News and Current Events From Mandus Group

February 2014

The Thunder_Heading
In This Issue
PMSKOT Orders Additional 34 HSTRUs
Current Events
Pop-Up Packs Designed to Assist Disaster Relief Workers
The MG1100 Nitrogen Generator Has Been Upgraded With Increased Output and Additional Features
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PMSKOT Orders Additional Thirty-Four HSTRUs

This past October, PMSKOT ordered an additional 34 Hydraulic System Test and Repair Units (HSTRU) to be completed by April, 2014. These HSTRUS have been designated for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and will be serving our nation's allies in the near future. This order brings the total number of HSTRUs to be manufactured to 599. Mandus Group was awarded the contract to manufacture the HSTRUs in 2011.


Mandus Group engineers designed the HSTRU to provide the warfighter with all of the tools and components necessary to field service weapon and vehicle hydraulic systems at the point of breakdown. Each HSTRU is equipped to service every weapon and vehicle in the Army's current inventory. The comfort and productivity of the operator was a major priority in the engineering process. The tool and component layout was carefully designed to be easy-to-use and durable. The inventory contains the highest quality items the industry provides. The HSTRU is highly adaptable and can be outfitted to most any specification. Contact Mandus Group at 1-88-922-8502 for more information.
Current Events
Kalyani Group is excited to announce that the Hawkeye Ultra Lite 105mm Howitzer was on display in their booth at DEFEXPO 2014 in New Delhi, India. The expo was held February, 6th-9th. Thank you to everyone who came to see the Hawkeye Ultra Lite 105 in person. 



Mandus Group would like to invite you to take a look at the current issue of our newsletter, The Thunder.  We will be sending this publication to our customers and business partners to inform them about upcoming events, news, products, and topics relevant to the fields of artillery logistics, sustainment, and maintenance.  So please look it over and learn a little bit about our company and what we can do for you.


Thank you for your interest,
Mandus Group, Ltd.


Pop-Up Packs Designed to Assist Disaster Relief Workers 


This past summer Mandus Group unveiled the prototype of its Pop-up Pack (PuP) at the FEMA Demonstration held at Camp Roberts in California. Mandus Group developed the PuP to provide a solution to the issues first responders confront upon arriving at a disaster scene. The PuP is a modular structure that was designed to deploy quickly and efficiently to disaster sites all over the continuous United States. Upon arrival, the PuP can be assembled into a fully functioning Disaster Relief Center (DRC) in less than eight hours, providing the shelter, electricity, and communications relief workers need to assist disaster victims.


Mandus Group's headquarters are centrally located in the Midwest ensuring that the PuPs will be onsite at any potential disaster in the continental US in a matter of hours. Once assembled, the PuPs can withstand the harshest climates due to solid construction, high R-value insulation, and efficient HVAC system. The electrical and communication lines are internally wired and integrated into the modularity of the system. Each individual PuP is 10' x 16' and the suggested configuration for an optimal DRC is four PuPs combined into a structure with a 20' x 32' footprint. The modularity of the system allows for limitless combinations and functionalities. When the PuPs have completed their mission, Mandus Group will handle the logistics of packing them up and transporting them back to storage. Each PuP can be deployed many times throughout its lifecycle. Contact Mandus Group at      

1-888-922-8502 for more information.






The MG1100 Nitrogen Generator Has Been Upgraded With Increased Output and Additional Features

The new MG1100 has been reengineered to double its output to produce 60 liters per minute of nitrogen gas. In addition to its performance upgrade, new features have been added. The MG1100 now has an automatic condensate drain valve to eliminate the need for the operator to manually drain the moisture every hour. The unit will now purge itself as needed to keep the system from being clogged. An inline heater has been installed to raise the incoming air temperature to assist in the N2 separation process. Finally, a three-way valve has been integrated to bleed out moisture rich air, keeping the filters cleaner and increasing the life of the unit.


The MG1100 was designed to alleviate bottled nitrogen users dependency on nitrogen gas suppliers and eliminate the logistical problems associated with this process. With its small footprint and standard electrical requirements (115 VAC, 20 amp circuit) it can operate in the basic shops and field maintenance operations that support the warfighter on the frontlines. It can produce up to 60 liters of nitrogen gas a minute and pressurize it at 1000 psi an hour. The standard operating pressure is 2400 psi with a max output of 4500 psi. It manufactures the nitrogen through a proprietary process that only requires connecting the unit to a standard 100-150 psi compressed air source with a 7.5 CFM flow (most consumer grade compressors meet these specs). It outputs the nitrogen into a gas storage vessel or can even fill several bottles in a cascade. Please contact Mandus Group at 1-888-922-8502 with any inquiries.




Thank you again for taking the time to read through our newsletter.  If you are interested in any of our products or services please contact us.


Mandus Group, Ltd. 

2408 4th Ave.

Rock Island, Illinois 61201

Mandus Group, Ltd.

Office (309) 786-1507

Fax (309) 786-1574