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Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 15, 2013



                  Sunday's readings here.

Elsa 20120325
The Rev. Elsa Worth
Email Elsa:

Click HERE to read Elsa's blog 

Nancy 20120325
The Rev. Nancy Gage
Email Nancy:

 Dave 2
David McWilliams

Minister of Music
Email Dave: 

Grace Church Office Hours:

Mon-Fri: 1-5 pm
Thought for the week
-courtesy of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Edenton, NC

Light a Candle
Musical Interlude
If you would like to have music when reading The Glow (or for whatever else you might be doing!), just click on the keyboard image to listen (or download) music performed by Dave during our services.

We are the CEREAL church!
For a long time, Grace
Church has been delivering canned goods and other food donations down to the St. Luke's/St. Paul's Food Pantry in Bridgeport. They urgently need donations of all kinds of groceries, but one of the items that they seem to run out of and need a lot of is cereal.

If all of us could remember to pick up a box of cereal (or two or more!)  each time we shop, we'll be able to make a wonderful and much needed contribution for the food pantry each week.  There is a collection basket at the main entrance of the church, and also one in lower Lewis Hall.
"The Glow" Archives:
To view previous issues of "The Glow", click here.
Episcopal Crest Episcopal loga
If you wish to subscribe to the Episcopal Diocese of CT weekly eNewsletters, please click HERE.

Living Compass
Click HERE to read this week's wellness message from Living Compass

Dear friend,  


"This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them."         

-Luke 15:2


They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps. So what does it say about Jesus that he tends to spend most of his time with outcasts, tax collectors and sinners? Jesus himself said he came to heal those who are sick, not those who are well. But Jesus doesn't seem to just be among the outcasts as a helper. He sits down at the table with them and talks with them and seems to really enjoy their company. This just didn't seem right to the fine upstanding citizens of his day. If he's such a person of faith, why is he spending so much time with people we'd never even allow in the temple? But Jesus didn't spend a lot of time in the comfort of the temple, rather, he spent most of his time out on the fringes of society. He went out, like a shepherd, seeking a lost sheep, searching out those who needed love and healing.   How do you model this in your own life as a disciple? Do you spend most of your time tending to those closest, most familiar and comfortable to you, or do you move out beyond your own comfort zone to connect with the "other?" What kind of company do you keep?    

Here at Grace Church we are dancing with life's big questions. If you're searching for a community of faith to belong to, we invite you to come to explore, come to connect and come to believe among us here at Grace Church. We'd enjoy both your company and your participation as we follow in the way of Jesus and learn and grow in discipleship together.
Elsa Signature

The Rev. Elsa Worth
Grace Episcopal Church

Moving Forward in Mission
-the big questions

  • In order to be the church we're called to be into the future, what kind of staffing and property do we really need? 
Of course, underlying that questions is an ever deeper one: 
  • What kind of church are we being called to be?  
This is in no way an abstract question for us right now, because when the time arrives that we need to describe and define a part time, or missional, rector position and perhaps seek a new rector, we will need to be very clear on exactly what kind of leadership we most want and need.  Let us put our trust in the powerful grace that has always been at work among us.  

Elsa's sermon last week talked about having courage in faith. It certainly takes courage to move forward into change. Luckily, as Grace Church faces some considerable change, we are assured that none of us are alone. Want to connect to God and each other in discerning what we are being called to as a church? Our Grace Full conversations continue on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 and this Sunday during coffee hour. Be nourished by the word, bathed in prayer and supported in community 

Vestry to meet with Canon Hodapp

The vestry will be meeting with Tim Hodapp, Canon for Mission Leadership, on Sept 24th. He will explain the clergy transition process to them in detail, and let them know what Grace Church might need to consider and be thinking about as a clergy transition approaches. There will be a whole parish meeting after church on Sunday the 29th so that everyone can find out from the vestry what they learned from Tim and can ask their own questions about the latest news of the parish.

Youth News:

-this Sunday, September 15th
People in grades 6-10 are invited to explore what it means to be a disciple in the Ancestors group. We'll meet this Sunday at 11:30 here at Grace Church

The Blessing of the Backpacks:
-this Sunday, September 15th
School has started and we'd like to give our students a special blessing as the year begins.  Students from preschool through grade 12 are invited to bring their backpacks to church this Sunday, September 15 for a special prayer from the congregation.

The Story  

- begins next Sunday,September 22nd

Our church wide adventure of reading the entire story of the Bible begins soon! Get your books and read chapter 1 by September 22. Book study groups about the story, chapter by chapter, will be held each week, either during coffee hour or on Wednesday evenings at 7:30. For further information please check the website. If you ordered your books through the office, they have come in! Please contact Maryann for payment and pickup.


The Story 3

Blessings on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to our neighbors at Temple B'nai Torah!


If you notice extra cars and a shuttle bus in our parking lot on Saturday, Sept 14, it is because members of Temple B'nai Torah are using our lot for overflow parking for the high holidays. We are grateful to be able to offer them this hospitality.   G'mar Hatimah Tovah and Tzom Kal!

EfM - Education for Ministry

You are invited to join our Education for Ministry group. We are a small group of inquiring Christians who meet weekly (September to June) to discuss Scripture, church history and theology. Discussion is lively and fun, reading is interesting and enlightening, (no papers or tests) and an opportunity to learn and grow in your faith. Our evenings consist of  discussion, projects, worship and of course, snacks! The program covers four years but your commitment is for one year at a time. We meet on Tuesday evenings at St Paul's Shelton from 6:45 to 9:30 PM. If you are interested in learning more about this great program, please contact Ginnie Glassman at or 203-268-9322 or Nancy Wilson at 203-929-1722. We would love to have you join us. 

Wednesday Morning Meditation

Our morning meditation group is growing! If you're an early riser, this is a wonderful way to start and center your day. Wednesday morning from 7-7:25 in the chapel. Wednesday meditation continues through the summer.  

Saturday Morning Discovery Group
-every Saturday morning
Each Saturday from 9-10, the Discovery Group gathers at Panera bread in the Trumbull Mall. We are currently using the Sermon on the Mount to seek the overlap between the way of Jesus and 12 step spirituality. You need not be in a 12 step group to attend. It's a great bible study! The Discovery Group will continue through the summer.

Used Clothing Shed
Maryann clothes bin

Certainly you've noticed the used clothing shed in our back parking lot.  Please spread the word about this new outreach project -laminated posters and small flyers are available to post and share.  Clothes donated into the shed are picked up by St. Pauly's, who distributes them all to people in need across the globe through their connection with larger agencies.  All of the usable clothing that gets donated makes its way to people in need, saving landfill space.  Items accepted include clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, linens, pillow cases, blankets, curtains and stuffed animals.  (Please do not put rags, fabric scraps, pillows, toys, household goods or electronics in the shed.)  Grace church receives 4 cents per pound on all items collected in exchange for hosting the shed. For further info on this project, there is information about St. Pauly's available in coffee hour, or click on this link: St. Pauly's.  

This Week's Announcements
Sunday, September 15th:

Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM

Grace-full Conversations during coffee hour  

Wednesday, September 18th:

Guided Meditation - 7:00-7:25 AM

Grace-full Conversations in the chapel - 7:30 PM 

Following Week
Sunday, September 22nd:

Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM

The Story - book study group following coffee hour 


Wednesday, September 25th:                       

Guided Meditation - 7:00-7:25 AM

The Story - book study group in the chapel - 7:30 PM 

Church Hall

Church Hall available for community functions

For additional information and Church Hall availability, click