Links to Good Stuff
Aug 10, 2016 
The 1stPres Newsletter

Blog of the Week

The Importance of Suffering
Matt Goodale
Suffering. What an ugly word. We're trained by society and contemporary medicinal practices to abhor and avoid suffering if at all possible. Suffering or the feeling of physical and emotional pain is considered to be alien to our bodies. We treat it as an abnormal part of nature and of our lives. We are conditioned to avoid it at all costs and when we're in the midst of it, all we're told to focus on is recovering and healing. Suffering isn't a means to an end; it only happens when something has gone wrong and it affects our ability to live normally or 'happily'.
Scripture doesn't treat suffering with as much contempt as our society currently does. Scripture recognizes suffering as a means to an end and rather than treating it as an alien in our bodies, it acknowledges the normality of suffering and it expects suffering as a part of life.
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Humans of 1stPres

Nikii and Tracy Dixon

"Nikii was the one who got me (Tracy) going to church. We were in Portland, Oregon when we first began dating, and he took me to this church that was called Solid Rock at the time, which was a congregation predominantly made of college students and young adults. Had he taken me to any other church at the time, I don't think I would have kept on going. The fact that the majority of the congregation were people going my age experiencing similar chapters of life as me really opened the door for me to be receptive to their faith, thoughts, and ideas. It was totally the work of God, because I definitely wouldn't have been as receptive to faith had I not been immersed in that community at Solid Rock, and especially with Nikii. He's the kind of guy who sees and calls out the best in people. When we began doing youth ministry together, he was the one who consistently encouraged me to try new things and pursue my passions, and most importantly how to use my passions to serve the Kingdom."
"I had been experiencing issues with my breathing off and on for a few years, until finally last year in January I found out that I had a half-collapsed lung. I was in the hospital for an entire week. That experience really impacted and reshaped my perspective on life, and it's also what prompted me and Tracy to launch RankUp Lifestyle, and take that to the next level. Prior to that incident, I had lived my life as a Christian just doing the bear minimum. I was living the average Christian life-I was doing what I thought I was supposed to do. The experience of having lung surgery enlightened me with this concept of 'living above average;' that's what RankUp Lifestyle is all about. By that, I don't mean living in a way that's better than how other people are living. It's not a condescending or prideful mentality, it's a mentality of living life the way that Jesus did-loving on people, regardless of who they are, what they believe, or what they have or haven't done. I've noticed that in living my life to simply love and bless others, God has blessed me in return. So often we think of that in reverse; we tend to think that God needs to bless us first before we can bless others, but that's not how it works. As Christians, we're called to live selflessly and faithfully-that's what Jesus did. We need to live life with the mentality that by loving on others God is going to bless people through us, and through our faithfulness to Him and His Kingdom, He will bless us in return. Everything we do in life is for the Kingdom. It's all about bringing the Kingdom to earth."
The Downtown Report

Thoughts of Amy
Amy Cheng

How has the 10th week of this summer fellowship already arrived upon us? In retrospect, I would not have been able to imagine the sheer amount of growth, learning, and progress that have taken place where I am sitting today. I know I am blessed with much, but I feel as if I have been given an overwhelming abundance of goodness and grace.

THIS SATURDAY is the downtown workers care workshop that you all have been anticipating! It will take place from 8-10 AM at Fine Brewed, a coffee shop right across the way from 1stPres. There is a back door entrance that you are welcome to use, but the front door is located between Studio 107 and Fleet Feet Sports. Come prepared to listen to several fine speakers, all which are quite experienced and somehow involved in the restaurant and hospitality industry. You may recognize Doug Johnson, the owner of Fire Pizza, or Jeff Messinger, the General Manager of both Tito's and Taphouse Unchained. There will also be a very special personal story from Breanna Howe, a bartender with the Coeur d'Alene Resort. Representatives from Big Table, a non-profit in Spokane, as well as United Way of North Idaho, will be present to touch a bit on what they observe and work with in the local community.

I am very excited for this event, as I trust that the active and living work of God is already present here. You are personally invited to join along in this cause as the Coeur d'Alene community joins together to engage in personal, tangible, practical care for those employed in this specific industry!


