Bookstore & Cafe376 Moody StreetWaltham, MA 02453 (781) 788-0035www.mtwyouth.orgWaltham Store Hours:
Tues: 11:30 - 7:00 Wed: 11:30 - 7:00 Thur: 11:30 - 7:00 Fri: 11:30 - 10:00 Sat: 11:30 - 10:00 Sun: 11:30 - 6:00
Warehouse Bookstore
242 E. Berkeley St.
Boston, MA 02118
Boston Store Hours:
Tues: 10:30 - 7:00 Wed: 10:30 - 7:00 Thur: 10:30 - 7:00 Fri: 10:30 - 7:00 Sat: 10:00 - 4:30 Sun: 10:00 - 4:00

"Gracias" to our financial donors:
~Alan Strassman
~Alex McFerran ~Alice Poltorick ~Angela Brooks ~Ann Hershfang ~Ann Little ~Ann Sharp ~Ann Stern ~Anne Smith ~Anonymous (7) ~Arlene & Henry Winkleman ~Ashley Lanfer ~Audrey & Ralph Wagner ~Avery Rimer and Rick Weissbourd ~Barbara & Steve Neel ~Barbara Bates ~Barbara Leone ~Barbara Roberts ~Benjamin Tillinger & Jodi Rosenbaum TillingerBeryl ~Minkle & Haakon Chevalier
~Bethany Woods
~Betsy McAlister Groves
~Beverly Roder ~Bobby Nasson ~Borstein Family Foundation ~Carl Brauer ~Carol & David Buonopane ~Carole & Wayne Parrish ~Caroline Gaudet ~Catharine & David Rush ~Cheryl & Jeffrey Katz ~Chitra Staley ~Chobee Hoy ~Chris Kerr ~Christine McElroy ~Cindy Salamone ~Claire Neely ~Clark Family Fund ~Coco Plum ~Constance Kantar ~Constant Contact ~Daniel Kempler ~David Freudberg ~David Kuppenheimer ~Deborah & David Smith ~Deborah Belle ~Debra Catalanotti ~Delores & Ken Kimmel ~Diane Shufro ~Don Kondub ~Donald Massa ~Donna Vanderclock ~Dori Zaleznik ~Edie Walsh ~Elizabeth Flemings & ~James Harris ~Elizabeth Grady ~Elizabeth Hall ~Elizabeth L. March & ~David E. Stein ~Elizabeth Reilinger ~Elizabeth Stevens ~Ellen & Dan Pedro ~Ellen Hoffman & Ken Loveday ~Ellen Jawitz ~Emily & T.K. McClintock ~Emily Maitin ~Emily Miles ~Eneida Rosado ~Epker-Sinha Foundation ~Erika Tower ~Esther Bullitt
~FM Global Foundation
~Frederick Pritkin
~Gail Garinger ~Gail Shapiro ~Gates Hawn (in honor of Gerri & Dick Hawn) ~Gena Hooper ~Gerald Jordan ~Gerri & Dick Hawn ~Gerri Hawn ~Glenn Brack ~Grayson Family Foundation
~Greg Cooper ~Hazel Sive ~Heather & Kitt Sawitsky ~Heidi Lewitt ~Helene & Harvey Greenberg ~Irwin Mesch ~Isaac Colbert ~Jane & Joel Hirschhorn ~Jane Goldman & Chris Gill ~Jane Wiseman ~Janice & Howard Fineman ~Jean Whitney ~Jeanette & Jeff March ~Jennifer Morrison & Richard Marks ~Jennifer Tjia ~Jessica & Josh Lutzker ~Jill Janows ~Joan & Ames Abbot ~Joan Roover ~John Biggers ~John DavisJohn March ~John May ~Joshua Clover ~Joyce & Allan Cohen ~Joyce Sarrouf ~Judith & Arthur Obermayer ~Judith & Herman Chernoff ~Judith and Ralph Poirier ~Julia & Tom Mendelsohn ~Julianne Mehegan ~Julie & Patrick McVeigh ~Julie Bernson ~June Rokoff ~Kalpana Guttman ~Karen & Susan Harper ~Karen Blumenfeld & ~Andrew Nierenberg ~Karen Chung ~Karen Milligan ~Karen Zweig ~Kat Hadley ~Katherine Kominis ~Katherine Lewis & Mark Davidson ~Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller ~Kathy Spiegelman ~Kenneth Davis ~Kenneth Raffol ~Kerry Sainato ~Kevin Horst ~Laura Bishop ~Laura Moore ~Laura Morrison ~Laura Walters ~Leslie & John Akula ~Linda Christman ~Lindsay Rosenfeld ~Lisa Ceremsak ~Lissa & Mel Hodder ~Liz Hiser & Charlie Hoban ~Lois Lindauer ~Lorna & Jerry Shafir ~Malli Gero ~Margaret Avery
