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Mission Statement
With safety as its highest priority, The Regional Airline Association (RAA)
represents North American regional airlines, and the manufacturers of
products and services supporting the regional airline industry before
Congress, DOT, FAA and other federal agencies.

Join Today!

January 18, 2013
Make your plans today!
Register now open for this year's convention in Montreal! 

Recognized as the best place to connect with regional airlines, the RAA convention brings together key airline, industry and regulatory decision-makers with nearly 200 suppliers.  Make your plans today! 

General Registration Information

When:    May 6-9, 2013
Where:  The Palais des congr�s de Montr�al

Register to attend the show today! 

All registration types include:
  • Full Access to the Exhibit Hall including the Welcome Reception, Wednesday breakfast and lunch in the hall, and Happy Hour
  •  Access to all open RAA meeting tracks, general sessions, and forums
What's New in 2013?
Most Open Show Ever!
Maximizing two-full Exhibit Hall days, this year's convention schedule will be expanded to include more value-packed meeting tracks with shorter sessions over the course of three days.   Additionally, there will be more open sessions, presentations and panel discussions in the general session area of the Exhibit Hall than ever before
Exhibit Hall Highlights
Click here for the preliminary schedule. 

Tuesday, May 7
  • Airline CEO/VIP "Walk-Thru"
  • Keynote General Session
  • Welcome Reception
  • Prizes for Airline Attendees 
Wednesday, May 8
  • Expert Panel Discussions in General Session
  • Breakfast and Lunch in the Hall for all attendees 
  • In-Booth Purchasing Forum Appointments
  • Complimentary "Happy Hour" 
  • More prizes for Airline Attendees 
Innovative, Networking Friendly Floor Plan

RAA's revamped Exhibit Hall floor plan offers exhibitors more visibility and networking opportunities than ever before:
  • Exhibit Hall "terminals" lead attendees to new and expanded attractions on the show floor 
  • Informal "networking nooks" located throughout the hall
  • Free Wi-Fi provided for all attendees in the Exhibit Hall 
  • The very first RAA Coffeehouse/Bar centrally located on the show floor offers free refreshments  
Exhibitor Prospectus
All the info you need...now in one place!
Whether you're new to the industry or this is your 30th convention, information is key.  Now all the information you need to help drive your decision to exhibit can be found in one document!  RAA2012Prospectus_Cover Space is limited!  Call David Perez-Hernandez (312) 673-4838 for more information.
What's Inside?
  • How your voice put us into action
  • Attendee profile
  • What's included in the exhibitor  package?
  • New floor plan 
  • Value of your membership year round
  • Sponsorship benefits
  • Get Connected! Social Media Information
  • Advertising Opportunities
  • The RAA Team- whom to contact for help 

Suggest a  Speaker or Presentation Today!
Interested in reaching RAA's global audience?

Click here for the online form!

For the first time, sessions will be open to all attendees.  What this means is that we are actively looking for you to join in.

Do you have a great case study for our industry? 
Do you have a product that has changed how our industry does business? If so, we want to hear from you!

(You must be an RAA airline member, associate member, or exhibitor to present.  We are currently considering presentations, so please submit now)

Regional Airline Association | | raa@raa.org | http://www.raa.org
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800,
Washington,, DC 20036

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