February 2013

New York State Senator Jos� M. Serrano

Reports to the People


District Office 157 East 104th Street, New York, NY 10029 Tel. 212-828-5829, Fax. 212-828-2420

 Albany Office - Legislative Office Building 406, Albany, NY 12247 - Tel. 518-455-2795, Fax. 518-426-6886

Email: [email protected]  

Senate website: serrano.nysenate.gov  

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29th District Office Hours


District Office Hours (El Barrio) 

Regular Office Hours: 9:00 am -5:00 pm, Monday-Friday.


Upcoming Upper West Side Constituent Hours  

Tuesday, February 26

4:00pm to 7:00 pm

St. Agnes Library (NYPL) 

444 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, NY 10024


Upcoming Roosevelt Island Constituent Hours

Wednesday, March  6   

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm 

Roosevelt Island Seniors Association

546 Main Street #1

New York, NY 10044    


Serrano Continues His Opposition to Fracking; Pleased by DEC's Decision to Delay Report 

February 13, 2013


(New York, NY)- State Senator Jos� M. Serrano applauded the decision by Joseph Martens, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), to delay the issuing of the final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) on high-volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State until the Department of Health (DOH) completes public review of the health impacts of the process.


"I am pleased to learn that the DOH is taking more time to carefully complete the public review process of hydrofracking," said Senator Serrano. "It would be blatantly irresponsible to permit hydraulic fracturing to be carried out without thoroughly analyzing its possible consequences on the health of the public. "


"We must ensure that New York does not join states like Pennsylvania, and suffers regrettable consequences that could be avoided by further study of this technology," continued Senator Serrano. "Furthermore, we must carefully analyze all of the issues to ensure that no hydrofracking activities that could endanger our air, water, land, and residents are subsequently permitted, so that the families of New York State are adequately protected."


"Although we are moving in the right direction by extending the review, I truly hope that Governor Cuomo takes the next step and listens to the concerns of health experts, environmental experts, and the general public and refuses to issue any hydrofracking permits in New York State," concluded Senator Serrano.

Senator Serrano Sponsors Resolution Honoring the Life of Dolores Prida 

February 12, 2013


(Albany, NY)- A Senate Resolution sponsored by Senator Serrano honoring the life and accomplishments of long-time East Harlem community advocate, journalist and writer, Dolores Prida, passed the New York State Senate unanimously.


"The East Harlem community, and the City of New York, has experienced a huge loss in the passing of Dolores Prida," said Senator Serrano. "Dolores Prida distinguished herself in her profession through her sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the welfare of her community. In addition, she was also one of the most active, as well as one of the first, female playwrights that brought acclaim to the New York  Latino  stage during the 1980s and 1990s," continued Serrano.    


Dolores Prida began writing short stories and poetry as a teenager in Cuba. In the United States she published  her  first book, "37 Poems," in 1967. Prida also quickly established herself as a playwright, completing works such as "The Beggars Soap Opera," "Pantallas," and "Botanica."


Throughout  her  career, Dolores Prida received several distinctions: the Cintas Fellowship Award for Literature, the Creative Artistic Public Service Award for Playwriting, and the Excellence in Arts Award. Due to her community involvement and activism, Prida was granted a Doctor of Humane Letters degree by Mount Holyoke College in 1989. In addition, after years of distinguished service within her field, Prida became Director of Information Services for the National Puerto Rican Forum, managing editor of the Spanish publication El Tiempo, and head of publications for the Association of Hispanic Arts (AHA).


"Dolores Prida had a humanistic spirit that soared with a sense of compassion, and she will forever be considered a leader and visionary within her field," said Senator Serrano. "My thoughts and prayers go out to her family during this time of grief, and I know that her legacy is one that will stand the test of time and live on through the many lives that she touched and left a lasting impression upon."

Senator Serrano Advocates for Funding of School-Based Health Centers 

February 12, 2013


(Albany, NY)- Senator Serrano met student and parent advocates on behalf of The Children's Aid Society to discuss the important role they play within New York schools. They were among hundreds who rallied in Albany in support of preserving funding for school-based health centers (SBHCs). SBHCs are preventive health care centers that deliver onsite care to school children. 


"School-based health centers play an important part in our schools," said Senator Serrano. "They provide important services, such as reducing emergency room visits, access to mental health and dental care, and improving school attendance. In addition, SBHCs reduce ER use by half for asthmatic students, and enrolled children are less likely to be dismissed from school due to illness. It is imperative that SBHCs receive the funding necessary to keep our children healthy and in school," concluded Serrano. 

Senator Serrano Pushes for Review of Recent Events Involving Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department  

February 11, 2013


(Roosevelt Island)- Senator Serrano reacted to news of an alleged incident involving the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department and an island resident.  


