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First Sunday of Advent
December 1, 2013



Sunday's readings  here.

Nancy 20120325
The Rev. Nancy Gage
Email Nancy:

 Dave 2
David McWilliams

Minister of Music
Email Dave: 

Grace Church Office Hours:

Tues-Fri: 1-5 pm
Light a Candle

Musical Interlude
If you would like to have music when reading The Glow (or for whatever else you might be doing!), just click on the keyboard image to listen (or download) music performed by Dave during our services.
We are the CEREAL church!
For a long time, Grace
Church has been delivering canned goods and other food donations down to the St. Luke's/St. Paul's Food Pantry in Bridgeport. They urgently need donations of all kinds of groceries, but one of the items that they seem to run out of and need a lot of is cereal.

If all of us could remember to pick up a box of cereal (or two or more!)  each time we shop, we'll be able to make a wonderful and much needed contribution for the food pantry each week.  There is a collection basket at the main entrance of the church, and also one in lower Lewis Hall.
"The Glow" Archives:
To view previous issues of "The Glow", click here.
Episcopal Crest Episcopal loga
If you wish to subscribe to the Episcopal Diocese of CT weekly eNewsletters, please click HERE.

Living Compass
Click HERE to read this week's wellness message from Living Compass

Dear friend,  

At Grace Church we are dancing with life's big questions. If you're searching for a community of faith to belong to, we invite you to come to explore, come to connect and come to believe among us here at Grace Church. We'd enjoy both your company and your participation as we follow in the way of Jesus and learn and grow in discipleship together.

Moving Forward in Transition
Gathering with Rev. Canon Tim Hodapp
Last Sunday, The Rev. Canon Timothy Hodapp, Canon for Mission Leadership, was with us to celebrate the Eucharist, hold a parish-wide forum, and meet with the Vestry.  We extend our gratitude and thanks to him for outlining the road map that will guide us through this transition. If you have any questions about the process, please contact a member of the Vestry.  If you wish to read about the "story of Transition" go to this page on our diocese website. 
Pastoral Care
Please contact the church office to request pastoral care.  If your pastoral care need is critical and immediate, you may call Rev. Louise Kalemkerian at 203-536-9259. 

Fall Clean-up Day
-Thank You!

Our thanks go out to those who braved the elements last Saturday
and helped in the fall clean-up!

The Story
-this Sunday, December 1st, Chapter 8

Grace Church has embarked on reading the story of the entire Bible together this year, from Genesis to Revelation.  We are doing this by reading through a book called "The Story," one chapter at a time. 

The group will watch Randy Frasee's commentary and then have a discussion on the chapter. This Sunday we will be studying Chapter 8. Please join us during coffee hour. 

Youth News
Godly Play
-resumes this Sunday, December 1st
Godly Play will be meeting immediately following Sunday's service. We are still in need for volunteers, so if you'd like to be a part of making that happen, please contact Sandy Callahan at 203-502-8389.
-The Ancestors Group will be collecting toys for the homeless  and others in need, so please bring your unwrapped toy and place in the Big Red Box marked Secret Santa in the Parish Hall before December 15th.  The Ancestors Group will be responsible for seeing that these toys are distributed

-Mark your calendars!!  December 8th, 11:30 - 1:00.  Chris George from IRIS, the Integrated Refugee and Immigration Service, will be at Christ Church to talk about this important organization. IRIS is a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut and is the local affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Immigration and Refugee Program of Church World Service. The group resettles approximately 200 refugees each year and also provides some services to asylees and other immigrants; currently, IRIS's refugee clients come from Afghanistan, Congo, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan and other countries.  Come join us for a simple community lunch to learn more about this wonderful organization.  Children of volunteering ages are especially welcome.

2013 Christmas Pageant
Plans are underway for the Annual Multi-Generational Christmas Pageant. As always, we will have a wonderful time. The Pageant is always filled with heart-felt performances, joy and quite a bit of fun (and some really great costumes!). All are welcome to participate; there is a role for anyone of any age and there are no auditions. No special talents or memorization needed; we all use a script. Dress Rehearsal (with a lun  ch for the Pageant cast) will be on Sunday, December 22nd following the 9:30 a.m. service. If you want to help bring the Biblical Christmas Story to life at the Christmas Eve Service, please contact Christine Lockwood at 203-261-2023, or at church on Sunday.

Christmas Flowers/Decorations Memorials
If you wish to donate to providing Christmas flowers/decorations and/or memorials, please do so no later than Tuesday, December 17th.  Donation envelopes and memorial slips are available in the rear of the church and may be submitted in the Sunday collection plate, or returned to the church office.

Blankets, Pots and Pans

Christ Church is collecting blankets, pots and pans for IRIS (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services) this year. All of these families have come from warm climates and they are not used to our New England winters.  Any and all types of blankets and winter accessories are needed.  The only requirement is that they are clean and in good condition, but new items would certainly be accepted!  Please bring any donations to the church office before Sunday, December 8th.

Morning Meditation
The chapel is always open for prayer and meditation, and people are encouraged to start and center their day any morning of the week.  In these darker months, we'll leave a light on for you!

Saturday Morning Discovery Group
-every Saturday morning
Each Saturday from 9-10, the Discovery Group gathers at Panera bread at the Trumbull Mall.  We are currently reading the book of Acts and seeking the overlap between the way of Jesus and 12 step spirituality.  You need not be in a 12 step group to attend.  It's a great bible study! 

Used Clothing Shed
Maryann clothes bin

Certainly you've noticed the used clothing shed in our back parking lot.  Please spread the word about this new outreach project -laminated posters and small flyers are available to post and share.  Clothes donated into the shed are picked up by St. Pauly's, who distributes them all to people in need across the globe through their connection with larger agencies.  All of the usable clothing that gets donated makes its way to people in need, saving landfill space.  Items accepted include clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, linens, pillow cases, blankets, curtains and stuffed animals.  (Please do not put rags, fabric scraps, pillows, toys, household goods or electronics in the shed.)  Grace church receives 4 cents per pound on all items collected in exchange for hosting the shed. For further info on this project, there is information about St. Pauly's available in coffee hour, or click on this link: St. Pauly's.  

This Week's Announcements
Sunday, December 1st:

Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM

Godly Play immediatley following service

The Story - Chapter 8 during coffee hour 

Following Week
Sunday, December 8th:

Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM

The Story - Chapter 9 during coffee hour 

Church Hall

Church Hall available for community functions

For additional information and Church Hall availability, click