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This week in barbershop...
District conventions and webcasts this weekend
Members site offline for maintenance
Youth grants deadline nears
New faves for Singing Valentines
Long Beach hotel reservations now online
23K/Phase II is underway
Tell the barbershop world about the good you are doing
Harmony University adds Chorus College
Nominations open for Society Board
Big weekends in contests, with plenty of webcasts
The coming weekends will be jam-packed with barbershop fun, and if you aren't heading to a district convention, you're missing out on some serious chord-ringing fun. Still, if you simply can't get there at all, you have many webcasts from which to choose!
Weekend of October 10-11


Far Western District   Bakersfield, Calif.





Central States District  

Kansas City, Mo.   



Rocky Mountain District    Cheyenne, Wyo.

Show of Champions features 1999 International Quartet Champion FRED, singing in their 50th state!



Southwestern District

DFW Airport Hyatt Regency

35 quartets! 16 Choruses! Plus, The Vocal Majority returns!



Sunshine District
Orlando, Fla.

"Mini-Sizzle" classes include "The Art of Performance" and "Vocal Production," "Copyrights: Everything You Need To Know (In 90 Minutes or Less)" "Directing a Barbershop Chorus" with Jay Giallombardo

Members site offline for maintenance this weekend

Additional scheduled maintenance to the membership database systems at Harmony Hall will require suspending access to for several more days.


The scheduled outage will commence on Friday, October 11, at 5:00 pm (CDT) and will continue through Monday, with service to be restored by Tuesday, October 15 at 8:00 am. (CDT).


Can do: Fri 10/11-Tue 10/15

  • Visit and access the same awesome educational and news resources

  • Register for 2014 International Convention in Las Vegas

  • Register for 2014 Midwinter Convention

  • Visit to shop for merchandise and music. Orders may still be placed, but some delays in billing and shipping are possible as an expected backlog of orders is entered.

CANNOT do: Fri 10/11-Tue 10/15

  • No access to will be offline during maintenance

  • Member records will be locked--no changes during maintenance

  • Renewals and quartet registration/renewals not available during maintenance

  • Contest entry forms offline during maintenance

  • Chapter and district secretaries nearing fall contests are advised to download and check all rosters now in anticipation of last-minute renewals for contest eligibility.

We hope to accomplish this work quickly and accurately to better serve our members and customers. Your patience is appreciated.

Apply NOW for Financial Assistance With Your 2014 Youth Event
The grant application process for all 2014 Youth Events (camps/workshops) has begun!

Our application process for 2014 will be taking a new and exciting turn. Prior to 2013, we've accepted student surveys as collateral for payment after the close of the event, regardless of how many events were organized and how many students attended, making a forecast for budgeting virtually impossible. Additionally, this didn't give us the greatest understanding of the entire program being offered. 

In today's world of philanthropy, it is very important for us to gather data points on how the grants are being spent so we can produce appropriate results back to the donor base. For this reason, we ask that you submit the details of your application to us via our website so that we can better document the data for future use. 

Furthermore, we are fortunate to be experiencing many more start-up workshops and camps than we've ever seen before. Since we are managing a finite amount of money, we will need to become more judicious with the available funds. Therefore, we will be rewarding applications that are focusing on one of two major components: 1) Start-up workshops and camps 2) Continued growth within their program and community. 

We encourage all camps and workshops to engage their community for grants that will better assist you with your operating expenses. 

You can access the grant application at The application deadline is November 1, 2013 and all award notifications will be delivered by December 15, 2013. For more information, visit or contact Joe Cerutti at 615-673-4121 or [email protected] .
It's almost Halloween; can Valentine's be far away? 
We might be just a week into October, but Valentine's Day is right around the corner. For many chapters Singing Valentine's is the biggest money-maker of the year. Now might be a good time to start working on some alternatives to wearing out "Heart of My Heart" 93 times on February 14th. These two pieces are fun to learn, fun to sing.


"My Honey's Lovin' Arms" as sung by the Bluegrass Student Union was arranged by Don Gray. It's propulsive, percussive, and puts Polecats in their place. 


"Nevertheless" is a perfect sappy romantic bluesy song, arranged by the great Tom Campbell.

Long Beach Hotel reservations now online   
Book your room now via our website for best prices.


Aquarium Of The Pacific, Long Beach

As if we hadn't already scheduled heaps of great things to do -- shows, parties, contests, and casual singing -- there's a world of great attractions to explore in Long Beach. It really is "in the middle of everything," with regular shuttle service to Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Universal Studios, golfing, and the 11,000 friendly animals in the Aquarium of the Pacific


Get the full details from the Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau.

23K/Phase II is underway - watch your email


Every day, up to 500 Society members will be receiving a personal email invitation to conduct their own "do-it-yourself" interview. Watch your email inbox for your own invitation and respond as soon as you can.


The interview will be asking you about your satisfaction with your own total barbershop experience and your suggestions for any things that you would like to see "added, changed, improved or deleted." Additionally, you will be invited to send your own personal comments to CEO Marty Monson and Society President Shannon Elswick.


You will have the opportunity to enlist in the elite 23K volunteer army, helping with projects at every level. Some interesting projects are already taking shape including the formation of teams to help form new chapters. Several other projects will be announced soon. There is plenty of work for anyone who wants to help ensure the Barbershop Harmony Society remains the premier men's singing organization in the world.


Finally, you will be asked to look through an extensive list of individual skills and talents, checking the boxes that best describe your experience and willingness to help. This is a most important part of the interview. We are building a new database which will entirely replace the outdated and incomplete one we now have.


The entire process should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes. Please respond quickly when you get your own personal invitation. The volunteer army needs your help, and our Society deserves our support.

Harmonizer banner
Tell the barbershop world about the good you are doing
If you've developed a good working relationship with music educators or youth choirs, we want to hear about it - and we'll publish your story for the world to see in the Nov/Dec issue of The Harmonizer. This "No Strings Attached" issue will discuss how and why Barbershoppers are working with others to Keep the Whole World Singing. Email your stories (Word doc or as part of your email) and full-size jpgs to [email protected] BY OCTOBER 20!

Name that tag

Harmony University adds Chorus College for 2014

For years, we've made it possible for individuals and quartets to get the finest vocal instruction and performance coaching. At last, we're making it possible for a chorus of any size to get a full, immersive week of education as an ensemble, with the world's top coaches and clinicians.


Choruses enrolled in Chorus College will receive

  • Daily chorus coaching and vocal instruction from a pod of coaches

  • Group discount - $50/man off the the regular tuition rate

  • Recorded coaching sessions to take home at the end of the week

  • Marketing materials created during the week for the chapter to take home (like this great video! Walk away with a real plan for the future growth of your chorus!

Four choruses will be accepted for Chorus College 2014; two have already made commitments. Discuss with your chapter board and begin the exploration now!


For further details, contact [email protected] 

Nominations open for Society Board -- 

apply by October 12, 2013


Candidates for this Society Board Member position are asked to complete an application form, which can be found on the Society's blog at