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In This Issue
Seeking Master Trainers
Letter of Invitation
The Pyramid Model Comes to NYS
NYS Pyramid Model Partnership
Child Care Aware
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Seeking Master Trainers
Exciting news, the New York State Pyramid Model Partnership is ready to seek master trainers from across the state to be a part of the Pyramid Model rollout across the state.  This master cadre of trainers will receive 10 days of professional training on the Pyramid Model Modules and they will be committing to providing 15 days of training per year for at least 3 years for center directors,principals, teacher supervisors, early childhood coaches, family support supervisors, and others across the state.

Please share this letter of invitation with anyone you think would be interested in applying to be considered for the Master Cadre of Pyramid Model Trainers. 

All applications are due by November 11, 2015.

Letter of Invitation
Dear Colleague:

Social and emotional well-being sets the foundation for the development and learning of infants, toddlers and young children. The Early Childhood Advisory Council - comprised of experts in child care, education, health care, family support and mental health - has identified the critical need to better support and teach young children and families social and emotional skills.  In response, the New York State Council on Children and Families took the lead in bringing together a team of public and private agencies to form a new partnership to provide support to the early childhood field. This new partnership, the 
New York State Pyramid Model Partnership, will promote the statewide use of the Pyramid Model, an evidence-based framework proven to be an effective approach to building social and emotional competence and reduce challenging behaviors in early care and education programs.

The New York State Pyramid Model Partnership is seeking applications from skilled trainers interested in supporting the implementation of this Model. The 
Master Cadre Trainers will be responsible for training other trainers and coaches and are expected to agree to the activities below.

Applications must be submitted online along with your resume on or before midnight of November 11, 2015. Please click here for the application.

In applying to be a Master Cadre Trainer, the individuals agree to:
  • Attend all 10 days of the TOT in Latham, New York:
    •   3 Day TOT: Infant Toddler Modules February 9-11,        2016  (Snow dates: February 23-25, 2016)
    •   3 Day TOT: Preschool Modules March 15-17, 2016
    •   2 Day TOT: Coaching Modules May 11-12, 2016
    •   2 Day TOT: Positive Solutions for Families and Parents with Infants Modules June 16-17, 2016
  • Establish and maintain an active Aspire Professional Profile
  • Deliver 15 days of Pyramid Model training each year through 2019
  • Document all Pyramid Model training events through Aspire (or in a monthly report)
  • Participate in monthly/quarterly Master Cadre calls 
If the agreement is not fulfilled (including 15 days of trainings each year for three years) trainers will be expected to reimburse NYSAEYC for the value of the training that was received, estimated in the amount of $500 - $1000.

Selected applicants will be contacted for interviews in early December.

For more information about the Pyramid Model, visit: http://vanderbilt.edu/csefel.
The New York State Pyramid Model Leadership Team

Patty Persell, NYS Head Start Collaboration Office:
Patricia.Persell@ccf.ny.gov  518-474-9352
Susan Perkins, NYS Council on Children and Families:
For a PDF version of the invitation letter please go to: http://bit.ly/1MC24mX
The Pyramid Model Comes to 
New York State

The Pyramid Model State Leadership Team convened for the first time on April 22, 2015 and has hit the ground running.  The Leadership Team agreed to promote the statewide use of the Pyramid Model, an effective approach of promotion, prevention and intervention building social and emotional competence of all children; it provides a conceptual framework for a comprehensive array of interventions as needed. With its emphasis on strong relationships, support for social competence, and preventing and addressing challenging behaviors in infants, toddlers and young children, the Pyramid Model is congruent with other New York State early childhood efforts to set the foundation for development and lifelong learning. The State Leadership Team (pictured below) has created five work groups to get the work accomplished. Click here for an overview, http://bit.ly/1NSFEUn.  

The following ECAC members also serve on the Pyramid Model State Leadership Team: Evelyn Blanck, Bob Frawley, Tim Hathaway, Kristen Kerr, Mary McHugh, Donna Noyes, Patty Persell, Monica Short, Ellen Sullivan.  As well as ECAC work group members: Michael Acosta, Karen Harkness, Louisa Higgins, Abbe Kovacik, Debbie McGuire, Britt Myrhol-Clarke, Susan Perkins, Susan Slade, Rebekah Widrick, and Stephanie Woodard.

New York State Pyramid Model Partnership

The Leadership Team is comprised of leaders from the following agencies:
Capital District Child Care Coordinating Council
NYS Education Department (SED):
  • Office of Early Learning
  • Office of Special Education - Positive Behavioral Interventions  and Supports (PBIS) Technical Assistance Center, Regional Special Education Technical Assistance and Support  Centers (RSE-TASC), Special Education Parent Centers, Early Childhood Direction Centers
Community Technical Assistance Center of NYS (CTAC)
Docs for Tots
NYS Head Start Collaboration Project
Early Care & Learning Council (ECLC)
NYS Department of Health (DOH):
Division of Family Health
Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC)
NYS Association for Infant Mental Health
Head Start Region II
Technical Assistance Center
NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS):
Child Care and Child Welfare
NY Center for Child Development
NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH)
NYC Administration for Children Services (ACS):
Division of Early Care and Education
NYS Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP)
NYC Department of Education (DOE):
Division of Early Childhood Education
NYS United Teachers (NYSUT)
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH)
Prevent Child Abuse - NY (PCANY)
New York State Association for the Education of Young Children (NYSAEYC)
Professional Development Institute, City University of New York (PDI CUNY)
New York State Council on Children and Families (CCF)
Professional Development Program, University at Albany (PDP)

New York State has been selected to Partner with Child Care Aware� of  America

We are pleased to announce that the ECAC has been selected to participate in the Healthy Child Care, Healthy Communities project - a collaborative initiative between the ECAC, the Council on Children and Families,  the Department of Health, Early Care and Learning Council and Child Care Aware� of America, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). 

The new initiative leverages technical assistance from Child Care Aware� of America to support the ECAC's work on health, nutrition, and obesity prevention in child care settings and continue the efforts begun by the New York Obesity Prevention in Child Care Partnership.  This Partnership was formed in 2010 by the State Department of Health to combat the rising rates of early childhood obesity in New York. As part of the project, representatives from the Department of Health, the Council on Children and Families, the Early Care and Learning Council and others will develop a state profile and a work plan and Child Care Aware� of America will provide technical assistance.  Topics to be covered will include: 
  • Additional training for child care health consultants, CCRR staff and other trainers to support programs in meeting health and nutrition needs.
  • Further development of curricula and instructional materials to implement programming that promotes health, nutrition, and obesity prevention.
  • Guidance on how child care centers and homes implement lasting changes to their daily routines, policies and procedures.
  • Outreach to special populations that need more targeted public health and nutrition assistance.
We look forward to partnering with the Child Care Aware� of America and sharing our progress in the months to come. 
Join Our Mailing List
Thank you for your interest in the Early Childhood Advisory Council. We would welcome your thoughts and questions. Please contact me at: ecac@ccf.ny.gov.


Stephanie Woodard

Fiscal Analyst

Council on Children and Families



NY State ECAC | 52 Washington Street | West Building, Suite 99 | Rennselaer | NY | 12144