~Margot Welch ~Mari Barrera ~Marie Casallas ~Marissa Zackowitz ~Marjorie Findlay & Geoffrey Freeman ~Mark & Cynthia Coleman (in honor of Gerri & Dick Hawn) ~Martha Creedon ~Marvin Lewiton ~Mary Ahlgren ~Mary Hildebrandt ~Mary Howard ~Mary Lee & Peter Aldrich ~Maryanna Foskett ~Mary-Anne Engel ~Masha Traber ~Maureen Sullivan ~MB Flanders ~Meredith Applegate ~Michael Appel ~Michael Kelly
~Michael Plotkin ~Michel Bruehwiler ~Michelle & Jim Lapides ~Nancy Bauer ~Nancy Faulkner ~Nancy Stanton ~Nancy Yanofsky ~Natalie Stoller and Tom Gilchrist ~Neil Cullen ~Nettie Lesser ~Nicole Chang ~Nicole Kelly ~Nina Bradley ~Nina Palmer ~Norman Trudeau ~Paige and Chris Holman ~Paige Shaw ~Pamela Krueger & ~Christopher Danemayer ~Pat & Chuck Jessico ~Patricia Farrell & Jill Shaw ~Patrick Otton
~Peggy McIntosh ~Perrin Stein ~Peter Roberts ~Petrus Spierings ~Phyllis Allison ~Phyllis Groskin & Stephen Perkins ~Powering Potential - Q3 Payment ~Priscilla Ellis & Bob Crabtree ~Rayna Caplan ~Regina & Alan Mandl ~Renee & Tom Arena ~Rick & Elaine Ruback ~Rita Allen ~Robert Cushman ~Woods Van Nostrand Memorial Fund ~Robert K. Kraft ~Robin Wilkerson ~Rose Simon ~Ruth Wolman ~Sam Teixeira ~Sandy LarsonScott Madden ~Shari Zalkind ~Sharon Greenfield ~Sheila & Irving Lesnick ~Sherry Israel ~Snowball Fund (a Donor Advised Fund of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston) ~Stephen Gallant ~Steve Braidman ~Stifler Family Foundation ~Sue & Terry Tottenham ~Sue Bonchi ~Susan Kahn ~Susan Kiewra ~Susan Schmidt ~Susan Weiler ~Susan Winickoff ~Susanne & John Russo ~Suzanne Bacon ~Sydney & Norman Abend
~Tama & Mark Zorn ~Terri & Jeff Wigley ~Tony & Brenda Helies ~Tracey Kelly ~Tracy Irwin ~Tzedakah Fund: Bernard & Sue Pucker ~Van Zandt Hawn (in honor of Dick and Gerri Hawn) ~Vanessa Kirsch & Alan Khazei ~Vera Nordal ~Veronica McCormack ~Von Mertens Family ~Charitable Lead Trust ~Weston Howland III ~Zele Avradopoulos ~Liberty Mutual Foundation Education ~Initiative Year 2 ~Nord Family Foundation ~Paul and Edith Babson Foundation ~Butler Family Fund ~Amelia Peabody Foundation
~Richard D. Wilson Community Response Gift ~Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation ~State Street Foundation ~Waltham Cultural Council
"Thank you" to these recent book & in-kind donors:
~Accion International ~Adele Goodkind ~Alan Strassman ~Alex Jassett ~Alice Poltorick ~Amalia Klinger Powell ~Amram Shapiro ~Andrea Finard ~Andrew Schlesinger ~Anne Rayman ~Anne Swager ~Arlene Winkleman ~Arlington Book Rack ~Barry Wanger ~Belmont Public Library ~Beth Brooks ~Beth El Temple Center ~Bill Doyle ~Bill Kalke ~Blake Middle School ~Boston GLASS ~Brooke Benowitz ~Brookline Public Library ~Buckingham Browne & Nichols ~Cambridge Public Library ~Carol Deane ~Carolyn Gombosi ~Cary Memorial Library ~Chandra Harrington ~Chris Forti ~Chris Packard ~Christ Church Cambridge ~Christina Reusser ~Cindy Salamone ~City of Cambridge ~Claire Pywell ~Corey Sanborn ~Cradles to Crayons ~Dana Hall School ~Deborah Jackson Weiss ~Diane Albano ~Dielk Barlas ~Drew Henson ~East Boston YMCA ~Elizabeth Maclargn ~Elizabeth Noonan ~Elizabeth