Summer, 2012
Elsa 20120325
The Rev. Elsa Worth
Email Elsa:

Click HERE to read Elsa's blog 

Nancy 20120325
The Rev. Nancy Gage
Email Nancy:

 Dave 2
David McWilliams

Minister of Music
Email Dave: 

Grace Church Office Hours:

Mon-Thur: 1-5 pm

Living Compass
Click HERE to read this week's wellness message from Living Compass

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News for the Recovery Rooms at Grace 
Dear friend,   

With the warmer weather and longer days of summer upon us, it's a great time to juice up your program and add a few new healthier habits to your daily routine. I guess it's never a bad time to walk the walk. Here are a few things I'm doing this summer - maybe they'll inspire you to come up with some good ideas of your own.


  • I've been getting up a half hour earlier and do a few simple yoga stretches. I got a great yoga app for my iPad to bring on vacation with me. I also got some good info by searching "yoga poses" on the web.  
  • I've been starting my day with fresh fruit for breakfast instead of heavier breakfast foods. Fruit is so plentiful and sweet this time of year. Instead of just eating a plain banana or peach, I prepare a colorful and appetizing fruit salad to keep in my fridge. Sometimes I add a dollop of greek yogurt and a few sliced almonds (in a parfait glass if I want to be fancy) or sometimes I put some in the blender with ice to make a delicious fruit smoothie.  
  • I've added a spiritual book to my vacation reading list. (Usually I am keen on mystery novels in the summer...) I'm reading The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis this summer, which is very good. I also highly recommend Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the 12 Steps by Richard Rohr (which I read this spring and have been recommending to EVERYONE ever since.)


Summer is also a good time to try a new spiritual practice. Change up your daily prayer routine, or begin purchasing food to donate to the food pantry every week. The weekly morning meditations continue through the summer every Wednesday at 7 in the Grace Chapel. All you have to do for that one is show up on Wednesdays and relax for 25 minutes!  


Another suggestion I've made to people this summer - and a practice I'm working on myself - is to look for a "God Sighting" every day - a moment when you notice that God is near, or is at work in the world. Maybe it's something as simple as seeing the joyful abandon of a child. Or maybe it's something as dramatic as having a prayer answered in a powerful way. Maybe it's in the beauty of nature or of a piece of art. Whatever it is that reminds you that God is at work, that's a God Sighting. As you go to bed each night, look back over your day and see if you can notice and describe a God sighting each and every day. It's a simple spiritual practice, but one that will definitely keep you more in touch with your higher power.


I'll look forward to seeing you coming and going to your meetings all summer, and wish you many blessings for a restful and nourishing summer.

 Elsa Signature

Recovery Meetings at Grace

(all meetings take place in the Lewis Hall Meeting Room unless otherwise noted)



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

7:30 am,   Al-Anon, Courage to Start the Day, Open discussion

(Meets in Parish Hall, rear of church, lower level)

 6 pm, AA, Steps to Recovery, Step Study, Open



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

6 pm, Al-Anon, Moving Forward on the Paths to Recovery, Step Discussion, Open

(Meets in Parish Hall, rear of church, lower level)

6 pm, AA, Steps to Recovery, Step Meeting, Open

8 pm, AA, Big Book Study Group, Open



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

10 am, AA, Tears and Cheers Women's Meeting, Closed Discussion

7 pm, AA, Women's Meeting, Closed Discussion

7 pm, second Wednesday of each month, meeting for Caron alumni, family and friends, Open ( 

(Meets in Parish Hall, rear of church, lower level)



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

11:30 am, Al Anon, Paths to Recovery, Step Discussion, Open

6 pm, AA, Steps to Recovery, Speaker Meeting, Open

7:30 pm, AA, The Young and the Restless, Young People's Open Discussion



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

7 pm, AA, Open Discussion

8:45 pm, AA, Spiritual Reading and Meditation, Open 



7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

7:15 pm, AA, Step Meeting, Open 


7:30 am, AA, The Morning Eye Opener, Open Discussion

7 pm, AA, Step 3 & 11 Meeting and Meditation, Open     

Wednesday Morning Meditation
Guided relaxation, centering silence and prayer.
A wonderful way to start the day.
7-7:25 AM on Wednesday mornings in the Grace Chapel
This is a recovery friendly event.
Coffeehouse Beatnik

Our new monthly coffeehouse for teens begins on July 28th and will happen from 7-9 pm on the fourth Saturday of the month thereafter. The coffeehouse will be a chaperoned, sober event sponsored by Grace Church and offered to the teens of Trumbull and surrounding communities for the purpose of providing a welcoming and accepting space for teens to be themselves, to enjoy music and the arts, and to grow in community.  


If you'd like to volunteer or if you have questions, talk to Dave McWilliams, Avery or Jon.

Recovery Eucharist Returning
Sunday September 9, 2012

 Faithful Support For People In Recovery


Next Service:  Sunday, September 9th - 5:30 pm
 The Rev. Todd Shipley, preaching


Music with Dave McWilliams


After Sept 9, the recovery service will be
on the first Sunday of every month through May.
Music starts at 5:30, service begins at 5:40.
Grace Church offers the Recovery Eucharist  as a welcoming, come-as-you-are liturgy for all those who want to celebrate their recovery or the recovery of others in a worship setting.  Rooted in the ancient Christian liturgical tradition, elements of the service are drawn from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.  Eucharist is celebrated with grape juice instead of wine and everyone is welcome to take part in the communion. 


Elsa Worth, priest at Grace Church is the celebrant.  Deacon Nancy Gage assists.  Each month we have a different theme that is expressed through readings,  a variety of music and ritual.    Our clergy and guest preachers all have a personal relationship with the 12 steps.   Please come and invite others to join you.