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June 2015                                                                                                               Issue 31
New Graphite, RGX
Welcome, Greg!


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Dear Newsletter Reader, 

It is hard to believe that the 2nd quarter of 2015 is coming to an end! Though this year has proved challenging so far for the industry, we remain optimistic and continue to find new opportunities.

In this newsletter, we would like to tell you about the Fifth UCAR® FreezeLining at TEMCO, outstanding effort by our Meyerton team, our Small Brick technology and our new team member, Greg Parker.

TEMCO Acquires the Fifth UCAR® FreezeLining

TEMCO is a Ferro Manganese Plant, located in Tasmania, Australia, with a total of 4 smelting furnaces.


During 15+ years of a highly professional and productive partnership, we from GrafTech have consistently witnessed TEMCO's commitment to pursue a safe and high productivity state of the art operation.


Furnace 1, with 36MVA, was converted to the UCAR FreezeLining in 2001 and has been running since then, at up to 25% higher MW, as compared to the previous lining technology. After 14 years, it continues to operate at high power and high productivity.


Furnaces 2, 3 and 5 respectively, 33MVA, 54MVA and 51MVA, were also converted to the UCAR FreezeLining in the following years and continue to deliver superior performance, as expected.


To ensure that UCAR materials would be readily available whenever TEMCO decides to do the next reline, we were awarded the supply of a complete UCAR FreezeLining, which suits either of their smaller furnaces.


The UCAR lining design, with our HotPressed™ brick, has proven to be a major factor to achieve a long, safe and high productivity campaign, with lower operating costs.

Thanks to Meyerton

During 2014 and 2015, GrafTech South Africa performed various repairs on the Rustenburg Platinum Mines projects, and we were successful supplying all the graphite requirements for the Mortimer, Polokwane and the Watervall furnace repairs.


The scope was to machine various shapes and sizes of graphite and to install it onto copper coolers that were supplied by Thos Begbie Pty Ltd. HATCH International supplied the design and the drawings. The tolerances on the materials were tighter than ever, and this resulted in a 100% quality inspection on all items produced. Various inspections were done during the manufacturing and installation by HATCH and the customer with no deviations reported.


Photo: Pieter van Rensburg 


What made this achievement even more special was that during this period GrafTech Meyerton underwent a restructuring that led to additional pressure on the team, resulting in less manpower and longer hours. However, we are happy to report that all three orders were completed within budget and well within the timeline with no injuries!


We want to take the opportunity to thank the Meyerton team for their commitment to redefine challenges and serve the customer.

GrafTech's RGX

GrafTech has developed a new High Density, High Conductivity, Low Iron Graphite for use in Blast Furnaces and Submerged Arc Furnace Refractory Applications. The designation for this new graphite grade is RGX.


RGX has been developed in response to the increased/desired use of graphite in areas of the furnace where a high rate of heat transfer is needed, and where high heat loads and thermal shock are a problem.


You will find that this new RGX graphite grade exhibits the key properties and characteristics that make it accommodating to most, if not all, of the intended end user furnace refractory applications - AT A VERY ECONOMICAL PRICE!

Welcome Greg


We would like to welcome Greg Parker to our Refractory Sales team!  


Greg has taken on the role of Refractory Systems Marketing Analyst. He has degrees in Accounting and Finance from University of North Alabama and 25 years of experience in Finance and Accounting, Continuous Improvement, and Materials Management.


We are very happy to have him on board and are looking forward to working with him. Greg can be reached at


Redefining Limits

GrafTech, HotPressed and RGX are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc. UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc. The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use.  GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to its terms and conditions of sale. ©2015 GrafTech International Holdings Inc.