
3D Guided Implantology: Stage I Protocol

    Hands-On Training with 3D & Porcine Models

                            7 CE Credit
29th *  May  * 2014

241 Boston Post Road I Suite 2 I Wayland I MA I 01778

8AM - 5:00 PM
May 29, 2014


Academy of 3D Connection in Osseo-Integration 
241 Boston Post Road
Suite 2
Wayland, MA 01778

Dear Colleagues (Class of 2014 - Group B),

I sincerely hope all of you are doing well!

On behalf of the Academy of 3D Connection in Osseo-Integration, I would like to invite you all to our next educational course which will be held on May 29, 2014.

Since the last meeting, many of you have been keeping me updated on the progress you have been making and I am personally extremely proud to be part of this journey.


The following topics will be discussed:
  • Stage I, II & III Protocols with emphasis on Stage I 
  • Atraumatic extraction / socket preservation
  • GBR techniques
  • Flap designs and various closures
  • Soft tissue evaluation & enhancement technique
  • Rationale behind bioactive modifiers (Emdogain + PRGF) 
  • CBCT Guided Implant Placement

Hands-On Training Session: (3D + Porcine Models) 

  • Atraumatic extraction / socket preservation technique
  • Stage I GBR Protocol with the use of membrane + regenerative materials
  • Use of Emdogain + BoneCeramic 
  • Implant Placement - Non-Guided (Straumann) 
  • Implant Placement - Guided (Straumann + SiCAT)  


I strongly encourage all of you to bring at least 2 documented cases.  This way, we can ensure that our meeting will be interactive throughout the day.

Of course, at the end we will unwind and freely talk about life, family, passion and 3D implantology at a local restaurant.

Please do your very best to attend this course because this course is specifically designed for you and your team.

Most Sincerely,

Yong-Han Koo

Founder & CEO, Academy of 3D Connection in Osseo-Integration

Academy of 3D Connection in Osseo-Integration  
Class of 2014 - Group A  

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