Stevens ~Ellen Staelin ~Ellie Sanchezeolon ~First Parish Church of Weston ~First Parish of Watertown ~First Unitarian Society of Newton ~Fox Branch Library ~Friends of Lincoln Public Library ~Gena Hooper ~Gentle Giant Moving Company ~Goodnow Library ~Heller Property Management LLC ~Hindy Tucker ~Household Goods ~Recycling of Massachusetts ~Interaction Associates ~Jack Gilad ~James Murphy ~Jean Woodward ~Jennifer Chase ~Jennifer Choi ~Jessica Schmitz ~Joan Bender ~Jodi Jaillete ~Joe Quinn ~John Galligan ~Joseph Alen ~Joseph Quinn ~Judith Goldner ~Judith Obermayer ~Julie Calechman ~Karen Kreider ~Karyn Polewaczyk ~Katheryn Dahl ~Laurie Raymond ~Lillian Weigert ~Linda Gelda ~Linda Silverman ~Lisa Johnson ~Lori Beilin ~Luke Lalazarian ~Lynn Lidz ~M McCool ~Mamien Graziano ~Marcia Leavitt ~Marguerite C Toll ~Martha Creedon ~Mary Farrell ~Mary Price ~Michael Abend ~Mimi Michaelson ~Monica Petri ~More Than Words ~MTW Anonymous ~Multiplan ~Nancy Angoff ~Nate Principato ~Natick DPW ~Needham RTS ~Newton Division of ~Environmental Affairs ~Pam Ozaroff ~Patricia Dowse ~Patricia Valley ~Peter Boullata ~Peter Cote ~Planet Aid ~Polly Cummings ~Rachelle Trumbour ~Randal Rucker ~Regus ~Rhonda Roselli ~Robbins Library ~Robert Keller ~Robert Levey ~Roger Saginario ~Ronna Benjamin ~Ruth Hobeika ~Ruth Schechter ~Ruth Zachary ~Sally Gold ~Sandra Gordon ~Sara Chambers ~Sari Follansbee ~Sav Mor Liquors ~Sergei Chirkov ~Sharon Shane ~Shelia Decter ~Sophia Mizouni ~Stephen Gallant ~Stephen Kennedy ~Susan Bloom ~Susan Kahn ~Susan Maguire ~Susan Trowbridge ~Susanne Shavelson ~Teddi Sobin ~Temple Beth Avodah ~The Congregational Church of Needham ~The Stepping Stone Foundation ~Thomas Fulchino ~Valerie Leiter ~Virginia Welles ~Waltham YMCA ~Wellesely Free Library ~Weston Department of Public Works ~Winchester Transfer Station ~Wolf & Company
"Mahalo" to our ongoing partners: ~ Bentley University ~ Brandeis University ~ Brattle Bookshop ~ The Nelson Cos ~ PODS ~ It's Your Move ~ Humboldt Moving Co. ~ New Boston Management Services ~ Sharon O'Rouke with Kiosk Connections & Sandra Cortina with The New Boston Management Services Tenants ~A Thoughtful Move, LLC ~Gentle Giant Moving Company What is Question Zero? Question Zero is the question that comes before all other questions: What EXACTLY are you trying to accomplish? Learn more here!
Hey !
Happy New Year! We hope that 2014 was a wonderful year and that 2015 will be an even better one. We're spreading some winter cheer with warm drinks and good books! And, you can start the new year off with an act of kindness by Donating now
Making Headlines By Sebastion
Our Waltham site got a visit from "The Travelin Chicks" earlier this month. Chelsea and Kinsey are two coreespondents who post articles on as well as in their Blog. They put us on the top of the list in their article titled "Accessible By T: 5 Youth Programs to Volunteer With in the Boston Area!" They gave us a great review, noting that MTW "does not feel like your run-of-the-mill used books store." We are so grateful for their support and it was great to learn about some other amazing opportunities around Boston.
