Links to Good Stuff
Jan. 5, 2016 
The 1stPres Newsletter

Blog of the Week

Family of Orphans
Steve Balas
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18
There is a great comfort in this promise from Jesus - but there is also a very painful truth in it. In a way, while we are here in this world, we will always be orphans. We will always be alone. Though we may have the best and most loving family and friends, there will always be a disconnect, a sense of separation while we are here. We don't fit in this world - and we are not meant to. Our home is in Heaven - not down here on Earth.
This is a painful truth and we shy from it. We want to belong - we are desperate to. We join teams and clubs and even churches in search of feeling connected and at peace.
Read More


Congregational Survey
You should have received a survey request on Sunday, January 3 via email. The subject line said "Participate in First Presbyterian Church's Survey". We have had a great response so far.  If you have not completed the survey, please take 5-10 minutes to give us your input:
We will use this survey during the Leadership Retreat at the end of this month to discuss the health and perspectives of our church members. The survey is strictly anonymous. We hope you will take a moment to help the church leaders. Thank you so much for your time.   

Church Parking in Snow and Ice

With all the slippery sidewalks and roads this season we are asking all those who are able to please park in our lots across the street on Sundays. This frees up the more accessible parking for those who might not be as sure footed. Thanks!

Children's Sunday School Offering  

Each Sunday, after being dismissed from the worship service to the Sunday School ARKade, the children gather in the ARKade Game Room before going to grade-level classes. As part of this gathering, an offering is collected each week. All money given is used to purchase animals through Heifer Project Int. for struggling families around the world. Last spring the children's offering was combined with a Noisy Offering to purchase 6 sheep. Over the summer the children gave enough offering for 6 rabbits. This past Fall the children gave money to purchase a PIG. Pigs need very little land and can survive on garden-by-products. They are a great source of protein and families can earn income from the sale of piglets and manure, which is used to nourish the soil. A Pig through Heifer cost $120. This Sunday the children will vote to determine what animal they would like to purchase next... will it be more pigs, chickens, goats, fish, lamas, a cow, or maybe a water buffalo!?!
[Heifer Project is recognized as a world leader in using animals to address hunger and poverty through ecologically sound, sustainable agriculture. Learn more at]

Bookkeeper Position

Over the next few months, as our bookkeeper Erica Waterman transitions into her new position as pastor of Bovill Community Presbyterian, we will be searching for her replacement. Please pass the following on to anyone you know who may be qualified and interested.
"Our church has an opening for a Church Bookkeeper. We are seeking an exceptional individual who will be able to work with church staff, ministry teams, and ruling elders to manage the books of our church as well as Glory Be Learning Center. Experience keeping books for a church or non-profit 501c3 is preferred. This is not an entry level position. This position is a 30 hour per week position. Salary determined based on experience. To see a complete job description, click here. Candidates should send a letter of introduction and resume to or mail to: First Presbyterian Church, 521 E. Lakeside Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814. No calls please."

Glory Be Teacher Positions

Glory Be Preschool has positions available for:

An infant teacher 
The infant teacher is 7:15 to 12:30 (occasionally  1:30 or 2:30) Monday - Friday. the children are 6wks to 15/18mnths. there are four in the class.
A preschool co-teacher
The preschool co-teacher is 8am to 5pm Monday -Friday. Works with a second teacher in the morning and alone in the afternoon, kids ages 3-5yrs.

Church News & Events

Family PJ Party
Friday, Jan 8
Young Families come join us for a Family PJ Party! We will gather Friday, Jan. 8,
5:30-7:30 pm in the church Gym.  This event is for families of children, infant to grade 5. Dinner and a movie are provided (we're having breakfast for dinner!) and all ages are encouraged to wear their PJs! Kids bring a pillow and/or a sleeping bag for comfy movie viewing. You are welcome to invite a friend, just be sure everyone makes a reservation. Reservations required by 5pm Wednesday, Jan 6.  Call or email the church office:  (208) 667-8446;

Young Families Gathering
Sunday, Jan 10
We are holding a special gathering of 1stPres young families between services this Sunday, January 10 in the Fireside Room. It will be hosted by Pastor Craig. We all know how important it is to get connected and build strong, life-long relationships with other Christians. We have some great ways to do this at 1stPres, like our ChristCare groups, but they don't always address or accommodate for the special needs of young families. This "thoughts and ideas" gathering will be an open discussion about the needs, desires and challenges that are unique to young families.
Even if you already feel completely connected, and your family is growing strong at 1stPres, we would like to hear your story. Your experience, and the things that have worked for you, may be just the ingredients our discussion is looking for.
Coffee and morning snacks will be provided. Childcare and activities for children are also available. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect. Email or call the church at (208) 667-8446 with your name and the name(s) and age(s) of your child(ren).
Questions? Contact Steve Balas, at (208) 667-8446, or

Music to the Ears
Tuesday, Jan 19
The FPC Women's Association Meeting is open to all women and will be held Tuesday, Jan. 19th, at 1:00 P.M. in the Fireside Room beginning with a mother-daughter musical program of varied piano and violin music followed by refreshments and updates.  Guests and visitors are warmly welcome to participate.  Come join us!
Newcomer Reception
Friday, Jan 22
Newcomers, let's get to know each other better! You are invited to a fun Meet & Greet event on Friday, Jan. 22 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Seasons Fresh Grill, 209 Lakeside Ave., Downtown CDA. There will be sparkling chit-chat and delicious hors d'oeuvres to snack on as you get to know other newcomers and church leaders. Please RSVP to the church office at (208) 667-8446.
Next-Steps Series
Wednesdays, Jan 27 - Feb 17

