Lenski Weekly Announcements 
August 27, 2014

Lenski Annual Giving - A Community Coming Together

 What makes our Lenski community the BEST???


1.  A team of dedicated teachers, staff, and  administration  with commitment to all students in the areas of literacy and math through small group learning.


2.  Incredible Superstar students!!


3.  A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence designation, not once but twice, by the U.S. Department of Education that establishes Lenski as one of the most successful schools.


4. The Colorado Department of Education ranks Lenski as one of the highest-performing public schools in the state and has awarded us the John Irwin School of Excellence seven times!




5.  Dedication and commitment from parents who invest in all of this by contributing each year for additional specialist teachers.


Please join us and be a part of this great community by giving this year to the Lenski Annual Giving Campaign! Remember 100% of the money given goes directly back to the school for this additional staffing!!


Click here to donate today!  For more information, please click here or contact Mindy Wilson (ml3wilson@gmail.com).

**Lenski Annual Giving is the most significant fundraiser of the year ending October 1!!
In This Issue

 Lenski Star Logo



Lenski Annual Giving  


Lunch on the Lawn Starts Sept. 8


Blood Drive  for Children's Hospital Colorado 


Boy Scouts - thank you & Join Night 


New Date for Bingo


Strong Start to King Soopers Reloadable Card Program!  

 Quick Links

Lois Lenski Elem.
Calendar of Events
 Lunch Calendar
Grocery Cards ($25 each)

Keep Saving and Submitting Your Box Tops in Container Outside the Office

Streets of Southglenn Program

Archived Emails of "Lenski Wednesday Announcements"
Mark Your Calendars

August 28 - 3rd Grade Back to School Night 6:00 pm

September 1 - Labor Day, No School

September 2 - 4th Grade Back to School Night 6:00 pm

September 2 - Boy Scout Join Night, 7:00 pm at Lenski

September 4 - 1st Grade Back to School Night 6:00 pm

September 8 - Lunch on the Lawn begins
                     (details in this week's LWA!)

September 9 - 5th Grade Back to School Night, 6:00 pm

September 10 - PLC Day
                       KAM:  11:06am - 1:02 pm
                       KPM:  1:47 pm - 3:43 pm
                       Grades 1-5: 11:06 am - 3:43 pm

September 11 - Kindergarten Back to School Night,
                       6:00 pm


Lunch on the Lawn 
September 8 - September 15
Volunteers needed for Lunch on the Lawn Crosswalk Monitors!  


This great Lenski tradition is possible by you volunteering 1 hour of your time during the weeks of September 8th and September 15th at lunchtime.  Please click here for more more information including dates/times for each grade.  To sign up for a volunteer slot click here

Questions?  Contact Bethany DeBerard - bdeberard@msn.com or 303-819-2862


Blood Drive
September 18 


On Thursday, September 18th, Lenski will host its Spring Blood Drive to benefit Children's Hospital from 9am to 1pm.  This is the first community service event of the new school year.  One donation can help save the lives of up to three people.  


If you would like to donate blood, please click on Blood Donor.  If you would like to donate snacks, please click on Food/Drink Donation.  


For eligibility requirements to donate blood, please click on Donor Eligibility and/or Medication Deferral List.   Please note - if you have traveled outside the country in the last 6 weeks, please call Children's Hospital at 720-777-5398 to verify your eligibility.  


Questions?  Please contact Lisa Zook at lzook@me.com.   


Thank You to Our Lenski Boy Scout Pack and Their Families! 


Every year before school starts Lenski Pack 664 participates in their community service project which benefits their Chartered Organization, Lois Lenski Elementary School. The Scouts & their families provide the tools and manpower to clean up the school grounds. 

On Saturday, August 16th there was a full contingent of boys, girls, dads, moms and grandparents equipped with brooms, shovels, clippers, spades and blowers to help get the grounds in shape for the school year.  We would like to thank them all for their time and effort.

Now Boy Scouts 2013is a good time to join Boy Scouts if you aren't already a member.  Pack 664 has a great program planned for this year.  Please check out their wiki page, or come to Join Night on Tuesday, September 2nd, 7:00 p.m. at Lenski.


New Date - Family Bingo Night!
Friday, October 24  


 Don't miss out on one of Lenski's best traditions!  Bingo night is now Friday, October 24.  Stay on the lookout for more details!  Have questions? Contact Sheryle Gaston at psgaston0525@gmail.com.


Strong start to King Soopers Reloadable card program!
In August, our loyal reloading community finished the summer strong! Parents, teachers, and friends added money to Lenski-linked reloadable King Soopers cards, then used those cards to pay for gas, groceries, and prescriptions. Thanks to these efforts with the Reloadable Grocery Cards, the PTO received a check in August for more than $1,000 - and a total of $24,000 last year.apple dollar sign
Questions? Need a Reloadable Grocery Card? Click here to order.  Call or e-mail your inquiries and any special requests to Cameron Morgan, 303-257-9747, JCMorgan1969@yahoo.com  and Sandy Schwedt, 303-562-4122, s.schwedt@comcast.net 
If you have any questions about information in this email, please contact PTO Communications, Jennifer Gruidel 
(lenskicommunications@gmail.com) or PTO Co-Presidents Holly Malcolm (hollymalcolm@comcast.net  and/or Dana McDermott (grlmcdermott@comcast.net).   For access to past issues of the Lenski Weekly Announcements, please visit our archives
 for more information.