e-Communique Masthead
April 3, 2013 
Need to Know   
  • The Diocese is sorry to announce that Kathlyn Jones,  assistant to Bishop  Goff and former assistant for the Office of Christian Formation, will end her time at the Diocese today, April 3. Kathlyn is taking on a new position  at Troutman Sanders in Richmond. We'll miss Kat here at the diocesan offices!  "What I love about working with the staff and the whole Diocese," said Jones, "is the amount of heart that is in this organization." She says she's now excited about applying what she has learned in the Diocese to her new job as an event planner.
  • Please keep those with April mission trips in your prayers: St. Paul's, Richmond to Staten Island, NY, March 31 - April 4; St. James's, Richmond to New York, NY, April 4 - 7; St. Francis', Great Falls to Sudan, April 3 - 13; St. James's, Richmond to Cuba, April 10 - 17. If your church is taking a mission trip in April and you are not included on this list, contact Ashley Cameron at acameron@thediocese.net.
  • Did you know that you can apply for a World Mission Grant as an individual ($250) or as a team ($500) if you are going on an upcoming mission trip? Learn more.  
  • Each year, the Episcopal Church Women award scholarships to college-age communicants of the Diocese of Virginia. Applications and more info will be available online next week. The deadline for submissions is May 31.
  • Larry Duffee, Virginia missionary in the Sudan, is collecting youth-sized chasubles. Please give any contributions to the Mission & Outreach Office.  Questions? Contact Ashley Cameron at acameron@thediocese.net.   
  • The Cycle of Prayer for April will be available on the diocesan website later this week. 
Diocesan Events & Programs  
  • Join the staff of the Christian Formation Office at a special event hosted by the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at VTS. Kyle Matthew Oliver, digital missioner, will discuss the idea of a "faith formation network" and help you think about how your congregation can take Christian formation into their lives beyond Sunday morning. Thursday, April 18 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at  Hickory Neck, Toanoa. Lunch will be provided for a $7 fee. RSVP to Lynn Farlin, lfarlin@ascension-norfolk.org if you plan to attend. 
  • The Parish Youth Ministries Senior High Weekend will take place April 5-7 at Shrine Mont. Registration is now open.  
Church Calendar

4/4: Civility in the Public Sphere, St. Stephen's, Richmond
4/7: Illuminaire, The Falls Church, Falls Church
4/7: Brethren Male Vocal Ensemble in Concert, Good Shepherd, Burke
4/10: Labyrinth & Taize, St. George's, Arlington

More Church Events 
Other Events

Upcoming Events from Virginia Theological Seminary:  

  • "What is the Meaning of My Neighbor's Faith for My Own?" A seminar  about how Christians understand the truth claims of other spiritual traditions, April 19. Register: www.vts.edu/icfl/fridays.
  • "Prepare/Enrich Training" Training for marriage preparation counseling for clergy and lay counselors, May 3-4. Details: www.vts.edu/icfl.  

Bishop's Spring Conference for Clergy Lay Professionals and Spouses


The Bishop's Spring Conference for Clergy, Lay Professionals & Spouses will take place May 6-8 at Shrine Mont, and registration is now open! Learn more and download materials.

Participants will spend time with speaker Michael Harvey exploring the concept of "unlocking the growth" and discovering the potential of the art of the invitation in your own congregations. This is a great opportunity for clergy and laity alike to come together, exchange ideas and build energy around an important topic.

Attendees will also spend time hearing from the bishops.

Pre-conference workshops will take place on the Prevention of Adult Sexual Misconduct and Child Sexual Abuse. Please register for these events separately online.

We look forward to seeing you at Shrine Mont May 6-8!

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