May 26, 2016 
Visit our blog
Past issues: 

SNEAK PEEK: Harmony U!
Advertise with us in Nashville
Song of the Week: Beach Boys Medley
#BHSNASH Convention updates
Video of the Week: Singing and Serving
A cappella Method pilot program nears completion
What was that again?
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HU 101: What the heck happens at Harmony University?

Everyone who has experienced HU probably tells you that it's life-changing, TRANSFORMING, AMAZING... but they never get around to what you actually do there. We dug around in the archives and found this handy-dandy informational video about what to expect! 

Wow! There's so much going on at Harmony U!

Make your Barbershop Business known!

How can you get your name and business card into the hands of thousands of barbershoppers? Advertise at the convention!

Exhibitor spaces - Exhibitor booths still available, but prime spots are going quickly, so reserve your booth now.
Big screen ads - create your own ad and reach everyone in the area! 
Program page ads - Our convention program is getting an upgrade. Stay tuned for revised ad specifications... including FULL COLOR!

Questions? Contact Mark Holdeman at


Get into a sunnier mood with a medley of tunes from The Beach Boys!
This lively arrangement from Steve Delehanty includes everything you'd expect... and a few surprises! If you're looking for a fun closer or a little something to get the audience singing along, take a look...

Have your ticket but haven't booked a room?
Nashville is a top summer destination and downtown hotel rates have been slowly rising over the past few years. Our events team has worked wonders to secure convention room rates well below what you'd find on your own... but we only have a few more weeks to enjoy convention pricing. Be sure to make your reservation BEFORE June 3rd to get our convention rates!

Video of the Week: Random Acts TV

Just about every barbershopper has performed a gig like this... and we always come away moved. Follow BYU's Vocal Point as they surprise elderly patients in their homes with a song. This, for so many of us, is why we love sharing our music and combining singing with service.

A Cappella Method pilot program nears completion... and YOU can help!

As a part of his work with the education arm of Harmony Hall, Wayne Grimmer has created his first draft of an A Cappella Choir Method. He has been working with music educators to develop a method that can start at a very basic level and adapt from 2, 3, and 4 part singing.  It's been going great, and we will be piloting this with several schools in the fall of 2016, but we want to do some tests NOW before our first school year trials... it's time to test on real live young people!  

Do you have a youth choir, home school group, school choir, or group of jr. high to high school aged boys and girls that would help us out as practice choirs?  After some instructions on HOW to use the book, we will electronically share this draft version for you to take a peek at and share with your groups.  

Beside this help, we also need:
-text editors
-music editors
-student feedback
-teacher feedback

If you are interested in participating, contact Wayne at
Join your favorite AIC quartets for a night to remember! 

Make sure to
pick up your tickets to see Storm Front, Power Play, Ringmasters, and so much more in Nashville this summer, appearing at the incredible Schermerhorn Symphony Center for two star-studded shows.

Show times:
Wednesday, July 6 & Thursday, July 7  |  7:30 pm

We are looking for your feedback!

In order to think about the future, we need to understand how we're doing in the present!  Tell us what you're thinking by participating in the 

This survey will cover several areas of your barbershop experience, including membership benefits, member satisfaction, the current state of the Society, and some questions to help us classify and gain a better picture of who you are and how you participate.  It will take about 12-15 minutes to complete on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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