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UAccess Newsletter
October, 2014 - Issue 15

UAccess Redesign Coming Oct. 17

On Friday, October 17th, UITS will be launching a redesigned UAccess web page with new UA branding and more UAccess systems, including:

  • Budget -The Budget Office Online System helps departments prepare budgets, Requests for Budget Changes (RBC's), and Local Fund Budgets.
  • Learning -This new learning management system (LMS) allows employees to access University trainings and workshops from one central location. 
  • Space - Manages the University's physical space inventory and floor plans.

You are receiving advance notice of the launch in case you get comments or questions from your end users. An image of the newly redesigned UAccess website is shown above. 


Any technical issues encountered should be directed to the 24/7 IT Support Center at 626-TECH (8324).

New UITS UAccess Training in UAccess Learning! 

The Workshops and Training Team has added quite a few self-paced UAccess classes to UAccess Learning, and we wanted to share with you!


UAccess Self-Paced Training

We took a look at the online tutorials for UAccess Student, UAccess Employee, and UAccess Financials, and broke them (along with supplemental materials) into individual classes, such as UAccess Financials: Operational Advances. See what you can do with this by reading the thread linked below. 


UAccess Student Assessments

UAccess Student assessments have been moved into UAccess Learning instead of D2L.


Links & Historical Data

You can find links to all of UITS's UAccess offerings on the UITS Workshops & Training Team webpage, which has been redesigned to link properly to UAccess Learning. Or you can just visit UAccess Learning and navigate to Find Learning.


Read more about these changes in this thread


Remember! You can view UAccess Learning updates in the community here. If you run into any issues, please let us know as this is new to us too. 

UAccess Speaker Series
On Tuesday, November 4th Terri Sweet and Teresa Whetzel will share how Student Affairs is dealing with the challenges of ACA and ASRS. You can learn more about the presentation, and register for the event, by going to the Events > Speakers page on the UAccess Community.