Join us in prayer for our PCA Church Planters and MNA Ministry Leaders
Spring 2016

Dear Friends,

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession
and thanksgiving be made for everyone. I Timothy 2:1

From our MNA Vision Statement...

That God, by His grace and for His own glory, will transform the PCA into a grassroots church planting culture that is:
  • exponentially reproducing a growing number of biblically healthy churches
  • seeing these churches characterized by significant conversion growth and ministries of mercy
  • reaching the diverse communities and people groups of North America
Prayer is essential to discovering the will and call of God in fulfilling this vision, as well as appropriating the necessary power for carrying out this call. As we partner together in prayer and in ministry, by God's grace, we will be used by Him to fulfill this great vision.

Here you will find prayer requests for the current quarter. Please join with us at MNA in praying for these churches, our dedicated church planters and other ministries God is using to extend His Kingdom here in North America.

In Christ,

Jim Bland
MNA Coordinator

February 14-20

Please pray with Church Planter Trent McEntyre and his wife Emily of Parkside Mission for God's spirit to enable them to raise up people who will pray for and love the people in the Morningside and Virginia Highland communities of Atlanta GA. Pray for their church partner, St. Paul's Presbyterian, as they participate in the mission to engage this strategic and largely unchurched district of Atlanta. Please pray that they will be effective through their three community group ministries, and for God's provision for their current and next steps of ministry. This is an expensive area with few engaged Christians. Please pray that God will provide the leadership and funding they need to expand outreach in Grady High School, Inman Middle School, and their neighborhoods.

February 21-27

Pray for MNA African American Ministries:
  • Pray for the continued development of the African American Presbyterian Fellowship (AAPF).
  • Pray for the planning, fund raising, and direction of the Leadership Development and Resouces (LDR) weekend..             
  • Pray that God will raise up young African American church planters.

Join with Mosaic Community Church in Silver Spring MD as they give thanks for the new faith community developing just outside Washington DC. Pray for Church Planter Joel St. Clair and his family as they engage neighbors with the truth of the Gospel. Pray that the members will share their faith and warmly engage people in their neighborhoods with the truth of the Gospel. Finally, pray that this multi-ethnic congregation will continue to labor with humility and honesty across ethnic, generational, and economic boundaries.

February 28-March 5

Join Church Planter Doug McNutt of Gospel Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City UT in prayer for the conversion of Anna, Nicholas, Marla, Judy, Chris, Jake, Celia, Rachel, Marissa, and Mariah. All of these people are either Mormon or Agnostic. 

March 6-12

Please pray for MNA SecondCareer Ministry Director Gary Ogrosky as well as for the volunteers, staff, and church planters and ministries they are supporting. Specifically:
  • Praise God for the growing awareness in our PCA congregations that MNA SecondCareer provides ways for adults to serve in missions, often without leaving home, through the opportunities MNA SecondCareer makes available; pray that more churches and individuals will take advantage of these opportunities.
  • Pray that God will lead more people in the PCA to serve as leaders in MNA SecondCareer, allowing the ministry to be even more effective in both identifying mission opportunities and finding the volunteers to serve.
  • Pray that prayer and financial support will continue to grow, enabling MNA SecondCareer to serve more needs and be more effective servants.
Join Church Planter Santo Garofalo of New City Fellowship in Atlantic City NJ in praising God that three single-parent families have been attending church regularly as a result of their Urban Ministry Team program. Pray that God will send more workers to the harvest to help them serve and disciple those who are attending and reach out to the neighborhoods where they serve. Please pray for their financial needs, as the entire staff raises their own salaries. 

March 13-19

Join with Church Planter Troy Albee of Grace Presbyterian - South Shore in Boston, MA ( in praying for those in their congregations whose marriages are under stress and spiritual attack, as well as for conversions of spouses and children connected to people in their church.

March 20-26

Pray with MNA Metanoia Prison Ministries: 
  • Praise to God for bringing us a candidate to help us grow the mentoring ministry per the request of the Georgia Department of Corrections.
  • Pray that God will bring us the resources necessary to bring this candidate onto our staff.
  • Pray that God will bring us more corresponding disciplers for the correspondence ministry.

