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December 2014

Vol. 4, Issue 2

     Happy Holidays!


Across the Board

           A WPSBA Publication



PASS A RESOLUTION: In support of the APPR research study done by area superintendents, and in light of the many intrinsic flaws in the NYS APPR system, WPSBA drafted a School District Resolution requesting an extensive APPR review and revision at the state level.  A board Resolution requires public discussion of the issue and will help to inform your community and jump-start grass-roots advocacy.  We encourage each board to tailor the Resolution by including local data and priorities.


TAKE INDIVIDUAL ACTION: WPSBA has also posted two VoterVoice letters which individual board members and community members can personalize and send to our legislators with the click of a button.  Please take a moment to send out a VoterVoice letter on revising the APPR and on NYS Stand-Alone Field Testing.  The Regents will vote in February to REQUIRE that these field tests be taken.  Watch for Resolution templates and VoterVoice letters on other key public education issues throughout the year.


Want to get more involved? Attend WPSBA Legislative Advocacy meetings to share your views and become better informed.

Friday, December 5th

Breakfast & Network - Full 

8:00 am - 9:45 am
SW BOCES, Valhalla

Thursday, December 11th

WPSBA Board Mtg

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Chappaqua Seven Bridges


Thursday, January 15th
Legislative Advocacy Mtg
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
WP CSD Education House

Thursday, January 29th

WPSBA Board Mtg

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Scarsdale HS


Thursday, February 12th 

Dine & Network
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
SW BOCES, Valhalla


Thursday, February 26th

Legislative Forum

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Purchase ES, Harrison CSD

President's Message - Change is the law of life.

Greetings colleagues,

While reading a recent edition of Businessweek, I stumbled across this John F. Kennedy quote:"

Susan Elion Wollin

Change is the law of life.  And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."

In that light, with 2015 on the horizon, what's next for WPSBA? Our work protecting and ensuring quality public education for all children has never been more critical.   Member education and advocacy remains a key mission with our eye on the ultimate goal of effecting positive change.       


Building on established partnerships with our regional colleagues, we're set to heighten our advocacy messaging and tool kit initiatives to an even broader audience throughout the state. Our work with valued colleagues is dynamic and expanding: LHCOSS; NY Suburban Consortium for Public Education; NYSSBA; member district grassroots advocacy efforts; and most recently, an emerging coalition with School Boards Associations representing counties beyond Westchester and Putnam.  And that doesn't even include our ongoing meetings with Regents, the Chancellor, SED representatives and State legislators.       


Together, our commitment to keeping public education whole is truly palpable, truly urgent, and will continue to serve as a launching pad for what I'm convinced will be notable accomplishments in the New Year. We're fortunate that as we continue our move forward, we have a top-flight team guiding our work, with Lisa at the helm with support from Marguerite.  All this adds up to a vital and meaningful future for WPSBA.     


Wishing you & your families a peaceful and prosperous 2015. 

A Conversation with NYSSBA's Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer
WPSBA Board of Directors had a conversation with Tim Kremer in November regarding regional issues. We discussed diversity both across our region and across our State, and there was agreement that one size does not fit all.  There was also a discussion of the unique needs of the Special Act School Districts which are concentrated in our area.


In response to the question, "Is our region a hotbed for raising issues regarding high-stakes testing, data privacy, or APPR, or do these issues resonate statewide?" Tim Kremer indicated that other regions in the state have not focused on these issues the same way that we have. In that regard, WPSBA board members expressed concern that Albany often whitewashes or dismisses our region, and that we are sometimes labeled as "whiners." While Albany may view school districts as wanting to protect the status quo, it is incumbent on us to positively message what we ARE for: public education, fair funding, accountability and student learning. Tim suggested leading with data and specific examples when we advocate on issues.

Regent Phillips Retiring

Regent Harry Phillips has indicated that he is retiring at the end of March after 14 years as our area Regent. We thank Regent Phillips for his many years of dedicated service.


The NYS Legislature appoints the Regents, and will be officially announcing the position in December, with an appointment in March.  Regent Lester Young's "at-large" seat is up for re-election this year as well. Resumes and cover letters can be sent to Steve McCutcheon via 

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