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September 12, 2013 View our videos on YouTube Like us on Facebook

This week in barbershop...
Challenge grants double gifts
Best Seat In The House at District Contests
Quartet to appear on national game show
District conventions remaking themselves
Nominations open for Society Board
Carnegie tix now on sale
Preorder convention recordings
Scoring variances discussed
Twelve basses humming

Harmony Foundation Diamond Jubilee Challenge


Foundation smashes through $75k target;
donors issue new challenges


A challenge grant of $75,000 from Chuck and Betty McCollum of Williamsville, New York, has turned into a juggernaut, gathering new donors and a host of new challenge grants.


"Bold initiatives are becoming the standard. Once wistful visions are becoming reality," writes Harmony Foundation CEO Clarke Caldwell in a letter announcing that the Diamond Jubilee Challenge at the convention in Toronto raised more than $90,000 in gifts. The total yield exceeded $165,000.


Inspired by this landmark success, ten generous individuals have banded together to issue a second $75,000 Diamond Jubilee Challenge. Details are coming soon to


Best Seat In The House offered at District Contests


So you've heard about this "Best Seat in the House" thing, but you want to know more. We'll save you the reading: watch KJ McAleesejergins explain it.


Best Seat In The House - Harmony Foundation
Best Seat In The House - Harmony Foundation 

If you've ever wanted to be an armchair judge (and let's be honest, we've all jotted down a score or two), now you can be a judge for a day and sit in the Best Seat in the House ( This is an auction where the winner of each contest session gets to hobnob with the judges and sit in the pit during the contest of your choosing. Opening bids start at $40 for each session.


What do I get for my winning bid?

  1. A great seat in the judging area for your selected contest session.

  2. A special guest judge name tag.

  3. A complete set of judging and scoring forms for your selected judging category.

  4. Following the convention, a chart showing how your scores compare to the official panel members in your selected judging category.

  5. An invitation to join the official panel at all meals and snacks at intermissions associated with your selected contest session.

  6. The chance to sit in and observe the evaluations sessions after the contest.

  7. A great opportunity to interface with the official panel members. Who knows? Someday you might apply for the judging program...

TUNE IN MONDAY, 9/16/2013

Cleveland quartet to appear on national game show


Lake Effect Barbershop Quartet will be featured on national television this Monday, on "Let's A$k America!" Bari Keith Parker, Jr., was selected to compete against three other contestants from across America for a Grand Prize of $50,000.


The show's producers enjoyed the quartet's harmony so much, they asked the men to participate throughout the episode. 


Check listings for air times, or follow their fortunes on Facebook or Twitter

District conventions remaking themselves in the image of fun


If you haven't been to a District convention lately, you probably haven't noticed that they are remaking themselves for maximum enjoyment for their members. You don't have to compete to have a good time. Look what a few upcoming events will feature


Illinois District Fall Convention 
September 27 | Bloomington, Illinois


New & cool: Grandma's Boys, 1968 Illinois District Quartet Champions and 1979 International Quartet Champions, will be there to celebrate the 45th anniversary of winning the district championship and to host the Quartet Champions Association Hospitality Room Saturday night.



  • Sing with A Champ   
  • District Historical Display 

Seneca Land District Fall Convention 
September 27 | Rochester, New York


New & Cool: Fun singing for everyone! The Parade of Pick-Up Quartets combines singers by lottery with thirty minutes to prepare, then throws them out on stage to let the chips fall where they may.



  • Be Our Guest -- creating a welcoming chapter using principles from Walt Disney World.
  • SINGfestival! A chance for many more ensembles to get on stage.
  • Featured evening show performance by the Big Apple Chorus.

Find more District Convention Information online.

Lydia The Tattooed lady
We really admire Groucho's taste in dancing partners. See the wreck of the Hesperus? Washington crossing the Delaware? "And proudly above waves  the red, white and blue.... "

Name that tune -- and that gal -- then watch Groucho sing it.


Nominations open for Society Board --
apply by October 12, 2013


Because Joe Cerutti recently accepted a paid position with the Society staff, he has resigned from the Society Board. His term expires on December 31, 2014 and must be filled as soon as possible. 


Candidates for this Society Board Member position are asked to complete an application form, which can be found on the Society's blog at


While the committee is always looking for capable men, here are some specific skill sets at least one of which is important in a successful candidate:

  • Capable and experienced to work at the strategic level as a CEO/CFO

  • Experience in the area of global finance at the CFO level of a medium or large organization

  • Global strategic marketing experience with recent experience in social media and technology integration experience

Anyone agreeing to be a candidate must be willing to attend regular meetings as detailed in the application package.


Sing on the most famous stage in America


Manhattan Choral Productions advises us there are still a few openings for singers on the December 1 jubilee concert featuring The Gas House Gang, Crossroads, Heart of America Chorus and more. Details:


If you can't commit to singing, go see the show -- tickets are now on sale.

Preorder convention recordings now

Some things have to be seen to be believed. All that buzz about the Veggies That Conquered The Barbershop World? Well-earned. The intensity and emotion of Westminster's Soliloquy? Oof -- incredible! 


The circus pageantry, the antics, the sheer fun -- it's all coming soon to DVD. Pre-order your 2013 Chorus Contest DVD now, and check out the entire line of quartet and chorus contest DVD recordings as well.


What are those judges doing down there?


At the end of a contest round, you will see the scoring judges moving chairs and quickly huddling before they leave the auditorium. What are they doing?


They might be discussing a scoring variance. Read about it at and share your thoughts
Twelve basses humming. (Better get them the sheet music.)

A partridge in a pear tree would be lovely, but what happens on "The Twelve Days After Christmas?" Find out in this novelty song sung by Gotcha!


Need a quick song to add to your repertoire?  Ed Waesche's arrangement of  "Winter Wonderland" is a Christmas standard with one of the few half-step down key changes. Some say this is the same arrangement sung by The Beatles!