Join with Church Planter Scott McDowell of Lighthouse Church in Victoria BC Canada in praising God for their recent growth and spiritual fruit. They have seen two people come to Christ this year and are encouraged by their young faith.  Pray that God will increase their church's heart for the lost. Pray for the Spirit to use their invitations and bring about conversion in many.  Pray that Christ will raise up dependable elders within their church plant. Pray for the development of a church planters' network in Victoria, and for new church plants to be established on Vancouver Island.

March 27-April 2

Give thanks with Church Planter Vito Aiuto of Resurrection Williamsburg in Brooklyn NY for their 10th anniversary as a church. It is only by His mercy and grace that they have been able to come this far. Specifically, please pray for:
  • Worship - for the Holy Spirit to fill their worship with joy, the presence of God, and more faith in Christ.
  • Evangelism - that through worship and outreach more people will come to faith in Christ.
  • Worship location - for God to provide  a good space for worship.
  • Finances - that God will provide for them to prosper financially in such a way that their ministry will flourish.
April 3-9

MNA Special Needs Ministries asks you to join them in prayer:
  • for wisdom and guidance for Director Steph Hubach as she focuses on writing a foundational book that will contribute significantly to distinctively Reformed literature on disability ministry.
  • for the wisdom, creativity, and synergy for ministry staff as they work with other national disability ministries to produce comprehensive online training modules and downloadable resources. 
Join Church Planter Adam Viramontes in prayer for Mosaic Church (PCA) in Albuquerque NM, who began regular worship services in January. God has been at work in powerful ways thus far and they pray that He will continue to bless the ministry taking place in their city. Please pray for them as they grow and identify local leaders who can be trained in the fall to govern and shepherd His church.  Please ask the Lord to convert unbelievers through the faithful exposition of the Scriptures and the redeeming grace discovered in the Gospel.

April 10-16

Pray with Church Planter Paul Calvert for the mission of Centerpoint Christ Community Church ( being planted in Troy OH ( Pray for God to send them additional helpers.

April 17-23

Please pray for Church Planter Mike Hollenbach and Bridge Community Church in Easton PA as they seek the Lord's leading on continuing to grow as a multicultural and multiethnic church body that reflects its context and culture.  Pray also for the Lord to raise up leaders within the church and formalize their leadership structure.  Finally, pray for them as they embark upon a two-year process for re-envisioning, re-articulating and more faithfully contextualizing the vision for their church: "United by Christ, to One Another, for Mission."

April 24-30

Please pray for MNA ESL Ministries Director Nancy Booher and her team of national volunteers, as well as for all the ESL ministries in the PCA nationwide.  Specifically please pray for:
  1. for God to ignite the members of more churches to reach their international neighbors with the Gospel through local ESL ministries.
  2. for our new ESL Trainers to be utilized well through the scheduling of many more ESL Trainings nationwide.
  3. for our time at General Assembly in Mobile AL to attract a lot of interest that will lead to more ESL ministry in our denomination.
  4. for our new ESL newsletter to be effective in linking ESL ministries together through encouragement and practical suggestions.
  5. for all the ESL ministries nationwide to be fruitful in reaching their students with the Gospel.
  6. for new videos to be made that will share the vision of ESL ministry.
Please pray for the growth of Hope Presbyterian Church in Crozet VA. Ask God to bring new families - especially those who are gifted with evangelism. Pray for Church Planter Todd Johnson and for the development of other leaders.

May 1-7

Please pray for Church Planter Paul May of McLean Presbyterian Church, planting a daughter church in Ashburn VA. This spring he is gathering a core group and networking in eastern Loudoun County, in the Greater DC metro area. Please pray that God will use this church plant to reach the lost with the Gospel, especially among the community's large international and Muslim populations. 

May 8-14

Please pray with MNA Disaster Response:
  • for those who have been impacted by the many storms of 2015 and are still recovering.
  • for the volunteers who are working to help those affected by the 2015 storms.
  • for more presbyteries, churches, and individuals to participate in training to prepare for disaster events.
  • praise for the new disaster response warehouse in Rome GA; pray for the continuing renovations.

Give thanks with Church Planter Bob Willetts of Grace Presbyterian Church in Chesapeake VA for the unity in their new church. Pray for open doors for the Gospel to penetrate their community, for boldness in proclaiming the Gospel, and for deliverance from wicked men who would seek to thwart God's Kingdom.  Finally, pray for growth in their youth group and for their Christianity Explored outreach courses.

Mission to North America
1700 N. Brown Road
Lawrenceville GA 30043
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