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June 2014                                                                                                                      Issue 27
Our Upcoming Work for Salzgitter
2014 SAIMM Furnace Tapping Conference
Your GrafTech Refractory Team
Welcome to the team, Yang!



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Dear Newsletter Reader,

Since our 26th issue we have had some very exciting projects going on. This year was off to a great start and has continued in that direction. We hope that your 2014 has been going great and that the improvements in the industry are keeping you as optimistic as us.

In this issue, we will tell you about our work with Salzgitter, GrafTech's participation at this year's SAIMM Furnace Tapping Conference, our 2014 Refractory Sales Meeting and a member of our Refractory Team, Lu Yang.

Our Experience at Work for Salzgitter

Salzgitter Flachstahl Furnace B was built in 1993 on a green field site, and its hearth diameter is 11.2 m with a working volume of 2,530 m3. The design capacity for this furnace is 6,000 mt/HM/day. The furnace is equipped with two tapholes at an 84 degree angle in one cast house, and the furnace operated for 2 weeks with one taphole after which it changed over to the other taphole for the same period. The first campaign, from 1993, lasted eleven years, and the furnace produced about 19 million tons of hot metal. The original 1993 hearth lining was a micropore block construction, and at the end of the campaign the carbon lining was only 50 mm in some places.

For the second campaign, starting in 2004, Salzgitter AG replaced the old micropore block carbon hearth and changed to the UCAR® lining system, which uses HotPressed™ carbon bricks. The furnace was blown-in with all the tuyeres open and within 4 days productivity exceeded 5,000 mt/HM/day. For the last 10 years the UCAR lining has performed well without any need of repair and with no significant wear of the carbon lining.

After the production of more than 20 million tons of hot metal, Salzgitter AG plans to refurbish furnace B in 2015. As a part of the refurbishment they will install a new refractory lining in the furnace. Based on their experience with the superior performance of UCAR's HotPressed bricks over the last 10 years, Salzgitter AG has decided to install a complete UCAR hearth lining, including hearth pad, hearth walls, tuyere band and lower bosh for the 2015 refurbishment. The delivery of the graphite, carbon and hot-pressed carbon bricks is scheduled for the end of 2014 and installation will take place in 2015.


SAIMM Furnace Tapping Conference
Many metallurgists fall in love with pyrometallurgy after witnessing a smelter being tapped. There is something magical in the combination of light, energy and danger that simultaneously stirs the primal instincts to "run for your life" and "go closer and have a look." However, tapping a smelter is not an easy task, as much engineering goes into the design of the taphole due to the aggressive nature of the process.


For this reason, GrafTech presented a paper at the SAIMM conference to highlight the advantages and versatility of the ChillKote™ lining system. The paper focused on the practical side and the ease of integration with the current lining of the client, whether it is a UCAR® lining or a big block lining.


The paper was presented in two parts. Paul O'Shaughnessy, Senior Consultant (pictured, right), presented the first part, which was an overview of the various taphole configurations together with some insight into the operations.


Hercules Van der Merwe, Accounts Manager for Africa (pictured, left), focused on the execution and challenges of this type of repair that covered Blast Furnace and Submerged Arc Furnace repairs.


The paper is available upon request.

Refractory Sales Meeting

Our Refractory Sales meeting took place in April of this year. For some on our team this was a first for meeting one another in person. We were able to get together for 3 full days of market review, skills development and team building.
This year's meeting has been noted as one of the most productive meetings. We attribute this to the stories, strategies and ideas shared. Topics covered were not only educational, but they were beneficial to our business and in turn, our customers. 
While keeping you in mind, we had many discussions surrounding the promising action plans that will allow us to continue to serve you as best as we can.
Pictured above:
1st row, L to R: Karen Pavy, Customer Service & Support Specialist; Lu Yang, Account Manager, China; Roger Fuhrman, Commercial Manager; Shaun Botes, Tech Service Engineer; Luis Fontes, Sales Manager, Latin America; Nicole Graham, Sales & Marketing Analyst; Pieter Barnard, President, Industrial Materials; Alan Ibbotson, Graphics & Pricing Specialist; Henry Yu, General Manager, China.

2nd row, L to R: Bill Cook, Customer Service Representative; Paul Wayne, Plant Manager; Hercules Van der Merwe, Account Manager, Africa; Jim Peterson, Account Manager, North America; Richard Pugh, Sales Manager, Europe; Michael Quah, Sales Manager, Asia; Paul O'Shaughnessy, Senior Consultant; John Hooker, Graphics & Pricing Specialist; Jeff Toth, Tech Service Engineer; Peter Duncanson, Sales Director; Joy LaCroix, Customer Service Representative.
Welcome to the Refractory Team, Lu Yang!


We are excited to welcome Lu Yang to the team!


In August 2013 Lu Yang joined the Refractory Sales team as Regional Sales Manager for China. Yang holds a Bachelor's degree in Steel Rolling from North-East University of China, and has worked in the steel and related industries for 21 years. He reports to Peter Duncanson, Sales Director for Refractories. Yang works in Beijing and can be reached at 


Redefining Limits

GrafTech, HotPressed, ChillKote, C34, GR37, Grade D, NMA, NMD, RP4, SmartRam,
RefractoryFlex, FlexLine, and FlexRepair are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use.  GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to the terms and conditions of sale. ©2014 GrafTech International Holdings Inc.