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First Presbyterian Church of CDA Newsletter
News from the FPC Family
March 31, 2015
In This Issue
Joy in Holy Week
Food Kitchen Time
Lent Prayer Services
Good Friday
Easter Flowers
Easter Sunday Fun
Summer Day Camp
Camp Spalding
Scholarships Deadline
Christianity Explored
Share the JOY
Glory Be Fundraiser
Upcoming Events
Joy in Holy Week
Becky Clegg
      Church Administrator      

I can't believe it's the end of March and the final stretch to Easter Sunday. Time is passing so quickly it seems these days. Spring came up early in my opinion. Obie and Ramona also seemed a bit flummoxed by an early spring. Our grass is growing rapidly and buds are on the trees. I do enjoy springtime in all its glory. Ramona recently turned three years old. Supposedly in dog years that's twenty-one. The past week I have been noticing some more "adult-like" dog behavior out of her. Ken thinks I'm whacky! She seems calmer when people come to visit and she's responding to scolding quicker to adjust her behavior. She does still get her crazy head on when she thinks it's time for us to go to bed. She also runs like a freight train in the yard when I come home. I like to think this is her joyful expression of my arrival home every evening. She certainly puts a big smile on my face each time she joyfully runs her figure eights.


Spring is associated with so many JOYFUL things in life and animals as well as adults respond accordingly. We find joy in the end of winter, joy in new growth, joy with flowers blooming and insects buzzing, joy with the birds returning, nesting and full of song, joy in spring break, joy in daylight savings and the return of warmer days, joy in the rain. Somehow spring always gets me more motivated to clean in the yard, prepare the garden, and thoroughly clean our home. I don't seem fatigued like I get in the winter. Thank GOD for SPRING!


Spring also brings the season of Lent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday and the journey of Christ. Although Good Friday symbolizes Christ's crucifixion, we know that isn't the end of the story. JOY comes on Easter Sunday when we celebrate the RISEN CHRIST. I wish all of you a joyous HOLY WEEK and that you will celebrate our RISEN LORD with your church family this Sunday, Easter in all its JOYFUL glory!

Christ is Risen Indeed,

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Quick Links...

We will be hosting the Ecumenical Food Kitchen Thursday, April 2. Signup sheets are available on the hallway bulletin board by the kitchen and in the Hunter Building. If you have questions, please call Bev Rasor (208) 765-3410. All help is needed and appreciated. Please bring salads (serves 10), casseroles (9x12), desserts, or help with serving our guests.


Every Wednesday we will hold lunchtime prayer services during the season of Lent. The services will occur from 12:15pm until 12:45pm in the Sanctuary. You will enter through the Sanctuary doors off the corner of 6th and Lakeside. They are a beautiful time of prayer and meditation. All are welcome, and members of the public are encouraged to attend.


This year for Holy Week we will have two choices for a Stations of the Cross service. We will have one at noon and one at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary on Good Friday, April 3. Please join us for this moving service.  



"Full of beauty, fragrance and life that breaks forth from a lifeless bulb or seed, spring flowers are a wonderful reminder and symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who broke forth from the grave on the first Easter, conquering death so that all who believe in Him might also have new life."   


In celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday worshippers are invited to bring fresh flowers of any color or size, cut from the garden or purchased at the store. These flowers will be placed on a wire wrapped cross during the Easter morning worship services. The flowered cross is a beautiful symbol and reminder of the transformation and new life of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We will have cards available at the Welcome Center for you to sign in honor or memory of a loved one during Easter.  


Children and Families are invited to gather on Easter Sunday between services (10am - 11am) in the Gym/Family Center. Each child and/or family will be able to create an Easter Story Basket full of items to take home and use to remember and retell the events of Holy Week.


On Sunday April 5, all children are invited and encouraged to attend worship with their families in celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! There will be a special Children's Message during the worship service as well as activity bags provided for the children.  As usual childcare will be available for children up to age 3 in the Nursery. Children age 3 - 5 who choose not to remain in the worship service on Easter Sunday may be dropped off in the nursery.  


Downtown Church Day Camp

This summer 1st Pres will host a week of Summer Day Camp for incoming 1st - 6th graders the week of July 13 - 17, 2015. Save the date and watch for Day Camp details and registration information after Easter.



This summer incoming 5th and 6th graders from 1st Pres will be going to Camp Spalding for a week of summer camp (Juniors II) the week of July 26 - August 1, 2015. If you have questions or if your child is interested in attending Camp Spalding with 1st Pres. please contact Lou Pennebaker.  


Scholarship applications for educational advancement are available in the church office or click on this LINK. Deadline is May 1

. Beginning, returning and continuing education students are invited to apply. Turn in your application please to the church office.  



An exciting video series entitled "Christianity Explored" is being offered starting April 8. We have room for 24 attendees - last week to signup - only 3 spots left for this particular series. This is a seven week series to be held in the Fireside Room on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The cost is only $10 per person. Be sure to sign up early and reserve your spot. Go online to www.cdadowntownchurch.org and you will see the banner for ONE LIFE. Click on the banner and signup now. Don't miss this valuable series.  


Would you like to get to know other church members and friends in a social setting?  Between now and April 13, you will have an opportunity to do this by writing (3F's) by your name on the pew pad. Both singles and couples of all ages are welcome. You will be assigned to a group with six or seven other people and gather at each other's homes over a period of four months for a shared meal and lots of fun and fellowship. This is a great opportunity for our members, new and old, and visitors to get to know the rest of your church family. Please call Jody Wilson at (208) 659-9526 or the church office at  

(208) 667-8446 if you have any questions or to sign up. Jody will contact you later in April with the names and phone numbers of the people in your group.   


Let's Share the JOY of our wonderful First Pres family with our friends, family, neighbors. We'll be celebrating them on Sunday, April 19, with a party between services. Since there will be very special treats that day for you and your guests, you can be thinking of your invitees. Perhaps a neighbor or a friend you brought to Easter service or a family member. We will welcome them with great JOY and surprise treats. Also, we'll serve delicious Starbucks coffee for all that exciting Sunday. You'll definitely want to be a part of the joyful energy! 

Glory Be Flower Baskets are on sale again this year. Pre-order your baskets today - only $35 each! Delivery will start on May 1st. Two types of baskets this year can be purchased:  
1) traditional baskets full of color (orders due by  

April 27); or 2) Geranium baskets (orders due by April 15). If you have any questions call Susie Freligh or email at: susief@cdadowntownchurch.org. Signup sheets will be available in church office and on Welcome Desk. 

Upcoming Events 

April 1
Lent Prayer Service
12:15pm-12:45pm - Sanctuary 

April 2
Ecumenical Food Kitchen - OUR TURN
11:30am-12:30pm - gym
  April 3
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross
Noon & 7:00pm - Sanctuary

April 5
9:00am & 11:00am Worship Services - Sanctuary

Children & Family
 Easter Story Baskets
between services in the Gym

April 6
Office Closed - Monday  

April 8
Christianity Explored
video series - registration required
6:30pm-8:00pm - Fireside Room