Ironman Volunteers Needed Again

"Your crew from FPC CDA were the best for the IM 70.3 race in june.   Now the full IM 140.6 CDA is coming up Aug. 21.   Any chance to recruit some folks from the church to help out again?" - Terry McGonigal

Unique Volunteer Participation for IRONMAN 70.3 awaits you! Your Community Outreach team is coordinating 1stPres' effort to support Ironman. Join us at the Lake race day morning to assist athletes as they prepare for the swim and bike segments. It should be fascinating, fun, and memorable. Ready, set, splash! People will need to be there around 4:30am on August 21, and there is a training the Saturday before. If you are interested, please go to this page, and then click on the "Volunteer for this job" link. There is a form that you need to fill out.    
Please call Steve at the church if you have any questions (208) 667-8446.

Notice of Congregational Meeting 
The Session has called a congregational meeting for the purpose of receiving the Nominating Committee's recommendation that Dan Koehler be elected to the office of Ruling Elder in the class of 2016 to fill the vacancy left by Max Faller (moved to Montana). The meeting will be August 21 at 10am in Sanctuary immediately after the 9am worship service.
Explanation: Dan's sense of call to pursue training and preparation to become a lay pastor in the Presbyterian Church requires ordination as a Ruling Elder.  The Session has endorsed Dan to the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest and the committee of oversight for lay pastor preparation has recommended this action.  Dan would be eligible for re-election to a 2nd term if nominated in the Fall.

You might recognize Dan as a keyboardist with the Sunday praise team and as Ray's substitute organist. We originally met Dan when he interviewed for the position which went to Ray, but Dan felt a connection with 1stPres and began attending and serving. Ever since he was a child Dan felt a call from God to pastoral ministry and was a candidate for ordination in the Episcopal Church before denominational conflict and upheaval closed that door.  Dan moved to Idaho, married his wife Joy and they have a son Johnny. Dan has reached a point in life where he feels God is opening the door to pursue his calling through 1stPres, and we are proud and joyful to walk beside him in this journey!  Dan's next steps will be coming under care of the Presbytery, taking classes at Whitworth University's lay pastor training program, and accumulating practical ministry experience.
Glory Be Final Promo Video
Our Valiant Whitworth Fellow, Chris MacMurray, has spent a considerable portion of his fellowship gathering footage of the preschoolers at Glory Be Learning Center to put together this promotional video for them.
Glory Be Learning Center is a wonderful learning program for children 5 years old and under. Check it out and share it around!

Dinners at 6ish - Round Two!
We are starting a new round of Dinners at 6ish. This is a great opportunity to get to know some other people in the church. Just signup and we will place you in a group of about 8, for a series of 3 or 4 potlucks in each other's homes. Be a host if you want to or just provide a dish if you don't - it's that easy! This is a great opportunity for members & visitors, young & old, single & married to get together and get to know each other better.  We'll have a flexible schedule to accommodate most needs so sign up for lots of food, fun and fellowship today!  Call the church office at 208-667-8446 or write "Dinners at 6ish" next to your name in the pew pad and we will be in touch with you soon.
- The Membership Team

Backpack Donations Needed this Wednesday!
Last year 1stPres received over 80 donated backpacks from a local business. Due to stricter corporate ruling this business is unable to make the same donation to the church this year. So we are in need of backpacks to hold all of the school supplies that will be given out at the Deacon Clothing Drive on Sat. Aug. 13th. If you are willing to purchase and donate a new school backpack(s) please do so and bring it by the church office no later than Wed. Aug. 10th. Thank you for helping us to LOVE1st the children and families of Downtown in this way.

Parking Lot Palooza Time!
For the month of August, we are participating in the Wednesday downtown Farmer's Market events with a stall that includes games, water, and free face painting AND we will be providing a bounce house for kids to use free of charge. If you are able to come and help out with any of these activities (no experience required) there is a sign up sheet in the Hunter Building, or contact Steve Balas at the church.

1stPres Sunday Fundays
Sunday Funday events are designed for but NOT limited to families with young children. All 1stPres members and friends of any age are welcomed. Most events are FREE, however a few have optional or minimal cost.
Plan to join us for one more Sunday Funday:
Sunday, Aug. 28 - I scream, you scream, we all scream... "Sunday Funday"
Don't miss out on the last Sunday Funday of the summer! Join us on Sunday, Aug. 28th from 1-5 p.m. at Camp White for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, swimming and ICE CREAM! All ages are invited to spend the afternoon swimming, hiking, picnicking, and/or playing at Camp White, located in Post Falls on the Spokane River. Camp White is a 29 acre conference and retreat center on the river in Post Falls, Idaho. There is a protected beach with docks, water slide and diving boards; a Volleyball Court, a Softball Backstop and Basketball Hoop, Horseshoe pits, Nature Trails for hiking or bike riding, Children's Playground, Beautiful Picnic area shaded by huge pine trees.  The entire campground is fenced, so no worries about kids wandering away.
Bring your Swimsuit, towel, beach toys, sporting equipment and/or picnic for an afternoon in the water, on the beach or exploring the campground. A variety of Ice Cream treats including homemade ice cream will be provided.
Directions to Camp White located at 1931 East Rodkey Dr Post Falls, ID83854
From I-90 exit Spokane Street (exit 5). Proceed south on Spokane Street. Turn left (east) on 3rd Street. Turn right (south) on Greenferry Road. Follow Greenferry Road which veers right becoming Rodkey Drive. Follow Rodkey Drive to the camp entrance.
Church News & Events

