Lenski Weekly Announcements 
February 10, 2016
In This Issue
Featured Article
Mark Your Calendars
February 10 - Love from Lenski Card Campaign and Children's Book Drive

February 10 - 4th Grade Field Trip,
                    Broussely/Brooks, 8:40 a.m. - 1:50 p.m.

February 11 - Safe Kids Assembly, 5th Grade
                    1:00 p.m. (in multipurpose room)

February 12 - Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve Day -
                     School Store at Lunchtime

February 15 - No School - President's Day Holiday

February 18 - 1st Grade Performing Arts Field Trip
                     Heritage High School, 9:10 -10:25 a.m.

February 19 - Family Bingo Night

February 22 - Lenski Accountability
                    Committee, 4:00 p.m.

February 24 - PLC Day
                    KAM 11:06 - 1:02 p.m.
                    KPM 1:47 p.m. - 3:43 p.m.
                    Grade 1-5 11:06 a.m. -3:43 p.m.

February 25 - KidStage Performances 6:30 p.m.

March 1 - 1st Grade Hootenanny,
              1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

March 2 - Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conferences -
              Kindergarten in Session

March 3 and 4 - Parent Teacher Conferences -
                        No School
Looking Forward.... Save the Dates  
May 2 - Lenski Golf Tournament

May 9 - 3rd - 5th Grade Field

May 11 - 1st - 2nd Grade Field

May 10 and 12 - Rain Dates
Pizza Party! Boxtop Contest Ends Friday!

Turn in your box tops by Friday to give your class a chance to win the pizza party!!  

Questions? Contact Frances 
or Rebecca.
Family Bingo Night! Advance RSVPs Due This Friday!
February 19, 6:00 p.m.

bingo night
Family Bingo Night is coming up!!!  Please join us on Friday, February 19th  starting at 5:30 pm for a fun-filled night of bingo games with cash prizes, exciting drawings, pizza & concessions, a LIVE auction, and overall merriment with friends and family!!  If you didn't see the flier in your kid's backpack, please download it here.  We HIGHLY encourage you to pre-pay for the bingo cards, pizza, and drawing prizes as the lines get long on Bingo Night.  Please RSVP with payment by this Friday, February 12th.  This will save you a lot of time on Bingo Night!
We are also having a LIVE auction for an iPad Mini donated by Volume 9.  This will be a great way to get kid-friendly technology and benefit the Lenski PTO.  You must be present to participate in the LIVE auction. 
We still have several volunteer and donation slots available for parents to contribute easily for this fun event.  Please click here to see how you can contribute!  Every volunteer time and donation helps make the event great!
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Erica Fukuhara or Sheryle Gaston.  
Fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Ends Friday!

Student Leadership at Lenski is raising money for the LLS society. Leukemia and Lymphoma are both blood cancers.  Each class has a box for donating cash - any donation is appreciated and will get you your name on a wall in the lobby. 

We have raised just over $1,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We will be collecting next week through Friday, February 12th.
Thanks for your help and support.  
The Lenski Student Leadership Committee 
Love From Lenski and Children's Book Drive
Books Collected Through Friday!

Love from Lenski Every year, during the Valentine's Day holiday, our thoughtful Lenski students take time during their lunch hour to write out messages of encouragement to individuals in the community who could use some kind wishes and "Cheer".  This year, these special Valentines will be delivered to Someren Glen (formerly the Johnson Center) located directly across Arapahoe Road from our school.  The facility offers care to seniors ranging from Assisted Living to Hospice Care.  There are over 500 members of the Someren Glen community and we would like to ensure that all of these special individuals receive a Valentine from a Lenski student.

How can you help?  Encourage your student to participate in the lunch hour activity!  We will be decorating the Valentine's on Tuesday February 9th and Wednesday February 10th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the Lenski cafeteria.

This year, in conjunction with warming the hearts in our community, we will also be hosting a gently-used children's book drive.   Please have your students bring in gently used children's books between February 3 and February 12, and place them in the boxes located in Lenski's front lobby. The donated items will be taken to the Village North Preschool in downtown Littleton.  It is part of Littleton Public Schools and serves children and families in our district.   The Village North Preschool is also in need of gently used small stuffed animals (to be used as reading buddies) and school supplies. 

Questions?  Contact Margie Bradley or Leisha Anderson.
An Introduction to Computer Science - Sponsored by the Lenski Technology Committee
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. 

Sponsored by the Lenski Technology Committee, every student from 1st to 5th grade will experience an hour of code during Computer Lab, Feb 22 - 26.
PTO Meeting at Koebel Library - All Welcome!
March 2, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, March 2
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Koebel Library

Please come share your ideas with us and get involved in any way you can with your school!!

Questions?  Please contact our co-presidents, Dana McDermott or Amy Dawson at lenskipto@gmail.com.
The Harlem Wizards are Coming This Friday!
February 12 at 7 p.m.

Harlem Wizards are coming to town! February 12th @ 7pm don't miss the Harlem Wizards vs the Littleton Legends. These super-star basketball players will show their skills, drills and tricks against Littleton teachers, staff & high school students. This fun evening will be held at the LHS gym. Buy your tickets NOW!   Tickets are available to purchase online and at Newton. Invite your friends, family, teammates, and neighbors to this fun community event!
Girl Scouts Accepting Donations for the Humane Society

The Girl Scouts of Troop 1608 are collecting donations for the Humane Society of the South Platte Valley February 11th through the 25th. Please help our animal friends by donating the following items:
-Canned Cat/Dog Food
-Dry Cat/Dog Food
-Towels and Blankets (used are fine!)
-Hand Sanitizer
-Dawn Dish Soap
-Paper Towels

To view the complete wish list available click here.  Look for our bins in lobby of Lenski! 

Questions? Contact Tina Ulmer
We Appreciate Our Teachers!
We just wanted to extend a special thank you to the group of Lenski families that pulled together to provide a full service coffee cart and a variety of breakfast goodies for the teachers and staff on Friday, January 29th.  Everyone was very grateful and appreciative of such a kind gesture. 

If any additional families have an interest in pooling their efforts to show their appreciation to teachers with small gestures throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Franklin or Leslie Suh, PTO Hospitality.
Flyers for District Events

 Quick Links

Lois Lenski Elementary Website 
February Calendar of Events

King Soopers and Safeway reloadable card ($25)
order form

Target Take Charge of Education Program - 1% to Lenski 
streets of southglenn
Box Tops #2
Keep Saving and Submitting Your Box Tops In The Container Outside the Office

Archives for Lenski Weekly Announcements 
If you have any questions about information in this email, please contact PTO Communications, Jennifer Gruidel 
(lenskicommunications@gmail.com) or PTO Co-Presidents Dana McDermott (grlmcdermott@comcast.net) and/or Amy Dawson (amymdawson@yahoo.com).   For access to past issues of the Lenski Weekly Announcements, please visit our archives
 for more information.