As many of you have seen over the past few months SmileCharlotte has been under construction.  We are excited to announce one reason for our growth, by welcoming Dr Gary Heeseman and his practice to the SmileCharlotte family.  After 50 years of wonderful service to our community, Dr. Heeseman is ready to transition out of the full-time practice of dentistry and selected our office to help him care for his patients.  We look forward to serving Dr. Heeseman's patients for many years to come.

When we removed all of our old paper charts and the storage area behind the front desk area, we had a lot of new room to play with.  And now that space has become another hygiene room and we will be adding a fourth full time hygienist. This will help alleviate some of the occasional longer wait times to get in to see Missi, Pam, Lana, and, now Laura.  The final phase of our construction should be completed in the next few months as we redesign our front desk area, makes some cosmetic changes, and make things more comfortable for you and your family.  We can't wait to reveal our new look!
HIPAA Update
As required by law, the SmileCharlotte team just had our annual HIPAA and OSHA training. With the training comes a few changes.  This year we have had to add the Family HIPAA form to our records.

HIPAA Release Form

 The Health Insurance Portability and

"Nancy, I'm not sure thats what HIPAA had in mind."
Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, was created in 1996 by the US Congress to protect the privacy of your health information. The act prohibits your health care providers from releasing your health care information unless you have provided a HIPAA release form.



With out this signed release form, your health care providers are prohibited from discussing any aspect of your medical information with anyone who is not directly involved in your care.


The Family HIPAA is NOT for insurance companies or referring doctors.


The Family HIPAA is giving us permission to speak to friends and family you have chosen. It includes general appointment information, dental treatment information, and financial information (i.e. cost of treatment).

As the patient you have the right to change your Family HIPAA at anytime.

We will be in compliance by requiring an updated Family HIPAA once a year along with your medical history update.


Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any question please feel free to call or email us.

 Summer Specials 2013 

Sonicare Flex Care $100

 ($18 off + a $10 mail in rebate)


Sonicare Kids Care $60

($10 off + $10 mail in rebate)


Sonicare AirFloss $70

($7 off + $10 mail in rebate)


Bleaching Full Case $235

($60 off)


Bleaching Syringes $50

($5 off)


Crest Bleach Strips $50

($10 off)



All BreathRX Products 10% off

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