Love Our Downtown Workers!
- A Workshop
Saturday, August 13
Are you interested in the restaurant and hospitality industry? Have you ever wondered what happens behind-the-scenes? Do you want to hear the various stories of those who serve for a living?
The majority of downtown workers fall financially somewhere within the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population, which provides an opportunity for the local community to gather around in support and love.
YOU are invited to attend a two-hour training event co-hosted by Big Table and the First Presbyterian Church of Coeur d'Alene, where you can learn practical ways to care for these downtown workers!
What do the faces of those in the industry look like?
What does support/care look like?
Personal Testimonies and Stories
Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 13, from 8-10 AM at Fine Brewed on 507 Sherman Avenue. They have graciously opened their doors for the morning, where you are encouraged to purchase food or a beverage!
Saturday, August 13
8-10 AM
at Fine Brewed Coffee Shop
507 Sherman Ave | Downtown CDA

Barb McPoland Annual Clothing Give Away
Saturday, Aug. 13
The Children's Clothing Give Away is coming right up. On August 13 we will have families lined up outside to find wonderful items for their children for the coming school year.
  • Volunteers needed to help set-up and organize in the mornings the week of August 8 (Monday - Thursday) and stuff backpacks
  • Volunteers needed to help the morning of giveaway, Saturday August 13 from 7:45 - 12. Wear your shirt if you have one
Additional information
  • Giveaway is nearly 30 years old
  • Harder to get donations - some schools have chosen to donate the clothes left at school to a local thrift store that gives a percentage to school PTAs
  • Donation of clothes can be delivered Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the week of giveaway
  • Every family gets a large trash-sized bag to fill with clothes and shoes
Sunday, August 21
Finally - the real, FULL Ironman is coming! Once again, 1stPres will be leading the cheers for the Ironman competitors as they bike past the church on Lakeside Ave. We will host a support station in front of the church that will include baked goods and refreshments for the spectators - and world-class cheering for the competitors. If you want to help, you can bring your baked goods, cookies, brownies, etc. between 8:30am and 11am to tables on the sidewalk, or just show up to cheer. For more information, contact Steve at the church (208) 667-8446. Also - this is a Shirt-por-tunity. Wear 'em if you got 'em!  
Summer Sundays ARKade
Sundays | June 12 - August 28
Two different Summer Sundays ARKade classes will be offered throughout the summer during both the 9:00 & 11:00 worship services which began on Sunday,  June 12. This year, the Summer Sundays ARKade theme will be Parables: Simple Stories Jesus Told.
Elementary ARKade - Parable Productions   
Incoming 2nd- to 6th-graders will hear and act out the weekly parable, then hear a modern day parable that illustrates the same important spiritual lesson. Each week, the children can get a Know-A-Parable and Bible verse for home to prepare for the upcoming Sunday lesson. These children will conclude the hour in the ARKade game room for fun & games, animal crackers, and lemonade.
Summer S.P.L.A.S.H. Preschool Pond - Once Upon a Parable
3-year-olds to incoming 1st-graders will experience songs, prayers, and lessons that focus on the weekly parable. They will end the hour with snack, a coloring page, and free-play in the Preschool Pond classroom.
The Glory Be Buzz

Needs of the Week
Our little friends at Glory Be Learning Center send their thanks for all the supplies you dropped off for them. With school starting they are always in need of:
Can Opener
Baby Wipes
Diapers 3/4T
Lysol Wipes
Dish Towels - small
Stapler & Staples
Craft Eyes

If you can help, please place your item(s) in the boxes underneath the Mission Board, in the hallway between the Hunter Building and the Gym. Thank you!
Peel Those Labels!!!
The Campbell's Labels for Education program is ending next year, so please bring your Campbell's product label, package or upc code and leave it in the Glory Be box underneath the Mission Board, in the hallway between the Hunter Building and the Gym. For a complete list of participating products (you'll be surprised what's on it!) Thank-you!
Deacon's Doings