A series of four classes taught by Pastor Craig that explain the fundamentals of the Christian Faith and the beliefs of the Presbyterian Church. A great "next-step" experience for everyone and a must for those interested or curious about membership in the church. Meets in the Fireside Room at the church.
Step One - The Fundamentals of Christianity
101 - Jan 27, Wed.  6:30pm-8:00pm
102 - Feb 3, Wed.  6:30pm-8:00pm
Step Two - What it Means to be a Presbyterian
201 - Feb 10, Wed.  6:30pm-8:00pm
202 - Feb 17, Wed.  6:30pm-8:00pm

Leadership Retreat & Annual Meeting 
Saturday, Jan 23 
Once again we will have our Leadership Retreat in the Gym on Saturday, January 23 from 8am-12:30pm. As working ministry groups, we will gather to review goals for 2016, results of our recent congregational survey and use this workshop for each group to crystallize key tasks for the upcoming year. Be sure to mark your calendars.

Also on Sunday, January 31 we will have the Annual Congregational Meeting between services to update the congregation on the budget and you will receive your Annual Reports for 2015. Be sure to come and hear from our church leaders. 
Winter Retreat at Lutherhaven
Feb 5-7
1stPres 3rd - 5th graders are invited to attend the Grade School Winter Retreat at Lutherhaven. This will be one wild winter weekend extravaganza with friends, food, activities, games, worship, and hopefully SNOW! 1stPres children will register and attend as a group along with counselors from1stPres. Thank you to the Women's Association and the Deacons, 50% of the cost of the weekend will be covered for 1stPres children making the cost per child only $36 for 2 nights, 4 meals and 1 awesome weekend! February 5-7, 2016.
Parents may now register their children on-line at: but you must have the 1stPres registration code. Please contact Lou for the code before registering (208) 667-8446;
Groups & Gatherings

Basketball Dudes
Anyone interested in playing pick-up basketball can join us in the gym at the church Wednesday nights. We will be starting up on Wednesday, Jan. 6, from 6:30pm-8pm. Call David Johnson for details (208) 651-0319.
Thursday Men's Group
Starting Thursday, Jan. 7th the Men's Iron Horse lunch group will begin discussing
C. S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity". We're covering one chapter each week, and anyone is welcome to enjoy lunch and participate in the discussion (or not). This is a great time to join us!

The Iron Horse has accommodated this group with a Thursday noon special soup added to the menu, and with scintillating and erudite conversation, how could any guy resist?  Meets Thursday's at noon at the Iron Horse on Sherman. Contact the church for info (208) 667-8446.
Sunday School ARKade - Children's Program
The Sunday School ARKade takes place on Sunday mornings during the 9:00am and 11:00am worship services. Children 3 years and older attend the beginning of the worship service. Following the Children's Moment, 3 year olds - 5th graders are dismissed to Sunday School ARKade classes located on the 2nd floor of the Hunter Building. Parents may accompany their children to class, but are not required to do so. The Sunday School ARKade includes SPLASH!, an Early Childhood class for 3 year olds - Kindergarten; First Five, a class for 1st & 2nd graders; and Bible Learning Ports, for elementary children to play and learn as they explore the Books of the Bible; Memorize Bible Verses; and become Scripture Sleuths finding God's answers to life's questions in the Bible. Children must be picked up and signed out at the end of the worship service by a parent/guardian. Don't miss the boat, come aboard the S.S.ARKade, Sundays at 1stPres CDA!  

Youth - Join Us This Winter!
DYG 2.0 meets SUNDAYS 10:30am - 12:15pm
Downstairs in the DYG (Downtown Youth Group) Room
Come hang out, jam out, and chill out as we dive into a relevant series asking questions about God, others, and ourselves!
Contact Kierstie | Youth Leader |

Knitting for Warmth
Please join the Knitting for Warmth knitters every Friday morning from 10:00am to 11:30am in the Conference Room. This is an open, community knitting time for anyone who would like to create a prayer shawl. Your shawl will be given as a gift of love, hope, and comfort to someone who is critically ill or in crisis. Knitting instruction will be available if this is your first project, and materials will be provided for FREE. Contact Betty Cheeley at (208) 664-2612 if you have questions, or if you know if someone who could really use the gift of a shawl at this time in their life.  

Community Events

Perspectives on the World Speaker Talks About Sharing the Gospel with Muslims

Shane Bennett, with Frontiers, will be at Coeur d'Alene Bible Church this Sunday at 6pm. He will be talking about taking the gospel of Jesus to Muslims. He will also be the first speaker for the new Perspectives course that will be starting on Monday, Jan 11 at 6:30 - 9:30pm at His Place Church, 3079 16th Ave, Post Falls.
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a 15 week (one night a week) course where you can interact with many of today's cross cultural and evangelical leaders and thinkers.

If you...
  • are  considering a call to full time missions
  • are planning a short term mission trip
  • have a call to intercessory prayer for reaching people with the Good News
  • or want to be a more effective  part of a 'sending ' church
Then this class is for you!

Starts in January. Sign up at:

For more information contact Rich Morrow at (208) 667-8013