"Roosevelt Island residents have approached my office with concerns about an incident allegedly involving Anthony Jones and the actions of the Public Safety Department. These allegations are troubling, however I believe that the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation acted appropriately in referring the incident to the State Inspector General for thorough review. It is important that the Inspector General be given the opportunity to independently investigate these allegations and make an appropriate determination."  


"I am sponsoring bill S3808/A956 in the Senate to implement a New York State Civilian Review Board. This bill was previously introduced in the Assembly by Assemblymember Micah Kellner, and I thank Micah for his leadership on this issue. Any and all complaints concerning misconduct by officers of the law should be taken seriously. The implementation of a Civilian Review Board will ensure that complaints, such as those allegations regarding the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department, are independently investigated."

The Serrano's Celebrate Black History Month 

February 8, 2013


(Bronx, NY)--State Senator Jos� M. Serrano and his father Congressman Jos� E. Serrano honored three exceptional local community leaders in their annual celebration of Black History Month. This year's honorees were the Hon. Helen Diane Foster, Council Member from the 16th District in the Bronx;  Richard R. Buery, Jr., President and CEO of The Children's Aid Society; and Hon. Donald A. Miles, Civil Court Judge of the City of New York-Bronx County.

"I am proud to honor these remarkable leaders during this month of celebration of black culture, heritage, and contribution to our society," said Senator Serrano. "Their success serves as an inspiration to not only the African American community, but to all New Yorkers. It is important for us to acknowledge and recognize those whose accomplishments continue to pave the way for future generations to come," continued Serrano. 


The Serrano's annual Black History Month celebration took place at Bronx Shepherd's Restoration Corporation and included live music and remarks by elected officials from throughout the community. 

Senator Serrano Expresses Disappointment over Closing of Saint Jerome School 

January 24, 2013


(South Bronx, NY)- "I am deeply saddened and disappointed to learn of the Archdiocese's decision to continue with the closing of Saint Jerome School," said Senator Serrano. "It was my hope that the Archdiocese would provide St. Jerome with a viable plan to allow the school to remain open. Not only is the school an iconic presence for residents of the South Bronx, but it has a long history of providing an outstanding education to the youth of our community, many of whom are new immigrants. I strongly urge the Archdiocese to reconsider this troublesome decision so that children who attend St. Jerome may continue to receive the quality education that they deserve," continued Serrano.   


On December 12, 2012, Senator Serrano, along with parents, children, and other community leaders, spoke at a press conference urging against the closing of Saint Jerome School. In addition, the Senator wrote a letter to the Archdiocese asking them to reconsider their initial proposal to close the school. Official announcement of closure of the school was provided by the Archdiocese on January 22, 2013 at 5:00pm.

Senator Serrano Fights for Stronger Gun Control Laws: Statement on Passage of  the NY SAFE Act 

January 15, 2013


(Albany, NY)-  Senator Serrano was proud to support the NY SAFE Act, which passed the New York State Senate and was signed into law by Governor Cuomo. Currently, it is the most expansive gun control legislation in the country. This comprehensive legislation contains many gun-control measures that the Senator and the Democratic Conference have long advocated for.


"I am proud to support the NY SAFE Act which will ban assault weapons, strengthen license requirements, and create a state-wide database for law enforcement to utilize," said Senator Serrano. "My colleagues and I in the Senate Democratic Conference have continually pushed for many of these measures and this is an important to step towards curbing gun violence. Many thanks to Governor Cuomo for advocating for the reform of our existing gun control laws and to Senate Democratic Conference leader Andrea-Stewart Cousins for ensuring the passage of progressive legislation that New Yorkers demand."

Senator Serrano has supported legislation that will strengthen our gun control laws and ensure weapons are kept out of the wrong hands. In addition to the measures enacted in the NY SAFE Act, Serrano supports S675, a bill that requires all handgun ammunition to be microstamped, and S1915, a bill that prohibits guns from being sold without child-proof features.

Senator Serrano Appointed Chair of the Democratic Conference 

January 9, 2013

(Albany, NY)- Senator Jos� M. Serrano has been appointed Chair of the Senate Democratic Conference, by recently-elected Democratic Leader, Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins. As Chair of the Conference, Serrano will be responsible for presiding over conference meetings.  


"I am truly honored to be selected Chair of the Conference," said Senator Serrano. "This is a tremendous opportunity and I look forward to the work that lies ahead. Over the years it has been a pleasure to work with Senator Stewart-Cousins, and now under her leadership I look forward to working with my colleagues to put forth a progressive agenda that speaks to the needs of New Yorkers across this great state. I am confident that the Democratic Conference will continue to lead the fight on important issues such as campaign finance reform, the expansion of reproductive rights for women, and much needed environmental protections like banning hydrofracking," concluded Serrano.

Senator Jos� M. Serrano represents the 29th Senate District, which covers neighborhoods in the South & West Bronx, East Harlem, Upper Yorkville, Roosevelt Island, and the Upper West Side. He is the Chair of the Senate Democratic Conference, and serves as the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks & Recreation.