ACTION ALERT                                              February 15, 2013               

In this Issue 

Homes for All

The Homes for All Coalition seeks investment in housing and service programs to stabilize families, create workforce housing, and prevent homelessness. 




View the Legislative Brief and Budget Proposal from the Homes for All campaign.


New Report on Hospital to Home
Wilder Research recently completed a new report on our Hospital to Home project with Regions Hospital and Guild Incorporated


 Hospital to Home report cover


See the outcome summary and full report on participant outcomes and systems use.



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Dear  , 



We need your help to show legislators that safe, affordable housing and social services are a top priority and that the community is engaged in these efforts.
The Homes for All coalition, a collaboration of 40+ organizations, is seeking a sustained investment for housing and service programs--including the Long-Term Homeless Services Fund (LTHSSF) and the Homeless Youth Act.  The Governor's proposed budget held funding flat for homeless services and included only one-time funding for specific housing initiatives.  There are two events coming up soon where you can make a difference for homeless programs:


Show Your Support for Homeless Youth


The Homeless Youth Act will be re-introduced next Tuesday with a request for $8 million in funding.  The Homeless Youth Act would provide funding to organizations offering street outreach, drop-in centers, emergency shelter, transitional living programs and/or supportive housing for runaway, at-risk and
homeless youth.


When the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) was passed by the State Legislature in 2006, it was never fully funded. Funding for the Act in the Governor's current budget proposal is around $238,000--less than 3% of what youth advocates and providers originally requested for these programs.


A press conference will precede the first hearing of the Homeless Youth Act in Committee.  You are invited to attend both the conference and hearing to show your support for the Act.


Support the Homeless Youth Act


Tuesday, February 19

3:00 PM: Press Conference

State Capitol Building (Room 125)


4 - 5:30 PM: Hearing in the

Early Childhood and Youth Development Committee
State Office Building (Room 5)



Minnesota's youth deserve an opportunity to be safe, housed, and supported. Please join us and make your voice heard!  If you can't make the hearing, please take a moment to call your Representative and Senator and express your support for increased funding for homeless youth shelter, services, and housing. 



Crowd the Capitol: Homeless Day on the Hill


Join hundreds of advocates, citizens, and consumers to advocate for safe and affordable housing for all Minnesotans.  Organized by the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless and co-hosted by Hearth Connection, Homeless Day on the Hill is an annual event where Minnesotans gather to raise awareness and support for housing and service programs.


Following a morning presentation and training, advocates will have the opportunity to attend committee hearings and meetings with their state representatives.  Please join us in saying that affordable and supportive housing needs to be a priority in this budget!


Homeless Day on the Hill


Thursday, March 7

9 AM - 3 PM

State Capitol Building




Don't miss the chance to talk with your representatives about legislative issues that will affect thousands of Minnesotans facing homelessness around the state.  We ask that you please provide your name, affiliated organization, and address or legislative district to register you for the event.  Please sign up soon-registration is open until February 28th!


Any efforts to attend the Day on the Hill are sincerely appreciated. For those who can't make it to the event, please call your legislators on March 7 to voice your support.



Other Upcoming Events


Thank you, as always, for your commitment to ending homelessness in Minnesota.





Richard Hooks Wayman

Executive Director

Hearth Connection