for more information!) 


Mark Your Calendars!


January 3
January 7
January 8
January 9-15
Final Exams (Gr. 7-12)
Subject Tests (Gr. 6)
January 13
January 15
January 16
1:30 pm Dismissal
Finals Make-up Day
Tu B'Shevat
January 17 - 24
Winter Break
January 27
School Resumes
Second Semester Begins

(Click links above for more information!) 
(last revision 8/15/13)   



In This Issue
It's Easy to be Nice, a Smile has no Price!
This Week's Torah Tidbits by Gabrielle Eichler
See What's Cooking!
Extra! Extra!
Ami Eskanos Pic From the desk of ...
Ami Eskanos, Dean of Admissions and Institutional Advancement

School Family Service...You Are More Than A Customer To Us!

Recently, employees at Hebrew Academy had the honor of learning about customer care from an expert in the field, Teri Yanovitch, co-author of Unleashing Excellence: The Complete Guide to Ultimate Customer Service. Read more... 

WordsCountElemSch "It's easy to be nice, a smile has no price!"
"Words Count" to Elementary School students!
We are excited as we embark on a journey of social and emotional exploration with our elementary school students.  Teaching them social and emotional skills in the classroom and incorporating the Words Count program into our school environment is so vital to our children's development.  Read more...  
 Torah Tidbits
GabrielleEichler This Week's Torah Tidbits...
by Gabrielle Eichler, 9th Grade
In this week's Torah portion, Parshat Bo, we learn about the actual Exodus from Egypt.  The parsha begins with G-d telling Moshe to "come to Pharaoh" and ask again for the Jews to leave. The concept of coming to Pharaoh's palace to ask him to let the Jews go implies that the Jews are still ruled by Pharaoh, which seems to be the exact opposite of the primary point of the parsha.  Read more...   
 Time for Lunch!
Click here to see what's cooking! 
Warrior Logo
        Warrior Wrap-Up

Gymnasium Warrior Sports HAppenings...

Catch the Warrior Spirit!


We are looking to buy new uniforms for our high school teams this year.  If you are interested in sponsoring a certain team or sport, please let Coach Bishop know.  


No game results to report this week.  Click here for upcoming games/schedules. 


 EXTRA!  EXTRA!  Read all about it...
 Click picture links below for details and flyers.


Click here for more information.
January Collections


During January, we are collecting kosher mac and cheese boxes,

apple juice, and canned fruit.



Pre-registration is closed for January 3.

Look for details about our next Bring a Friend to School Day

on March 21, 2014, coming soon.

Click here for details.


Preschoolers and Little Siblings Program


Hey Little Ones! Bring your friends and parents or caretakers and join Hebrew Academy faculty for afternoon story time, snacks, music, arts and crafts, and more.  


Next program: Tu B'Shevat!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014  


Click here for invite.


Grade 2 Chumash Presentation


You are cordially invited to attend

the Second Grade Chumash Presentation!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 9:00 am



Final Exams


January 9 - 15, 2014


HS Final Exam Schedule   MS Final Exam Schedule



Save the Date


Fifth Grade Parent Middle School Informational Event


Get acquainted with our Middle School program.

Click here for details and RSVP information.


Monday, January 13, 2014, 2:30 pm

Click here for details and RSVP information.


Parent Caf Workshop

Hebrew Academy Official Chaperone

Training Program


For parents of students in grades 1-8


Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 8:30 - 10:00 am


New Program for Little Ones


Bring your little ones who are not enrolled in school yet.


Enjoy a weekly Oneg Shabbat.

This Mommy and Me style class is a great time for parents to engage with

their children and introduce the notion of school to infants, crawlers, and toddlers.


Thursdays, beginning in February, 8:45 - 10:00 am


Click picture link above for details and registration information.

Click here for Catalog and registration info.


Hebrew Academy's Spring After School

Activities Catalog is here!


Something for everyone!

Sign up soon as space is limited!


Unless otherwise specified, activities run from 

February 3 - June 12, 2014


The Target RedCard
Take Charge of
Education Program
HA Gymnasium
Help Us Pave
the Way to Our
New Gymnasium!
66th Annual Event Ad Journal
Preschoolers and
Little Siblings
Spring After
School Activities
Warrior Kippot Available
in School Office
Create a Jewish Legacy
Create a Jewish
See what we're collecting this month!
Box Tops for
Community Corner


Greater Miami Jewish Federation 

2014 Need-Based Overnight Jewish Camp

Scholarships Available


Applications are now being accepted.


Click the following link for eligibility criteria and submission details:


Overnight Jewish Camp Scholarships



Greater Miami Jewish Federation 

2014 Miami Jewish Population Study


Every decade, a comprehensive study is conducted of Miami's Jewish community

to provide a snapshot of who we are, where we are and where we're headed.


Your participation is critical to the success of this effort.

If you receive a phone call for the 2014 Miami Jewish Population Study, please

take the time to answer the questions and make sure your voice is heard.


Click the following link for more information:


Miami Jewish Population Study 


New Little Warriors!

Jodi and David Tuchinsky on the birth of a granddaughter, Sara Baila!
(proud parents are alumnus Kenny Tuchinsky and wife, Rivka)

If you have a New Little Warrior to announce, please email the news to

Norma Reiz at

 Upcoming Simchas!
No new upcoming simchas to announce for the month of January.
If you would like to include the upcoming simcha of your son/daughter, please email Norma Reiz at   
The Hebrew Academy inspires and equips students to achieve
their greatest potential academically and spiritually
by focusing on their individual attributes and
instilling eternal Torah values in a changing world.
Click here for our 9 Core Values.
RASG Hebrew Academy | 2400 Pine Tree Drive | Miami Beach, FL 33140 | 305-532-6421
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