June, 2015                                                                                                                                www.susansaldibar.com  

Two things you need to do this summer:

Marketing Minute  


Did You Use That Word Again?


The wrong word. The one in your email subject line that turns people off and lowers your 'open' rate.


So, which words and actions impact your open rate? Everyone has a theory, but MailChimp recently did an 'open rate' study on over 200 million emails. Pretty impressive. I've included their 'dos and don'ts', along with a few of my own below.




  • "Subject" lines:

    • Keep to <50 characters
    • Pose a question
    • Cite a study
    • Make a bold statement
    • Use numbers (but not dollar signs)
    • Reference recipient's location if you can and it makes sense
  • "From" lines:
    • Use a person's name and keep it consistent
  • Use a quality list. (Probably not the 10,000 names you bought for $99)
  • Do A/B testing. Experiment with subject lines and track the 'open' rate. '
  • Stay current on the 'dos and don'ts. What's okay today may not be tomorrow.




  • Use these Subject Line 'No-Nos':  
    • Free
    • Available now
    • Download
    • Discount
    • Guarantee
    • Sign up now
    • Offer
    • Win
    • Order now
    • Thousands
  • Use these seemingly okay Subject Line words that aren't okay:  
    • Help
    • Percent off
    • Reminder
  • Use exclamation marks. (that should be a no brainer)
  • Oversend. Follow your industry standards; they vary.


Are there more? There are plenty more. Create your own list and keep adding to it.  


The bottom line is to think like a recipient. What bugs you? What makes you open an email? Keep it real. Be interesting. Provide value. You will get more opens. And even the Spam machine will smile and move on.


Two Great Summer Specials!  


Kick your content up a notch with my Content Refresher Package. Don't settle for old school. Get relevant!

Stop randomly throwing tweets and posts out there! Get my Social Media Starter Package and let's get your social pumping for you!    

Check them out and pass them along to to a friend or colleague.

Then contact me and let's get started. 



Susan Saldibar Marketing provides expert marketing services and nuts-and-bolts consulting to businesses which are serious about growing to the next level, but want to avoid hiring a full time marketing executive. I will help you get the results you thought were out of reach, by re-aligning your marketing actions to put your product in front of your ideal customer.  


Did you know that I offer a 1-hour free consultation? I follow it up with an outline that provides immediate value to your business, identifying some things you can do immediately to improve the effectiveness of your marketing activities. Drop me an email at info@susansaldibar.com or call me at