Read the whole article Here
Big Thanks
by Alex
A big thank you goes out to the Middlesex Savings Bank Charitable Foundation who invited MTW, as a recent grant recipient, to be one of two non-profits to speak at their annual meeting in Westborough. I was asked, as a recent graduate of MTW, to speak to over 150 officers of the organization. The officers were on hand to find out more about the various ways that the bank and the foundation have been involved in the community. It was also a great networking opportunity for me. I was able to meet a lot of professionals in the food service industry, which was helpful because I am currently a server in a local restaurant. We are so grateful for this opportunity and to Middlesex for their support, and we hope we can work together again in the future!
GRAD SPOTLIGHT: Awesome Work, Shanay!
Before MTW, I was really struggling with school and I was involved with the court. I was failing my classes and staying out all night. I learned about MTW from my lawyer. I was really overwhelmed at first, but everyone was really nice and supportive. I learned that even though I am quiet I can be a really powerful leader. I graduated from MTW in May 2014. Right now I am finishing my senior year at Waltham High School and working part-time at a daycare. I am applying to college and hope to study psychology, public health or social work. I was recommended by one of the MTW staff for the Mass Star leadership conference where I worked with other students from around the state and developed better leadership skills. Last month I started the Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program at Harvard Medical School. MTW helped me turn my life around.
Waltham Events

Friday, JANUARY 16th 7:30 pm
376 Moody St.
Waltham, MA 02453
Featuring: Slam poetry performer Kevin Banker
Stop by MTW Waltham for open mic night on January 16th!
Community members are encouraged to share music, poems, or other performances. All are welcome.
Boston Events
Saturday, JANUARY 10th

242 E. Berkley St.
Boston, MA 02118
Featuring Poet: SIM CUE
Hosted by
Featuring Poet: SIM CUE
We welcome ANYONE to step up to our mic! We offer a non-discriminating, non-pretentious, non-elitist platform for one and all to express themselves!
Many Thanks to Massachusetts Service Alliance
By Devon On Thursday, December 18th we hosted a volunteer group from the Massachusetts Service Alliance. This group has volunteered with us on an annual basis and they always put in a lot of effort to help us reach our goals. We are always excited to meet them, and this year, two of MSAs Commonwealth Corps Marcy Braidman and Evan Scarlett, are serving at More Than Words as the Volunteer Coordinators. We really enjoyed our time with them and look forward to continuing our partnership. We really value our volunteer, and the volunteer coordinators who schedule events and shifts with them. I look forward to hosting more MSA members in the future!
A conversation With Representative Rushing
By: Ty
Representative Byron Rushing came to visit More Than Words in Boston on December 3rd, we were very excited to meet and get to know him. While he was here, he talked about his time as a young leader in the communities of Boston and his time working with others in the political field. He also spoke about his life as an activist in Boston including his position as the current Representative of the South End. We appreciated his presence and learned that when it comes to change; it takes passion, knowledge, grit, and initiative to stand up even when the odds are against you! We hope that he can come back to see our progress as a business and as individual leaders. Perhaps he can update us on his future and present movements to keep youth active inside and outside of the community.
Building a Strong Non-profit Community
By Justin
Last year, More Than Words formed a partnership with Planet Aid. Planet Aid is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (which means that any donations they accept are tax deductible, just like ours). They collect and recycle used clothing and shoes to protect the environment and support sustainable development in impoverished communities around the world. Planet Aid receives an enormous amount of DVD's and video games from their donation boxes. They wanted to find a great organization to donate all the products that they could not use, and they chose us. They reached out to us last year and have been dropping off DVD's and video games ever since. They have donated more than 7,000 DVD's and video games. They have made a huge contribution to our inventory, and to our sales. We hope our fruitful partnership continues for many years.
A Theatrical Production
By Julie
 On December 18th - 20th, several youth attended a play called "Writing Home," a compilation of true stories written by women who have, or are currently, struggling with homelessness. The play was put up by a program called Stories Without Roofs and was assistant directed by our Commonwealth Corps Volunteer Coordinator, Marcy Braidman. MTW supported the program by setting up a concessions table in the lobby. In addition to selling hot cider and cookies, MTW promoted its model to customers, and we even got to meet some of the talented writers. This was a great opportunity for us to work on our elevator pitches, describing what we do in a quick and efficient manner. We had fun talking to people that were interested in our mission and it felt great to know that we were supporting another great cause in the process. |