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Past issues: 

See the champs on YouTube
Start the year in New Orleans
New champs make triumphant homecoming
Give this song a good lookin' over
Get quality pix at no charge
We love our interns
Fuson elected BHS president
Championship performances free on YouTube!

See The Musical Island Boys, The Academy, and the Vocal Majority -
See The Musical Island Boys, The Academy, and The Vocal Majority at

Bookmark this playlist on your smartphone -- it's the easiest way to show off your pride in the musicianship, vocal artistry, and pure barbershop joy of our new champs.

All performances are copyrighted arrangements of public domain songs, with permission granted by arrangers David Wright and Tom Gentry. Share these widely, and embed in your chapter web sites.
Start the New Year with an unforgettable convention in New Orleans


Check your pulse. If it doesn't quicken at the mention of New Orleans, call 911 stat. Storied in barbershop lore for parades on South Rampart Street, the place down river whence came jazz, the most fertile musical city in North America plays host to our 2015 Midwinter Convention, and it will be one for the record books. We expect the early-January schedule will mean even more young singers will be able to participate in the International Youth Chorus Festival, and low off-peak room rates will make this beloved tourism destination more accessible than ever before.


Order now for premium seats to see medalist quartets, the seniors quartet contest, and twenty energetic young ensembles in the incredible International Youth Chorus Festival.

Musical Island Boys own the press  


Maybe it's their infectious enthusiasm. Maybe it's their road-of-perseverance story. Certainly it's their undeniable, accessible talent. Regardless of the cause, our new champs have taken the media by storm on their return to the South Pacific, with national television, radio and print stories dominating the news.


Follow their press coverage on their Facebook page or on the HQ blog 

Hank Senior never sounded so good


Barbershop's range of source material continues to expand in this latest release. Country classic "Hey, Good Lookin'" came from the revolutionary mind of Hank Williams, Sr., and has been covered by every singer in Nashville. Our Las Vegas crowd heard it premiered by past collegiate champs The Newfangled Four and ate it up. This Tom Gentry arrangement is a difficulty level 4 and ready to cook (get it?), especially when you pick it up with learning tracks.


Want more? See previous Song of the Week features.

Worth two million words


Instant Classic. Photo by Lorin May

When you tell your friends about the great time you had in Las Vegas, be sure to tell the story with photos. Society-authorized photographers with vantage shooting positions offer more than 2000 pix for use at no charge with attribution.


Interns love Barbershop Harmony Society, explore the organization


Five interns are undertaking internships with the Society this summer. As convention takes place during June and July, the summer could not have been a more appropriate time for interns to arrive. Check out their individual accounts of the internship experience with the Barbershop Harmony Society here.  


Hailing from different colleges and universities across the country, each brings something unique to the table when taking on projects. Prior to convention, Marita May assisted in coordinating catering, reservations, tickets, judge's meals, staff travel coordination, etc. for convention. She is now focusing on planning for Harmony University and describes herself as a "converted" Barbershopper as a result of the internship experience. Longtime Barbershopper  Jim Park created social media posts for convention, and also works on data analysis related projects. Patrick McAlexander worked onsite at headquarters in Nashville to evaluate charts in the music library to determine their difficulty level. When not working on Harmony University, Kyle Snook gives tours of the Barbershop Harmony Society Headquarters and acts as an ambassador to arriving guests and Barbershoppers.


The addition of interns to the BHS team not only gets young people involved with the Society but also helps to advance their careers in arts or non-arts related organizations.

Board elects Fuson president, Kropp Executive VP; Foundation trustees named


Don Fuson from the Central States District was elected to the top post in the Society, with a term of office beginning January 2015. Current Board Member-at-Large Skipp Kropp of Indianapolis was elected Executive Vice President, creating an opening to be filled. Casey Parsons and Debbie Cleveland were elected as Harmony Foundation Trustees, with terms commencing in January 2015.