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In This Issue
Microsoft IT Academy Now Imagine Academy
UAccess Financials Classes in February
Save the Date! UAccess Symposium 2016
Tips & Tricks
New Star Members
Hot Topics
The MSS New Hire request form has been updated to allow alpha characters in the UA Careers Posting Number field.

The new report is designed to give you a summary review of all the accounts within your department (or college, or just a series of accounts of your choosing), except for Sponsored Project accounts. 
Our Newest Members

Kelly and Brian
Human Resources

Financial Services Office
UAccess Newsletter
January, 2016 - Issue 24
Microsoft IT Academy Now Imagine Academy
Effective January 11, 2016 the Microsoft IT Academy is now known as Microsoft Imagine Academy. 
This name change is part of Microsoft's transformation in the way they reach and impact students in the education space. With this change, Microsoft Imagine will be the single identity used for all Microsoft programs, tools and initiatives aimed at students to drive technology, computer science, coding and employability skills. 

As a part of this change, they will transition to providing all customers' access to a digital Microsoft Imagine Academy Welcome Kit for program members to enable easier and 'on demand' access to all program marketing materials and resources in 10 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish LATAM.
UAccess Financials Classes in February
We have several classes for UAccess Financials scheduled in February. Hurry and register today! We won't be offering these again until April. 
 UAccess Financials: Introduction
Tuesday, February 9th from 9:00 to 12:30 in Training lab 130
Tuesday, February 9th from 2:30 to 4:00 in Training lab 130
Wednesday, February 10th from 9:30 to 12:30 in Training lab 130A
Tuesday, February 16th from 9:00 to 12:30 in Training lab 130
Ask around. Are there new employees in your department that might need this training? Or perhaps some not-so-new employees that never got around to taking the class? Or maybe you just need a refresher to see if anything has changed.

Be sure to enroll in the Instructor led sessions.
Save the Date! UAccess Symposium 2016
March 29, 2016
The 2016 UAccess Symposium will bring together University of Arizona staff and faculty who are interested in furthering the use of UAccess systems in their workplace. The Symposium will provide a forum to discuss ideas, find resources, connect with colleagues, and learn about best practice approaches.

Save the date! Keep and eye out for the registration in upcoming newsletters.
Tips & Tricks

What's the one thing you wish campus new more about or used more often in UAccess Analytics, Employee, Financials, Learning, Research, or Student? We'd love to hear from you! You might be featured in next month's newsletter

If you'd like to add your tips and tricks to any discussion group, go to the Tips & Tricks threads and they might be featured in next month's newsletter!
New Star Members
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Presenter Icons
This month, instead of showing you star members, we decided to show you our newest community members. We  have two from Human Resources and one from FSO. Reach out and say hello!

You can be a star member next month. You can find details about the Star Members program in the Welcome Center. And if you're interested in nominating a colleague, let us know.