Clothing Give Away
Here we are, half way through the year and now preparing for our Annual Clothing Give Away on August 13th.  We'll have free clothing and hopefully new backpacks filled with school supplies for children of elementary, Jr. High and High School ages.   Any donations you wish to contribute can be brought to the church the week prior to the Give Away and we just ask that the clothes be in good repair and clean.  Any backpacks donated need to be new rather than used.  School supplies will be purchased through monetary donations so that we can assure each backpack receives the same amount and type of supplies.  Any of these items you wish to donate will be greatly appreciated by the young recipients.
We can also use help setting up the clothing racks and clothing starting after first service on August 7th and again any morning 8:30 am - 11:00 am in the gym.  We hope, with lots of help, that we can finish setting up by noon, Wednesday.   The other way to help if you can't during the week is to come Saturday morning to help straighten the clothing piles, keep things orderly and combine items as supplies dwindle.  If you have a 1st Pres shirt, wear it.  It helps us identify each other as well as shoppers being able to know who to ask for assistance.  Ahead of time, let us say thank you to anyone who is able to come down and help, even if only for a brief period of time.
Briefly, the Deacons have been able to continue our support of St. Vincent de Paul and community and church members in need of financial assistance whether it be for household or medical emergencies.  We continue to visit those who are unable to attend church and help those who are in temporary need of mobile assistance to appointments or church attendance.  We truly are thankful for the opportunity to help others monetarily and that is a direct result of congregational generosity.  We thank you all for your continued support so that we can continue to assist those in need.  God Bless You  All........Karen Welts (Chair) and all 1st Pres Deacons

Volunteer Opportunities

Youth Volunteers Needed 
We are looking for people to join our Youth Ministry to help us make a difference in teen's lives. Contact the church office at (208) 667-8446.
Summer Sundays ARKade Volunteers Needed 
Many parents and church volunteers have stepped up to lead Children's Summer Sundays ARKade classes for the 1st two months of the summer, but we need volunteers willing to serve during the month of Aug. All materials and lesson plans are provided for you and there is little to NO preparation required.  If you are willing to serve or to learn more about Children's Summer Sundays ARKade please contact Lou Pennebaker (call 667-8446/email Or look for the Summer Sundays Volunteer Charts in the Hunter Building Lobby on Sunday and sign-up to serve!
Can You Give Someone A Ride To Church?

We are looking for someone who can periodically give one of our members a ride to church when her regular ride is out of town. For details, contact the church office at (208) 667-8446.
Groups & Gatherings

Widows & Widowers - WW2
According to Pastor Craig's sermon series on "Living Well, and Dying Well," I am adding "Going On Well!"  If you have become a "single" through death, and are desiring to become part of a social group with the same challenges as you, consider joining Widows and Widowers Too (WWII).  This is a brand-new program getting started to provide a social outlet for members and non-members who are tired of being a fifth-wheel in a foursome!  You will be getting in on the ground floor of this program and can have some say in how it is going to work!  Give Karen Huber a call (208-667-6525), e-mail ( and tell her you're interested!  We have lots of ideas and want to hear yours!!!!!          

Beyond the Broken Heart
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Then you may want to come and be a part of our new grief support group. Contact:  Bev Turner (208) 659-9415, or
Judy Hays (208) 660-4083 for more info or to sign up.
Knitting for Warmth
Please join the Knitting-for-Warmth knitters every Friday morning from 10:00am to 11:30am in the Conference Room. This is an open, community knitting time for anyone who would like to create a prayer shawl. Your shawl will be given as a gift of love, hope, and comfort to someone who is critically ill or in crisis. Knitting instruction will be available if this is your first project, and materials will be provided for FREE. Contact Betty Cheeley at (208) 664-2612 if you have questions, or if you know of someone who could really use the gift of a shawl at this time in their life. This group will continue to meet in the summer. Come join us! 
Saturday Morning Men's Group
The Saturday Morning Men's Group is taking a break for the summer. We will be starting back up in the fall.

Contact Steve Balas (208) 667-8446 for details.

Thursday Men's Group - On Summer Break
The Iron Horse Lunchtime Men's Group is taking the summer off. Check back with us in the Fall.  Contact the church for info (208) 667-8446.
Community Events
Special thanks to the Orchard Ridge Estate Sale volunteers who organize and run our estate sales, raising over $7,000 this year alone to help provide for our charitable mission, with three more sales on calendar for this year! We are so grateful to each of you for your countless volunteer hours and hard work. May God bless you always.
- The Village at Orchard Ridge